
  • Harry;Harry Potter;Harley;Haley
  1. 很自然地,简对哈利的干预极为不满。

    Not unnaturally , Jane greatly resented Harry 's interference .

  2. 哈利立志做一名医生。

    Harry aims at becoming a doctor .

  3. 哈利出海时,把东西都装了箱,放在了仓库里。

    When Harry went to sea , his things were boxed up and put in the storeroom .

  4. 他们饶有兴趣地听着,接着又热情昂扬地展开了关于哈利冒险之旅的盛大讨论。

    They listened with great interest and then enthusiasticly joined in grand conversations about Harry 's adventures .

  5. 在一次家庭的汽车旅行中,她的姨妈黛德拿出了一本《哈利波特》,作为给她侄女的一个惊喜。

    On a family car trip , her Aunt Dede pulled out a copy of Harry Potter , as a surprise for her niece .

  6. 我从没试过在火车上朗读报纸,但几年前,我为我那几个无聊又吵闹的孩子念了几章《哈利波特》。

    I have not tried reading my newspaper out loud on a train , but , several years ago , I read some chapters from Harry Porter to my bored and noisy children .

  7. 西弗勒斯·斯内普是《哈利波特》中一位教魔法的熟练巫师。

    Severus Snape is a skillful wizard teaching magic in Harry Potter .

  8. 他想看哈利波特或霍比特人的电影布景。

    He would like to see the Harry Potter or The Hobbit movie sets .

  9. 对于哈利波特迷来说,这听起来很耳熟。

    That sounds familiar to Harry Potter fans .

  10. 哈利:我明白了……但我想去读离家很远的学校。

    Harry : I see ... but I want to go to a school that is far from my home .

  11. 你的礼物可以帮助我们给哈利这样从冰冷街道走来的人提供温暖的接待。

    With your gift , you could help us offer a warm welcome to someone like Harvey who 's come in from the freezing streets .

  12. 哈利:我也是。但是初中的结束是新生活的开始。你要去哪里学习?

    Harry : Me neither . But the end of junior high school is the beginning of a new life.Where are you going to study ?

  13. 哈利:是的,我不能总是依赖我的父母。迟早,我会一个人生活,面对生活中的困难。

    Harry : Yes , I can 't always depend on ( upon ) my parents.Sooner or later , I will live alone and face the difficulties in my life .

  14. 如果你不喜欢传统的节日电影,也可以选择不同的主题,比如你喜欢的超级英雄电影或哈利波特系列电影。TurnRoutineonitsHead打乱常规作息

    You can also choose a different theme if you 're not into traditional holiday movies - like your favorite super hero movies or the Harry4 Potter series .

  15. 只有一个孩子缺席,就是哈利。

    Only one boy was absent , namely Harry .

  16. 相比浪漫的一见钟情,还是日久生情更为普遍。当哈利第一次遇见莎莉时,他曾宣称男人和女人不能做朋友,因为“总躲不过性这一关”。

    When Harry1 first met Sally , he asserted men and women could not be friends because the " sex part always gets in the way " .

  17. 像猫王这样的歌手以及像哈利(BillHaley)的RockAroundtheClock这样的歌,使摇滚音乐普遍地受到欢迎。

    Performers like Elvis Presley and songs like Bill Haley ´ s " Rock Around the Clock " made rock music widely popular .

  18. 作为同代人中最好的魔法师之一,哈利・波特(HarryPotter)就读的是大名鼎鼎的霍格沃兹魔法学校(HogwartsSchool)。

    As one of his generation 's best wizards , Harry Potter ended up enrolling in the prestigious Hogwarts School .

  19. 想看丹尼尔裸戏的粉丝们要high了,一个魂器引发了Ron的幻象,让他看到了哈利和赫敏卿卿我我,搂搂抱抱。

    When a horcrux forces Ron to imagine his worst fears , playing on his insecurities , one of the images he sees is Harry and Hermione kissing and embracing .

  20. 马里奥说他看到她们一起手牵手走着,所以泰勒斯威夫特和OneDirection哈利你是在这里听说的,他们正式在一起了,我只能说这么多。

    Mario said he saw them ' walking off hand in hand . So Taylor Swift and Harry from One Direction - you heard it here first . [ They 're ] officially hanging out , I can say that much . '

  21. 与他以往很多夜晚一样,莱特曼幽默地提到他的儿子哈利(Harry),用尖尖的假声模仿儿子的声音。

    As he has on many a night , Mr. Letterman made a humorous reference to his son , Harry , imitating his voice in a squeaky falsetto .

  22. 当哈利角落Malfoy,这导致他们的第一个真正的身体对抗。

    When Harry corners Malfoy , it leads to their first truly physical fight .

  23. Dudley有两个孩子:关于哈利波特的世界罗琳知道很多从来没有出版在书中的东西。

    Dudley has two children : Rowling knows a lot about the Harry Potter world that was never published in the books .

  24. 例如,哈利波特的纸质版本要卖到15美元,而粉丝们却能以一个相当便宜的价格下载它的数字版到他们的kindle或者ipad上面。

    For instance , the paper version of Harry Potter sells for15 dollars while fans can download its digital version to their Kindles or i-pads at a significantly cheaper price .

  25. JK罗琳写了关于哈利波特的系列丛书,这个孩子的前额有一块伤疤,身世隐密。

    JK Rowling has written a series of books about Harry Potter , a boy with a scar on his forehead and a secret past .

  26. 《哈利波特》第一部出版前,JK罗琳曾申请过教师岗,目前该申请表售价已达六位数。

    A teaching application sent by JK Rowling before the publication of the first Harry Potter book has gone up for sale for a six-figure sum .

  27. 最后一本书《哈利・波特与死亡圣器》(HarryPotterandtheDeathlyHallows)将被拍摄成两部影片,目前尚不清楚两人的吻戏会出现在其中哪一部。

    The final book ," Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows ," is being split into two films and it remains unknown which of the final two movies contains the kiss .

  28. 南海泡沫的起因是英国时任财政大臣罗伯特•哈利(RobertHarley)伯爵希望为国债融资而制造的毁灭性阴谋。

    The South Sea Bubble was the result of ruinous machinations by Britain 's lord treasurer , Robert Harley , Earl of Oxford , who was looking to fund the national debt .

  29. 《哈利波特》系列丛书的作者JK罗琳,将根据她在2001年写的54页霍格沃茨教科书《神奇动物在哪里》撰写三部电影剧本。

    JK Rowling , author of the Harry Potter book series , is going to write three films based on the 54-page Hogwarts textbook she wrote in 2001 .

  30. 在《哈利波特》系列大获成功前,J.K.罗琳是一个靠社会福利维持生计的单身母亲。

    Before the wildly successful Harry Potter series came to life , J.K. Rowling was a single mom on welfare .