
  • 网络Value;Brand value;Brand Equity;brandvalue
  1. 整合营销的战略思想就集中在创造品牌价值上,出版社的品牌建设可以从两方面考虑,一是出版社CI建设;

    Strategic concept of marketing integration concentrates on the creation of brand value .

  2. CVD技术主张中的童装品牌价值与设计理念

    Children Dress Brand Value and Design Concept in the CVD Technical Proposition

  3. CVD技术与童装品牌价值的提升和识别

    CVD technique and children dress brand value identification

  4. 动态研究公司(RIM)的黑莓品牌价值下跌了20%。

    Research In Motion 's BlackBerry brand lost a fifth of its brand value .

  5. 通过PI,消费者与企业建立了基于品牌价值基础上的紧密联系。

    With PI , a link based on value could be built to tie the consumer with enterprise closely .

  6. 整体品牌价值降幅最大的4家机构美国运通(americanexpress)、加拿大皇家银行(rbc)、花旗和美国银行品牌价值占市值的比例都出现上升。

    Four big fallers in terms of overall brand value American Express , RBC , Citi and Bank of America all saw their brand value rise as a percentage of market capitalisation .

  7. 从擅于利用互联网和品牌价值,到纪律严明、组织严密,巴拉克奥巴马(barackobama)的2008年总统竞选活动,对于营销人员来说,不啻一堂实物教学课。

    From its mastery of the Internet and brand values to its relentless discipline and organisation , the 2008 presidential campaign of Barack Obama was an object lesson to marketers .

  8. 在研究过程中,我们发现Z银行是一家国内最具成长性的银行,拥有着领先的品牌价值优势。

    In the course of the study , we found that Z is a bank of the growth of most domestic banks , with a leading edge of brand value .

  9. AT&T正在尝试收购时代华纳。时代华纳是CNN的母公司,包括债务在内,其品牌价值为1.09万亿美元。

    The company is trying to close an ? acquisition of CNN 's parent company , Time Warner , that is worth about $ 109 billion including debt .

  10. 小米品牌价值涨幅最大,其价值是去年五倍,为73亿美元,TCL和华为位居其后。

    Mi was the fastest riser , with its value shooting up fivefold year-on-year , to come in at $ 7.3 billion , followed by TCL and Huawei .

  11. 根据MillwardBrown的调查,2006年惠普的品牌价值增加了27%,在全球排行榜上前进了六位,升至第15位。

    In 2006 , HP 's brand valuation rose 27 per cent according to Millward Brown and the group has advanced six places to number 15 in the global ranking .

  12. 即使是花旗集团(Citigroup)和通用电气(GE)这样的大型美国公司,在承受公司股东苛刻关注的情况下,仍然努力提升自己的品牌价值(花旗的品牌是Citi)。

    Even large US corporations such as Citigroup and General Electric have managed to raise their brand value ( the brand in the former case being Citi ) despite enduring tough scrutiny from corporate shareholders .

  13. 在第三章中根据定性和定量的分析结果提出挖掘B2C网站品牌价值的策略和途径,分别提出三条策略和六条途径。

    In the third chapter , the author give the results according to survey mining the value of B2C Web site brand strategy and direction , and propose three measures and the six paths .

  14. MillwardBrownOptimor的研究显示,具有强大品牌价值的公司和产品能明显获得较高的回报,无论是在牛市还是在最近的市场低迷时期。

    The Millward Brown study showed that products and companies with strong brand value enjoyed markedly stronger returns in good times and also during the recent market downturn .

  15. 品牌价值增长最快的行业是服装,由运动服饰耐克(Nike)和快时尚品牌Zara引领,因为人们更多地关注健康和健身,同时Zara的快时尚在中国变得越来越受欢迎。

    The fastest-rising sector is apparel , driven by Nike in sportswear as people pay more attention to health and fitness , and Zara , whose fast fashion is becoming increasingly popular in China .

  16. 本文在解读HIROSE模型基础上,运用HIROSE模型对我国电子行业品牌价值进行了实证研究。

    In the end , we use the HIROSE model to give an empirical analysis on Chinese electron industry .

  17. 方法:研究国内、外品牌价值评估方法和OTC企业及其产品特征,运用统计方法构建OTC品牌价值评估指标体系,引入模糊综合评价法评估OTC品牌价值。

    METHODS : The brand value evaluation methods both at home and abroad and the characteristics of OTC manufacturing enterprises and their products were studied , and OTC brand value evaluation index system was constructed using statistical method , and OTC brand value was evaluated using Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation .

  18. 解放品牌价值蝉联第一。

    Faw 's brand value continue to hold a title of No.

  19. 基于品牌价值的销售额预测模型应用研究

    The Research on Forecasting Model of Saleroom Based on Brand Value

  20. 基于品牌价值体现的接触点一致性管理探讨

    Touch - Point Consistency Management Research Base on Brand Value Proposition

  21. 基于消费者心理需求的品牌价值构建

    Construction of Brand on the Basis of Consumers ' Psychological Need

  22. 基于灰色系统的房地产企业品牌价值评估

    Brand Value Appraisal of Real Estate Company Based on Grey System

  23. 通过强化管理,提升品牌价值。

    By the strengthened management and promote the brand value .

  24. 农业品牌价值模糊综合评估法分析

    Analysis of the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method for the agricultural brand value

  25. 试论品牌价值与顾客忠诚的关系

    On the Relation of Brand Value and Clients ' Loyalty

  26. 在传播沟通中确立品牌价值

    Establishment the value of brand at the spreading and communicating

  27. 基于实物期权的品牌价值评估方法研究

    A Research of Brand Equity Value Assessment Method Based on Real Options

  28. 基于品牌价值链的服务品牌资产实证研究

    A Empirical Study of Service Brand Equity Based on Brand Value Chain

  29. 服装卖场氛围营造对服装品牌价值的影响

    Building up an Atmosphere of Clothing Outlet Influencing Brand Value

  30. 礼物必须要能强化杂志真正的品牌价值。

    The gift must reinforce the true brand values of the magazine .