
  • 网络mPa.s;the apparent viscosity
  1. 碱溶性聚酯的表观黏度对温度的敏感性大于普通PET。

    The sensitivity of apparent viscosity of alkali soluble polyester versus temperature is larger than that of polyester .

  2. CMC、食盐、黄原胶使莲藕淀粉糊的剪切应力明显提高,表观黏度稍有增大。

    CMC , salt and xanthan gum enhance the shear stress of lotus root starch paste significantly , and increase the apparent viscosity a little .

  3. 化学细化半固态Al-Si合金表观黏度及组织分析

    Study on the apparent viscosity and microstructure of semi-solid Al - Si alloy prepared by chemical refining

  4. 实验研究了萌发玉米淀粉在不同温度和质量分数时剪切速率和表观黏度的关系,计算出各温度和质量分数下萌发玉米淀粉的稠度系数(K)和流变指数(n)。

    This paper studied the starch of germination maize between shearing speed and apparent viscidity in different temperature and density , calculated the consistency coefficients ( K ) and rheology index ( n ) .

  5. 结果表明:阻燃PS熔体表观黏度(ηn)随剪切速率的增大而减小、随温度的升高而降低,具有假塑性流体的特性;

    The result shows that the flame retardant PS possesses the features of pseudo plastic fluid , its apparent viscosity (η _a ) decreases as the shear rate or the temperature rises .

  6. 不同水煤浆添加剂与煤之间的相互作用规律(Ⅱ)复合煤颗粒间的相互作用对CWM表观黏度的影响

    Interaction characteristics between different CWM additives and coals (ⅱ) effect of interaction of complex coal particle on CWM apparent viscosity

  7. 结果表明,分散剂的种类和用量不仅影响CWS的表观黏度而且还影响其流变特性。

    The results show that the dispersant and its dosage not only influence the apparent viscosity but also the rheological behavior of CWS .

  8. 考察了硬段含量对乳液粒径、表观黏度、膜吸水性、硬度、力学性能的影响,并通过动态力学性能测试(DMA)研究了软段和硬段的玻璃化转变温度。

    The influence of content of hard segmer on particle size of emulsion , apparent viscosity , moisture absorption of film , hardness and mechanical properties is discussed .

  9. 结果表明:LLDPE熔体在复合力场中的表观黏度受振动频率、振幅、剪切速率等影响很大。

    The research showed the processing condition ( vibration frequency , vibration amplitude , and shear rate , etc ) have great influence on the apparent viscosity of LLDPE melt .

  10. 研究了不同温度、pH值条件下牦牛酪蛋白的溶解度、表观黏度、疏水性以及乳化、发泡等功能特性。

    The physicochemical properties , including solubility , apparent viscosity and hydrophobicity , and functional properties , including emulsifying activity and foaming activity , of yak casein were studied as a function of pH ( 3 ~ 9 ) and temperature ( 40 ~ 80 ℃) .

  11. 对复合水分散液的分散稳定性和流变性能进行研究,结果表明,随着亲水单体(MAA)含量的增加,水分散稳定性提高,表观黏度增大;

    The dispersion stabilization and rheological properties of these hybrid aqueous dispersions were examined and studied . The experimental results show that the dispersion stabilization and apparent viscosity increase with raising the amount of MAA ;

  12. 结果表明:TPA改性煤沥青的黏度与温度的关系曲线呈现W型,并且在200~225℃之间处于低黏流区,表观黏度值约200~400mPa。

    The experimental findings are as follows : ( 1 ) The curve of the relations between the viscosity and temperature is the " W " profile . There is low viscosity flow area at 200 ~ 225 ℃ in the modified coal tar pitch .

  13. 分散剂用量过多或过少都会增加CWS的表观黏度,但不同分散剂的最佳用量范围不同,这主要取决于分散剂的结构、性质及其与煤粒间的相互作用特征。

    Surplus or scanty dispersant dosage will increase the apparent viscosity of CWS . But the optimal dosage is different for different dispersants mainly because their structures , properties , and interaction characteristic between coal particles and dispersants are different .

  14. 在RDX(I)悬浮液中RDX存在临界体积分数,且在硝酸酯增塑的聚乙二醇黏合剂体系中的表观黏度随温度的升高呈增加趋势,这与RDX的粒度和固-液界面相关。

    RDX suspension exist the critical volume fraction , and with raising temperature , the apparent viscosity in RDX ( I ) / PEG suspension has a general increased tendency which is relative to RDX particle size and solid liquid interface .

  15. 本研究采用毛细管脉动流变仪对石蜡-油-聚丙烯粘结剂体系的316L不锈钢粉末喂料动态流变行为进行测量和表征,并分析了振动频率和振幅对喂料的平均动态表观黏度的影响。

    The rheological property of injection molding feedstock made of 316L stainless steel powders and wax-oil-Polypropylene binder was evaluated using self-made capillary dynamic rheometer , and the effects of vibration frequency and amplitude on the average dynamic apparent viscosity of feedstock were described and analyzed .

  16. 采用FASCO-300型全自动表观黏度快测仪对两组的全血黏度进行检测。

    The blood hemorheological values of the nude mice with transplantable lung cancer cell PG were tested simultaneously by FASCO-300 automatic viscosity meter .

  17. 在45℃下对溶解氧对聚合物污水溶液表观黏度(170s-1)的影响作了全面的实验研究。

    The effects of dissolved O_2 on apparent viscosity at 170 s ~ ( - 1 ) of polymer solutions prepared in oilfield produced water are comprehensively investigated in laboratory at 45 ℃ .

  18. 研究表明浆料表观黏度随固相含量的增加而增加,但即使是固相体积分数为58%的高浓悬浮浆料,表观黏度仍小于1mPa·s,易于注模;

    The results indicate that the apparent viscosity of suspensions increases with the increment of solid volume loading , but even for dense suspension with 58 % of volume fraction , the apparent viscosity is less than 1 mPa · s and it is easier to cast .

  19. 半固态金属表观黏度的测量及样品制取

    Apparent viscosity testing and sample preparation for semisolid alloy slurry

  20. 表面活性剂对孪尾缔合聚合物水溶液表观黏度的影响

    Influence of surfactants on viscosity performance of twin-tailed associated terpolymers

  21. 胜利煤液化油煤浆表观黏度的影响因素研究

    Influencing factors for apparent viscosity changes of Shengli coal-oil slurry

  22. 苏云金芽胞杆菌微滤浓缩液表观黏度模型

    Model for predicting apparent viscosity of the microfiltration concentrated broth of Bacillus thuringiensis

  23. 动态充模过程熔体表观黏度的实时测量与研究

    Real-time Measurement and Research of Apparent Melt Viscosity during Pulsating-Pressure Induced Plasticating Injection Molding

  24. 基于人工神经网络的超稠油表观黏度预测

    Prediction on the Apparent Viscosity of Super Heavy Oil Based on Artificial Neural Net

  25. 随着果肉加入量的增加,流体的非牛顿性越强,表观黏度越大;小粒径的果肉使果汁的表观黏度增大。

    The apparent viscosity of the juice increases with decrease of diameter of the pulp .

  26. 门静脉压和局部血液表观黏度在急性胰腺炎胰腺微循环障碍中的表达

    Portal Vein Pressure and Local Hemoconcentration in the Development of Pancreatic Microcirculatory Disturbance in Acute Pancreatitis

  27. 同时考虑了血液表观黏度、血浆蛋白浓度、红细胞压积。

    Blood apparent viscosity , plasma protein concentration and red cell 's hematocrit were taken into account .

  28. PET/CGP熔体呈现切力变稀现象,其表观黏度明显下降。

    It is found that PET / CGP exhibites a shear-thinning phenomenon and the viscosity decrease obviously .

  29. 主要观察指标:①主要结局:两个测量过程7个剪变率下的表观黏度值。

    MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES : ① Major consequence : apparent viscosity under 7 shear rates in two measuring process ;

  30. 液氧/煤油高压补燃火箭发动机非线性稳态模型&考虑推进剂温升与密度变化胜利煤液化油煤浆表观黏度的影响因素研究

    ADVANCED MODEL OF STATIC CHARACTERISTIC FOR LIQUID OXYGEN / KEROSENE Influencing factors for apparent viscosity changes of Shengli coal-oil slurry