
pǐn zhì chénɡ běn
  • cost of quality
  1. 我们可以改善品质成本吗?

    Can we improve on the cost of quality ?

  2. 致力于降低品质成本意味著减少入货时的检查及物料的不良品。

    Efforts to hold down the cost of quality mean eliminating both the inspection of incoming goods and the failures resulting from material defects .

  3. 玩具品质与成本控制

    Quality and Cost Control

  4. 公司本着“品质、成本、交期、服务”为宗旨,严把品质关,着力打造质优价廉。

    The company of " quality , cost , delivery time and service ", strict quality customs and strive to build high-quality .

  5. 现已建立了一种集时间、品质、成本、能源消耗和环境影响等五大决策目标的面向绿色制造的刀具选择数学模型及评价体系;

    This text has set up a kind of mathematics model and appraising system on cutter choice which to meet the green manufacturing .

  6. 印刷与上光油搭配,品质及成本均比铜板纸印刷后贴上光膜较具优势。

    To match with varnishes application , both quality and cost are better than the pricessing method which using art paper finished varnish-film .

  7. 公司由于在生产管理条件和规模上的优势,形成了品质和成本上的优势。确保长期稳步、高速的发展。

    The advantage of Quality and Cost coming from the production manufacture and large scale will guarantee our long-termed stable and quick development .

  8. 在产品整个生命周期中,设计占有极其重要的位置,它在很大程度上决定着产品的品质和成本。

    Design occupied an extremely important position during the whole life period ; it decides the quality and cost of product to a great extent .

  9. 施肥与产量、品质、成本、土壤培肥、食品污染和环境污染等问题密切相关,它是社会经济自然复合生态系统物质循环调控的重要措施。

    Fertilization has been becoming a very important strategy that can adjust the nutrient cycle connected with yield , food quality , cost , fertility , non-point pollution in Social-Economic-Natural Complex Ecosystem ( SENCE ) .

  10. 铸造工艺的经济管理必须把工艺、品质、成本、管理结合起来,重视产品的试制和反馈,提高企业素质。

    Technology , quality , cost , management must be combined together . In the meanwhile , attention should be paid to the trial production and reflective feeding , so that it could improve the enterprise quality .

  11. 混凝土配合比设计决定了混凝土的品质和成本,直接影响到建筑物的耐久性,关系到工程的施工、造价和经济效益。

    The mix proportion design of concrete which determines the quality and cost of concrete not only has a direct impact on the durability , but also relates to the construction cost and economic benefit of the project .

  12. 光伏发电产业带动了多晶硅产业的迅猛发展,多晶硅电源是多晶硅生产环节中极其重要的设备,其性能的好坏直接影响着多晶硅生产的品质和成本。

    Polycrystalline silicon photovoltaic power generation industry driven the rapid development of industry , Polysilicon supply is extremely important part of polysilicon production equipment , The performance of a direct impact on the quality and cost of polysilicon production .

  13. 然后对该战略从产品经营调整、产品品质提升、成本效益管控等三个方面制定了详细的发展措施。

    It presents the specific development measure in respect of adjusting products , improving qualities and controlling cost-benefit .

  14. 掌握有关内部流程及客户退货问题分析的详尽技巧以降低由于低品质产生的成本。

    Detailed analysis skills of trouble shooting Internal Process and Customer Return to reduce cost of Poor Quality .

  15. 在此基础上,展望了今后我国茶业发展趋势,茶业必须依靠科技走可持续发展的道路,提高品质、降低成本是茶业科技创新的重点方向。

    In the next century , tea industry must take strategy of sustainable development depending on Science and technology .

  16. 而业主对工程的最大期望,则是品质高、成本低与工期短。

    And the owner 's biggest expectation for the construction is high qualities , low costs and short terms .

  17. 金属镁企业中应用计算机技术,微机控制配料系统,提高镁的质量与品质,降低成本。

    Computer technology and controlling mixed materials system are applied metal magnesium enterprises , it can improve the quality and reduce cost .

  18. 那时大家认为更全面、更严谨的方法可以帮助我们创建品质可靠、成本可准确估计的软件。

    At that time we believed that bigger , more disciplined methodologies would help us create software with consistent quality and predictable costs .

  19. 闪速炉是铜冶炼生产中的重要设备,其生产状况的优劣对铜锍品质及生产成本具有重要影响。

    Flash furnace is the important equipment in copper metallurgical process because of its great influence on the quality of matte and cost of production .

  20. 菜籽中的叶绿素含量高低直接影响菜籽油品质和加工成本,因此日益受到育种家及油脂加工行业的重视。

    The chlorophyll content of rapeseed directly impact on the level and quality of rapeseed oil , which is also have relation with the processing cost .

  21. 对外部通路伙伴进行资料分享的约束,是否会导致低品质、高成本、交货期拉长或其他负面的结果?

    Do these restrictions on sharing information with external channel partners result in lower quality , higher costs , longer lead times or any other adverse outcomes ?

  22. 回弹控制对产品品质、开发成本和周期有着重大影响,一直是国内外重点研究的工程难题。

    The Control to Springback , which has a major impact on the quality , cost and development cycle of the product , is a difficult engineering problem .

  23. 进而提出了采购流程的优化方案,目标就是缩短采购提前期、提高品质、降低成本和适应市场的快速变化。

    Finally generate the purchasing process optimization plan aiming at shortening the lead time , enhancing the quality , reducing the cost and adapting the rapid market change .

  24. 从技术的角度,围绕品质目标和成本目标,针对不同线束的不同材质要求,提出精细设计理念,达到降低线束成本的目的。

    According to quality goal and cost goal , aiming at different demands of different wiring harness , the idea of delicate design to reduce the cost of wiring harness is discussed here .

  25. 本文介绍了双螺杆挤压技术的特点和挤压系统的组成,并着重阐述了提高饲料品质和降低成本的具体方法。

    This paper introduces the features of the twin-screw extrusion technology and the composition of the extrusion system , and emphatically elaborates the actual methods for improving the feed quality and reducing the cost .

  26. 究其原因,是半导体激光二极管技艺的成熟,它具有高稳性、高效率、高寿命等一系列优良品质,同时成本的大大降低也促进了其市场蓬勃发展。

    The reason was that the technology of the laser diode become more reliable , and LD has many good properties such as high stability , high efficiency and high life . In the meantime , the reduction of cost gives an impetus to markets to develop vigorously .

  27. 随着旧矿越挖越深,矿石的品质下降使提取成本增加。

    As older mines get deeper , ore grades decline and extraction becomes more expensive .

  28. 公司的品质政策为降低成本、提高效率、提升品质、并满足客户的需求。

    The quality policy is efficiency improvement , cost reduction , quality assurance , customer satisfaction .

  29. 提高产品品质,降低生产成本,是企业竞争制胜的法宝。

    Enhancing product quality and reducing product cost is the key for enterprises to win competitions .

  30. 两种中间件技术的使用可以提高开发品质及降低开发成本。

    Through two kinds of middleware technology can improve the development quality and reduce the cost of development .