
  • 网络Hawa;Halwa;Halva
  1. 他趟进河中,捞起来,打开,里面装满了美味的哈瓦,跟平常一模一样。

    Wading into the stream , he secured it unwrapped it , and found it full of the delicious halwa , as usual .

  2. 易卜拉欣向河上游走了这些天,一直留神沿着河岸而行,眼光不离河水,生怕没认出哈瓦包儿而把它错过了。

    For some days Ibrahim walked up-stream , keeping carefully to the Bank of the river and fixing his eyes on its surface in case he should fail to discern the packet of halwa .

  3. 哈瓦有6个子女,其中4个在童年时期不幸夭折。

    She had six children , of whom four died in early childhood .

  4. 武莱今年已经80岁了,她是哈瓦42岁时生的。

    She was born when Hava was 42 .

  5. 哈瓦的丈夫于1950年去世。

    Her husband died in 1950 .

  6. 但是却在没有哈瓦苏人的同意下,用这些血样

    only to turn around and use those exact same samples -- without the Havasupai 's consent

  7. 亚利桑那州的哈瓦苏湖市

    Lake Havasu City , Arizona

  8. 当时,阿尔巴尼亚仍然在土耳其人的统治下。然而时至今日,尽管已经过去108年了,那段包办婚姻仍然让哈瓦感到不满。

    Albania was still occupied by the Turks at the time . now , 108 years later , the arranged marriage still rankles .

  9. 当哈瓦苏人发现的时候,他们成功起诉,获得了70万美元的罚款,还禁止亚利桑那州立大学对其部落的研究。

    When the Havasupai found out , they sued successfully for $ 700000 , and they banned ASU from conducting research on their reservation .

  10. 三个世纪的漫漫岁月在哈瓦雷克萨苍白的皮肤上刻满了皱纹。这期间她经历了奥斯曼帝国统治、阿尔巴尼亚君主制,还有意大利统治。

    The wrinkles in hava rexha 's pale skin were carved by a life spanning three centuries , under Ottoman Turkish rule , Albanian monarchy , Italian occupation .

  11. 其中部分地区民间信仰活动中的神职人员&哈瓦是不同时期历史文化的重要载体,是民间极为重要的宗教实践者。

    Hawa , the clergy of customary belief activities in some areas , is a key vehicle for historical culture in different periods and also a vital folk religion practitioner .

  12. 甚至还有阿拉伯羚羊,这是一种濒临灭绝的野生双角羚羊,但又被海湾国家的一些保护区(包括哈瓦群岛)重新引入。

    There are even Arabian oryx , the twin-horned antelope that had become extinct in the wild , but which have been reintroduced in various sanctuaries in the Gulf region , including Hawar .

  13. 但是如果你想看看哈瓦苏湖的桥,想去水边走走,等到三月结束再去吧。由于举办过两次全球音乐节,因此每年都有大批的游客在春节假日期间到此举办派对——这些派对可不是静悄悄地举办的。

    But if you want to see the bridge or hit the water , wait until March is over - Lake Havasu has twice hosted MTV 's Spring Break and is overrun for a few weeks every year by spring breakers looking to party - and they don 't do it quietly .