
  • 网络Representational system;representation system
  1. 它是在特定的社会文化中由时间和空间两个维度确定的,经表象系统形成学理意义,并具有不可通约的性质。

    Such a problematic , incommensurable in nature , is temporarily and spatially defined in a particular context of culture and society , and gains meaning through the representational system .

  2. 二是在一些特殊的表象中求解系统的约化密度矩阵方程。

    However , this second approach is limited to some specific representations as it solves the equation of the reduced density matrix .

  3. 然而,当前企业危机管理领域过于关注对危机“症状解”的探寻,很少研究危机表象背后的系统结构,发掘并实施危机的“根本解”。

    However , current CM field pays too much attention to the symptom of crises instead of finding the structure behind and carrying out basic solution .

  4. 古村落景观价值并不仅在于其纷繁的外在物质表象,以及这些物质表象对于人们视觉系统的刺激作用。

    Ancient Village landscape value , and not only in their external physical appearance of numerous , and the appearance of these substances for the visual system , a stimulating effect .