
  • 网络haman;xian'an
  1. 刘昌强在咸安区站稳脚跟后,又到温泉区发展,让孪生弟弟刘昌佳打理。

    Liu Changjiang firm foothold in the Xian'an , went to the hot spring area development , so that twin brother Liu Changjia care .

  2. 这位单身母亲曾是咸安区唯一的省级优秀会计师,早年离婚,独自将儿子季军(化名)带大。

    The single mother was the only provincial Xian'an good accountant , early divorce , her son alone in the third ( not his real name ) brought .

  3. 发展楠竹产业振兴农村经济&关于咸安区楠竹产业化建设的调查与思考

    Bamboo industry development , vitalizing economy in rural areas

  4. 湖北省咸安区楠竹产业化的发展显示出其巨大的潜力和良好的发展前景。

    Great potentialities and prospect are showed for moso industry in Xianan Prefecture , Hubei province .

  5. 刘昌强生于1972年,老家在咸安区一个偏僻山村,家境赤贫。

    Liu Changjiang , born in1972 , his home village in a remote area Haman , his family was destitute .

  6. 咸宁市桂花栽培历史悠久,咸安区现还有少量千年古桂。

    The Xianning sweet-scented osmanthus cultivation history is glorious , Xianan District presently also has the few millennium ancient sweet osmanthus .

  7. 面对种种反常现象,咸安警方主要负责人决心深入彻底调查。

    The face of these anomalies , the main person in charge of Haman the police thoroughly investigated in depth determination .

  8. 在找差距的基础上,作者展望了咸安区楠竹产业化的前景与建议。

    On the basis of disparity , prospect of moso industry development and suggestions in the prefecture are mentioned in the paper .

  9. 丘陵山区县域耕地资源变化及驱动力研究&以湖北省咸宁市咸安区为例

    Studies on Change and Driving Forces of the Cultivated Land Resource in South Mound Region & A Case of Xian'an County , Xianning City of Hubei Province

  10. 本文以湖北咸安区高桥镇为例,对咸安区乡镇站所改革的全过程进行重新扫描,并探讨了这一体制变迁的重大意义。

    Taking the example of the departmental reform exercised in Gaoqiao Town of Xian'an Urban District , Hubei Province , this paper probes into the significance of the institutional transformation .

  11. 咸安农民用水者协会产生于行政力量的推动下,一定程度上解决了咸安农田水利供给问题:恢复了咸安水费征收制度;

    Xian'an Farmer 's Irrigation and Water Conservancy Association came into being under the pressure of administration , and it solves the supply of water conservancy in certain degree : restoring the collect of changes for water ;