
  • 网络harrogate;Harrogate College
  1. W:这次的《UpYourStreet》节目将带你去哈罗盖特,约克郡的一个小城镇。

    W : This week 's program Up Your Street takes you to Harrogate , a small town in Yorkshire .

  2. 这片用地变成了哈罗盖特所有。

    The Stray became part of the land owned by Harrogate .

  3. 相反,哈罗盖特成了受欢迎的养老地。

    Instead , Harrogate has become a popular town for people to retire to .

  4. 我们对现代的哈罗盖特有什么了解?

    What do we learn about modern Harrogate ?

  5. 但是,11天之后,在约克郡哈罗盖特的温泉宾馆,人们找到了阿加莎,她还活着!

    But11 days later Agatha was found , alive , at the Harrogate Hydropathic Hotel .

  6. 报道说,辛普森祖孙三代将于2006年2月在英国哈罗盖特剧院联合举行画展。

    The three generations of Simpsons have a joint exhibition of their work in February at Harrogate Theatre .

  7. 哈罗盖特在维多利亚时期是时髦的旅游地,那时人们来此在矿物水中泡温泉。

    Harrogate became a fashionable resort during Victorian times , when people came to take a bath in the mineral waters .

  8. 现在,我们请来了商会主席汤姆·珀西瓦尔来告诉我们更多哈罗盖特的情况。

    Now , to tell us more about Harrogate , I have with me Tom Percival , President of the Chamber of Commerce .

  9. W:汤姆,参观者注意到哈罗盖特有一个大型的开放公园直到镇中心,你能跟我们说说这个吗?

    W : Tom , one of the things visitor notices about Harrogate is the large area of open park land right down into the middle of the town . Can you tell us more about it ?