
  • 网络hartmann;Hartman
  1. 哈特曼&夏克波前传感器结合高速CCD可以实现光束波前畸变的实时测量。

    Hartmann wavefront sensor with high-speed CCD can measure the optical aberrations in real-time .

  2. ICCD型与CCD型弱光哈特曼-夏克波前传感器的性能分析与对比

    Performance Analysis and Comparison of ICCD and CCD Types of Hartmann Shack

  3. 哈特曼波前传感器的Matlab仿真

    Simulation of the Hartmann-Shack Sensor by Matlab

  4. 对Zernike模式法重构19单元哈特曼测量波前的研究

    Research of Zernike modal wavefront reconstruction of 19-element Hartmann-Shack wavefront sensor

  5. Zernike矩提高哈特曼波前传感器的鲁棒性

    Improvement of the Robustness of Hartmann Wavefront Sensor by Using Zernike Moment

  6. 随着哈特曼探测器广泛应用于精密测试领域,使得高分辨、高速CCD相机接口技术的研究成为热点。

    With the Hartmann-Shack Sensor used in exact test field widely , the research about interface of high speed , high-powered digital CCD camera become trend .

  7. 夏克-哈特曼传感器任意形状孔径波前的模式重构及Zernike多项式描述

    Model Wavefront Reconstruction of Shack-Hartmann Sensor on Arbitrary Area and Wavefront Expression by Zernike Polynomials

  8. 思科(Cisco)的哈特曼表示,没有什么技术会彻底退出历史舞台,它们只不过会变得更加商品化,或是变得不那么有价值。

    Cisco 's Hartman added that no technology truly dies , it just becomes more commoditized or less valuable .

  9. 还记得《周六夜现场》(SaturdayNightLive)的一个小品吗?菲尔•哈特曼(PhilipHartmann)在《药林匹克运动会》(AllDrugOlympics)里扮演名叫谢尔盖•阿克穆多夫(SergeiAkmudov)的苏联举重运动员。

    Remember that " Saturday Night Live " sketch , with Phil Hartman playing a Soviet weight lifter named Sergei Akmudov at the All Drug Olympics ?

  10. 哈特曼-夏克波前传感器通常采用CCD相机作为探测器件,CCD像元之间的离散性,导致连续灰度图像被抽样成离散图像。

    Discreteness between image elements make the continuous gray image discrete when using CCD as the detecting device of Hartmann-Shack wavefront sensor , which will influence the accuracy of wavefront sensing .

  11. 讨论了系统波前哈特曼(Hartmann)探测误差,拟合误差以及变形镜波前复原误差。

    The errors of Hartmann wavefront sensing , fitted wave front and deformable mirror wavefront recovery are discussed .

  12. 在介绍哈特曼流场层析重建原理的基础上,对流场重建的整个过程进行了计算机仿真,重建的RMS误差为0.0726。

    On the basis of the principle of flow tomography reconstruction , a simulation to the whole process is conducted and a 0.0726 RMS error is obtained .

  13. 研究了哈特曼哨的发声机理,并设计了圆锥腔型Hartmann哨。

    The sound generating mechanism of the Hartmann whistle is studied , and the conical cavity type Hartmann whistle is designed . 3 .

  14. 证明了在球极坐标下,哈特曼势在维度r和维度θ都具有超对称性和形不变性,从而求得此势的能量本征值和能量本征函数。

    This article shows that in spherical polar coordinates , the Hartmann potential has supersymmetry and shape invariance in the r dimension and in the θ dimension , and thus it obtains the energy eigenvalues and energy eigenfunctions of this potential .

  15. 为了使夏克-哈特曼波前传感器(HS)在具有高灵敏的同时又能获得大的动态测量范围,介绍了一种能够增大HS动态测试范围的软件处理方法-外推法。

    A software-based method called extrapolation method was presented to overcome the trade-off between the sensitivity and the dynamic range of displacement of Shack-Hartmann Wave-front Sensor ( HS ) .

  16. 自适应光学系统中采用CCD作为哈特曼波前传感器的光斑质心位置探测器时,由于光斑的高斯宽度较小会带来大采样误差。

    The Gauss width of focal spot which is too small results in the sampling error while using CCD as the centroid detecting device of Shack-Hartmann Wavefront Sensor ( SHWS ) in Adaptive Optics ( AO ) system .

  17. 利用哈特曼-夏克波前传感器测量视觉系统的波像差,再由波像差和瞳函数的自相关,即可得出视觉系统的MTF。

    MTF of a vision system can be measured through measuring wavefront aberrations of a vision system with Hartmann-Shack wavefront sensor and self-correlation of wavefront aberrations with pupil function .

  18. 利用相位屏(PS)方法通过软件模拟大气湍流,进而研究了自适应光学(AO)系统中哈特曼-夏克(H-S)波前传感器的计算机模拟技术。

    By utilizing the phase screen theory , the atmospheric turbulence is simulated . The method to simulate the Hartmann - Shack ( H-S ) wavefront sensor is discussed .

  19. 哈特曼探测器中CCD数字相机实时输出大容量、高速图像数据,由于图像中存在多种噪声,极大的影响了波前重构算法的速度和精度。

    The digital CCD camera in hartmann sensor output large-capacity high-speed image data in real-time . The speed and accuracy of the wave-front reconstruction Algorithm of hartmann sensor is greatly affected , because many kinds of noise are in image .

  20. 应用二维哈特曼(Hartmann)波前测量系统,对光束在二维低速热射流传输中的气动光学效应进行了测量。

    A two dimensional Hartmann wavefront sensor is used to measure the aero optical effects when the optical beam passes through a low velocity heat turbulent jet .

  21. 根据三级像差理论,详细描述了大口径非球面哈特曼(Hartmann)扩束器的设计方法。

    Based on the third-order aberrations theory , the design method of Hartmann beam expander with large relative aperture and aspheric surface is detailed in the paper .

  22. 介绍了用哈特曼-夏克传感器测量人眼像差的原理和人眼像差的定义,完成了人眼像差测量仪的设计,并对人眼测量激光能量MPE值进行了计算。

    In this paper , the principle of a Hartmann-Shack wave-front sensor is introduced , the methods for measuring wave aberrations of the human eye are given .

  23. 对哈特曼装置上的粉尘粒子速度及均方根(root-mean-square,RMS)湍流速度进行了测量及研究,获得了哈特曼装置上不同位置粉尘粒子速度、RMS湍流速度随时间的变化曲线。

    The particle velocity and root mean square ( RMS ) turbulence velocity on Hartmann bomb are measured and researched , the changing curve of particle velocity , RMS turbulence velocity at various positions are obtained .

  24. 通过对19单元哈特曼测量和模式法重构波前的过程进行数值模拟,研究了Zernike模式法重构波前时耦合和混淆出现的原因、条件、程度和数学算法的表现。

    The reason , the condition and the degree of modal coupling and aliasing in wavefront reconstruction are pointed by simulating the measure and Zernike modal wavefront reconstruction course of 19-element Hartmann-Shack wavefront sensor .

  25. 哈特曼波前传感器是自适应光学(AO)系统中常用的波前传感器件,噪声、器件装配误差常常影响其探测波前的能力和精度,进而影响整个系统对波前的实时校正。

    The Hartmann wavefront sensor is commonly used in adaptive optical ( AO ) system to measure the wavefront aberration . Noise and assembly errors decrease the accuracy of a Hartmann wavefront sensor , thus degrade the quality of the AO system .

  26. 自适应光学理论中的哈特曼&夏克(Hartmann-Shack)波前传感技术是实时测量人眼睛波前像差的有效、可靠和准确的方法。

    Hartmann-Shack wavefront sensing technology of adaptive optics is the effective , reliable and accuracy method , which is used to measure the human eye 's wavefront aberration in real time .

  27. 实验中采用俄罗斯科学院激光和信息技术研究所研制的自缩束哈特曼波前测量系统,哈特曼波前传感器的最大入射口径可达95mm,测量精度为0.08μm。

    Using Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensor manufactured by Institute of Laser and Information Technology of the Russian Academy of Science , experiments at different positions are completed .

  28. 分别采用Zernike和Karhunen-Loeve两种模式波前复原法,分析了在子孔径斜率测量噪声影响下,哈特曼传感器对大气湍流畸变波前的模式复原误差与模式复原阶数等的关系。

    Using the Zernike and the Karhunen-Loeve modal reconstruction algorithm , three kinds of reconstruction error of a Hartmann sensor measuring the atmosphere disturbed wavefront was analyzed : the mode coupling error , the mode cutting error and the error causing by measurement noise .

  29. 宾夕法尼亚州英戈马市(Ingomar)的人力资源咨询师菲莉丝•哈特曼(PhyllisHartman)说:“人们可能很想说‘你闭上嘴巴行不行啊?’但他们不想伤人,所以不谈这个问题。”

    People may be tempted to say , ' Would you shut up ? ' But they dance around the issue because they don 't want to hurt somebody 's feelings , ' says Phyllis Hartman , an Ingomar , Pa. , human-resources consultant .

  30. 针对1.2L哈特曼装置上的粉尘浓度进行了测量研究,并对测量数据进行了分析讨论,得到了1.2L哈特曼管上不同位置高度的粉尘浓度随时间的变化曲线。

    The research conducted a measurement study on the dust concentration in a 1.2L Hartmann Bomb , analyzed the measurement data , and finally obtained the time-dependent curves of dust concentration at different heights in a 1.2L Hartmann Bomb .