
  • 网络Brand Equity;brand asset;Equity
  1. 本研究在此基础上认为品牌资产是消费者与品牌长期互动(体验)的过程中,基于品牌认知(BrandKnowledge)而对所选择品牌的反应,即品牌资产来源于消费者的品牌认知和感知质量。

    So this study views that brand equity is a reaction to choose brand based on brand-knowledge in the personal experience-process , in another word , brand equity comes from the brand-knowledge and perceived quality of the customers .

  2. 本文对品牌资产概念主要涉及的三个层次:BrandAsset,brandequity和brandvalue的涵义及其相互关系加以解析,为品牌资产理论的研究提供了参考。

    Our research analyses the meaning and mutual relations of three important concepts that closely relate to the concept of brand equity : Brand Asset , Brand Equity and Brand Value , thereby providing referrence for brand equity study .

  3. brandvalue从经济学本原上描述了品牌资产能够存在的根本原因。

    Brand Value describes the essential existing reason of Brand Asset from the economics angle .

  4. 论文最后对OTC品牌资产价值评估模型进行了实证研究。

    Finally this paper studies applied the OTC brand assets value evaluation model .

  5. 主要是通过相关理论的介绍及文献回顾,为B2C网站品牌资产构成要素的分析提供理论依据。

    To provide the theoretical basis for analysis the composition factors of B2C website brand asset by reviewing the related theories and records .

  6. 了解B2C网站品牌资产的驱动因素以及对购物意向的影响具有重要的理论和实践意义。

    Understanding the drivers of B2C web equity and its influence on online purchase intent is of great theoretical and practical significance . The results offer important implications for marketing practitioners .

  7. 论文同时选取具有一定代表性的OTC药品(非处方药)为研究对象,构架起评估模型与消费品品牌资产价值评估之间的桥梁。

    At the same time , it selects the representative OTC ( over-the-counter ) as the studying object , to build up the bridge between the evaluation model and consuming products brand evaluation .

  8. 三是构建顾客视角B2C网站品牌资产影响要素的金字塔模型,采用结构方程模型进行了研究,修正了以往关系价值在B2C购物网站中的意义。

    Last but not the least , it built a B2C website brand assets affect elements pyramid model from customer perspective using structural equation modeling , and corrected the significance of past relationship value in the B2C shopping site .

  9. 所有的雇主都知道,像品牌资产这样的话太容易讲了,所以他们应该在昂贵的信号中寻找天才的迹象&比如MBA。

    All employers know that phrases such as " brand equity " are all too easy to spout , and that they should look instead for signs of genius in costly signals , for example , a useless but difficult degree - such as an MBA .

  10. 学者对于品牌资产理论在传统领域中的研究很多,但针对网络市场,特别是B2C电子商务市场领域的研究不多,大都还属于概念性的定性探讨。

    Many study about the theory of brand equity in traditional area have done by experts . But the study about web markets , especially the B2C e-business markets area are rare . Most of the study are qualitative discussion of conceptual .

  11. 在总结学内外学者关于战略性CSR及品牌资产等理论的基础上,通过问卷调查,构建了我国企业的基于消费者的CSR对品牌资产的影响研究模型,并通过实证对模型进行检验和修正。

    In the foundation of summarizing the domestic and foreign scholars study on strategic CSR and brand equity , it constructs the model of the relationship between strategic CSR and brand equity . It also carries on the examination and the revision through the real diagnosis to the model .

  12. 如Aaker所提出的基于消费者的品牌资产模型虽然在品牌与消费者关系上深有洞见,但这一模型对品牌资产动态演进过程的阐释具有明显的局限性。

    For example , Aaker proposed a brand equity model in light of consumer . Although it had an insight into the relationship between brand and consumers , the model had not comprehensively interpreted the dynamic evolution mechanics of brand equity .

  13. 产品伤害危机对品牌资产影响的实证研究

    Empirical Study on the Impact of Product-Harm Crises on Brand Equity

  14. 如何成功累积品牌资产,提升品牌价值?

    How to build brand equity successfully to raise brand value ?

  15. 景区型目的地品牌资产评估的指标体系构建与评估模型初探

    Establishing Indicator Systems of Tourism Destination and Exploring the Assessment Model

  16. 然而,品牌资产不是总能价值为正。

    However , brand equity is not always positive in value .

  17. 顾客感知价值与品牌资产关系研究

    The Research of Relationship between Customer Perceived Value and Brand Equity

  18. 本文从消费者态度方面对品牌资产评估进行实证研究。

    This study explores the common factors of consumer-based brand equity empirically .

  19. 品牌资产评估模型的建立及应用

    Establishment of Evaluation Model for the Brand Assets and It 's Application

  20. 品牌资产评估模型的构建与应用研究

    The Establishment and Applied Research of Brand Equity Assessment Model

  21. 基于绿色设计的品牌资产增值研究

    Research of the Appreciation of Brand Assets based on the Green Design

  22. 基于顾客的品牌资产来源及其影响探究

    Exploring the Source of Consumer-based Brand Equity and Its Effect

  23. 品牌资产如何驱动顾客关系管理绩效&基于分解法视角的实证研究

    Study of the Relationship Between Brand Equity and Management Performance of Customer

  24. 品牌资产是企业的一笔巨大财富。

    Brand asset is a big fortune for every enterprise .

  25. 广告投入影响品牌资产的实证研究

    The Influence of Advertising Spending on Brand Equity : An Empirical Study

  26. 多视角下的品牌资产概念述评

    Review on the Concepts of Brand Equity under Different Perspectives

  27. 最后,在研究课题中还实现了品牌资产价值评估辅助系统的相关功能。

    Finally , some related functions of the proposed system are also implemented .

  28. 品牌资产是现代企业最宝贵的资产。

    The brand property is the most precious property in the modern enterprise .

  29. 2010年亚运会与广州城市品牌资产的增值路径探析

    Guangzhou 2010 Asian Games and the Value-added Path of the City Brand Equity

  30. 传统区域品牌资产流失与社会资本变迁

    Traditional Brand 's Loss and Social Capital 's Change