
  • 网络Harris;S.Harris
  1. 本文以哈利斯(Harris)的絮凝理论为基础,计及絮体的破碎,首先提出了絮凝池的残余浊度变化速度方程。

    This paper based on the Harris flocculation theory .

  2. 哈利斯猛烈抨击该委员会。

    Harris lashed out against the committee .

  3. 贾斯汀在《GQ》三月号中称,他的时尚品味受到继父保罗·哈利斯的影响。身为银行家的保罗·哈利斯每晚都会选好第二天要穿的衣服,然后“穿得像电影《美国舞男》中的理查·基尔一样”去上班。

    Timberlake said in the March issue of GQ that he got his sense of style from his stepfather , Paul Harless , a banker who laid out his suit for the next morning every night and went to work looking " like Richard Gere in American Gigolo . "

  4. 贾斯汀在《GQ》三月号中称,他的时尚品味受到继父保罗•哈利斯的影响。身为银行家的保罗•哈利斯每晚都要选好第二天早上要穿的衣服,然后“穿得像电影《美国舞男》中的理查•基尔一样”去上班。

    Timberlake said in the March issue of GQ that he got his sense of style from his stepfather , Paul Harless , a banker who laid out his suit for the next morning every night and went to work looking " like Richard Gere in ( American ) Gigolo . "

  5. 他要我把哈利斯人叫来。

    He told me to gather the harith here .

  6. 哈利斯人做事不是为了求好处。

    The harith do not work for profit .

  7. 这三个阶段互相联系,浑然一体,共同代表了哈利斯普通语言学研究的学术成果。

    Closely related to each other , the three stages together represent Harris'contribution to general Linguistics .

  8. 《从军记》发行两天后查理与米尔德里德·哈利斯结婚。哈利斯小姐童真般的娇美艳丽和他初恋的情人海蒂如出一辙。

    Two days after its release , Charlie married Mildred Harris , pretty in the same way as his first love Hetty Kelly .

  9. 1846年为修建哈利斯堡与匹兹堡之间的铁路,经宾夕法尼亚州议会特许而成立,两年后开始客运服务。

    It was chartered in1846 by the Pennsylvania legislature to build a line between Harrisburg and Pittsburgh , and its passenger service began two years later .

  10. 美国著名的描写主义语言学家哈利斯,其语言学研究包括三个阶段:结构分析、转换分析和算子语法。

    Z.S.Harris , the famous American Descriptive Linguist , divides his linguistic study into three stages : " Structure-analysing "," Transformation-analysing " and " Operator Grammar " .

  11. 哈利斯说,每年银行接到的电话数以千万计,所以,能找到一种又快又可靠的验证用户的方法对银行来说很重要。

    Since banks receive tens of millions of calls each year , it was important to find a way to authenticate people quickly and reliably , says Mr Harris .

  12. 举例来说,如果你的心上人是同事的话,那么你可以写下诸如“仰慕你的人,哈利斯先生手下的受苦受难者!”

    For instance if your Valentine is a colleague then you might say something like : " from your admirer in the fellow sufferer at the hands of Mr. "