
  1. 国家本位型刑事政策模式的探讨&刑事政策模式研究之二

    On the Pattern of Criminal Policy Based on the National Interest

  2. 沉默权长期被我国刑事立法忽视的主要原因是渊源于宗教赎罪观和国家本位主义的自我归罪原则的影响。

    The right of silence is an emergency problem which is neglected in criminal legislation in our country .

  3. 我国税法本位的实然与应然&从国家本位到人本主义

    On the Real Standard and Should Standard of Our Country 's Tax Law & from State Standard to Humanism

  4. 前者是法家的国家本位思想,讲富国;

    The former was the state standard thought held by legalist school , which cared about enriching the state ;

  5. 从国家本位到公众本位&建构我国城市规划法规的思想基础

    From the National Standard to the Public Standard & Establish the ideological foundation of the urban planning code in China

  6. 可在广义社会法下的经济法等和其它行政法中确定社会本位乃至国家本位。

    The social standard and the state standard may be set under Economic Law and other Administrative Law in the scope of generalized social law .

  7. 中国传统刑事调解制度源于中国传统文化中的“礼学”思想,追求的是社会秩序的稳定,维系的是国家本位的社会结构。

    Chinese traditional criminal mediation system originates from ritual thought of Chinese traditional culture , pursues social stability and maintains social structure of the national oriented .

  8. 这里面除了国家本位的社会结构这一根本原因以外,还有经济体制改革这一时代背景的局限和公法文化传统的制约。

    Besides the basic reasons of the social structure of state standard , The limit of era background and culture tradition of public power are important reasons .

  9. 这种现象主要是因为我国片面强调国家本位和社会本位,忽视了公民的个人利益。

    The primary reason for this phenomenon was attributed to our country always emphasizes the importance of the country and the society unilateral , so the civic personal advantage was neglected .

  10. 教育的社会本位观所内蕴的教育国家本位观和个人本位观在现代教育法的价值体系中具有内在的统一性。

    The national and individual priority views of education , which are contained in the social priority view of education , have a unity in the value system of modern education law .

  11. 进入21世纪,经济全球化和一体化进程迅速推进,全球性问题日益凸显,国际社会组织化程度空前提高,国家本位理念遇到严重挑战,传统的国家主权和国家利益观念需要作出新的诠释。

    In the 21st century , along with the rapid process of economic globalization and integration , we have to give a new explanatory note to the traditional sovereignty and interests of states .

  12. 在确立了国家本位的经济伦理原则基础上,《管子》提出了自己的经济伦理目标,即建立良好的经济秩序,达到国民经济生活的高度和谐。

    After the establishment of nation priority , this book advances its economic ethic target : the setting up of a benign economic order and a high degree of harmony in national economic life .

  13. 我国民事再审制度中立法指导思想、再审事由、再审程序的提起主体及发动再审的期限存在缺陷,应该有所改良。民事程序立法中的国家本位主义批判&对我国民事诉讼立法指导思想的反思

    We should have the betterment in lawmaking guidance thought of the civil retrial system of our country . Criticism on State Standards of Civil Procedure Legislation ── Reflection on Basic Ideas of Civil Procedure Legislation in China

  14. 在我国当前的土地征收及补偿实践中,公共利益与个人利益的矛盾还相当尖锐,这是我国长期以来国家本位与义务本位的观念在土地征收实践中的体现。

    In our country , the contradiction between the public interest and the private interest is very clear in the land expropriation and land expropriation compensation , which due to the Chinese tradition of center of obligation .

  15. 在认识层面晚清国人基于国家本位对西方立宪政体赋予工具理性意义,以便使国家臻于富强文明,这一点改良思想家、维新思想家和立宪派、革命派都是相通的。

    The understanding level of the late Qing Dynasty people based on national standard , given tool of Western constitutionalism rational significance to the country reaching a prosperous . Civilized , reformists thinkers and Constitutionalists , revolutionaries are interlinked .

  16. 我国职业教育的主要价值取向是社会本位和个人本位,分别体现了对社会状态与人格状态的关怀,国家本位只是社会本位的一种特殊形式。

    The main value tendency of vocational education in China are society-based and individual-based , which embody caring for " social status " and " personality status ", and " Country-based " is only a special mode of " society-based " .

  17. 在这个过程中,核心的思路是,从国家本位与农民本位相结合的角度出发,来客观判断在非均衡状态下乡村治理的现状与可能性出路。

    In this process , the core mentality is to carry on the objective judgment on the present situation and possible outlet of village government under the non - balanced condition embarking from the union of national standard and farmer standard .

  18. 本文试图打破传统国家本位的刑事法律理念,以新的法律理念为指导,体现以人为本,重视对私有财产权的保护,重新认识我国集资诈骗罪犯罪客体。

    This paper is to break traditional criminal conception about " Nation Standard ", manifest " Human-oriented " on the instruction of new legal concept , pay attention to protect of private property and reconsider the criminal object of fraud in financing .

  19. 由于过分强调了专政职能,犯罪控制的模式基本是国家本位,即犯罪控制的主体是国家,尤其是司法机关,控制的手段就是国家司法权的运用和行使。

    Taking the function of the dictatorship as the dominant factor and forbidding patterm as the main body and becoming a country of monocracy ; Too much emphasis has been put on the dictatorship function , so the crime-controlling mainly depends on government .

  20. 有观念上的障碍如个人本位与国家本位的冲突,对刑罚功能认识存在的误区;亦有实践操作中的障碍,如可能造成法律适用上的不平等及为司法腐败提供便利条件。

    There are concept barriers such as personal-based conflict with the State-based and misunderstanding of the function of penalty . There are obstacles in practice , such as the possible inequality in application of the law and providing favorable conditions for judicial corruption .

  21. 唯有如此,民法作为私法的主干才可与社会法、公法之社会、国家本位性视角相制约、相抗衡,达成整个法律体系的和谐平衡。

    Only in that way , can civil law as the main part of private law restrict and contend with the view angles of social and state standard of social law and public law , to reach the harmonious balance of the whole legal system .

  22. 在实践中,我国商主体之间的平等地位常常会受到来自税收不平等的危害,原因在于商法领域公私权力的泾渭不明、国家本位的传统税收理论的影响和税收法定观念的淡漠。

    In practice , imparity of taxation frequently does harm to legal equality among Chinese commercial subjects because of the ambiguity of the circumscription between private right and public power , influence of traditional taxation theory of State standard , and indifferent notion of statutory taxation .

  23. 民事诉讼主管作为社会主义民事诉讼法学理论中的一个特有概念,是一个非科学的法律术语,浸透着十分浓厚的行政化色彩。在立法上,民事诉讼主管体现为以国家本位为理念指导;

    As a special Conception in Civil Litigation theory of socialist Country , the charge of civil action is not scientific legal terminology that include a strong administrative colour , Country and count departmental selfishness is reflected in legislation and judicature of the charge of civil action .

  24. 二是救亡压倒启蒙:国家民族本位取代个体意识。

    On the other hand , salvation overwhelmed Enlightenment : national position replaced the individual consciousness .

  25. 国家责任本位的体现&江村农民基本养老保险的实践与思考

    Reflection of the Central Role of the State Responsibility : The Basic Old-age Insurance in Rural " River Village "

  26. 中国在传统的天人合一的思想土壤上形成了以社会和国家为本位、强调道德完善的教育理想;

    Dominated by the traditional philosophy of oneness of heaven and man , China forms society-and-country-centered educational ideal which emphasizes morality perfect .

  27. 我国应当确立以法的社会本位“适度”优先、个体权利本位和国家权力本位依次有序排列的法的本位理念体系。

    We should set the system that the law 's of society-centricism is properly developed , and the law 's individual right-centricism and national right-centricism are reasonably put in order .

  28. 正是由于因经济全球化而出现的移民跨界流动和以民族国家为本位的世界政治体系之间的矛盾和冲突,才使得跨国移民在具有政治属性的国家和经济属性的市场之间不断地游走与徘徊。

    It is just because of the contradictions between the immigrants ' cross-border movement under the background of economic globalization and the world political system with the nation-state at its center , thus makes the transnational migration wandering between states and markets .

  29. 因此,我们应合理建构国家社会双本位的刑事政策,以期进一步完善我国未成年人刑事政策法律体系。

    We should establish the criminal policy system which has both the nation and society standards to perfact the system of the minor criminal policy .

  30. 随着西方国家从个人本位向社会本位转型,当代国际刑事司法理念与实践的一个共同趋势是加强犯罪控制、维护公共安全。

    With the transformation from individual standard towards social standard in the West , strengthening the control of crime and the public security is becoming a contemporary trend for the criminal judicature concept and practice .