
  • 网络Hafez;Hafiz;hafeez;Bilal Hafeez
  1. 小说的叙事者哈菲兹(Hafiz)是马来西亚人,一个懒家伙,从大学退了学,手头总是没钱,不怎么虔诚,在故事中讲述自己同时追求一堆女孩的冒险故事。

    The narrator , Hafiz , is a Malay slacker , a college dropout who is usually broke , is often profane and recounts his adventures chasing multiple girls at the same time .

  2. 看来,天使的记忆哈菲兹的诗。

    It seems the angels are memorizing Hafiz 's verse .

  3. 哈菲兹和他的诗歌

    Hafiz and his Poems

  4. 在晚年诗歌哈菲兹以团结和他的灵魂渴望像天堂鸟归巢。

    In his later poems Hafiz spoke of unity and his soul yearning for paradise like a homing bird .

  5. 哈菲兹说:“挂在年轻人脖子上的最闪亮的宝石就是不断进取。”

    " On the neck of the young man ," said Hafiz ," sparkles no gem so gracious as enterprise . "

  6. 我什么都读,鲁米,哈菲兹,萨迪(Moslehal?DinSaadiShirazi约1210~约1290,古代波斯诗人),维克多·雨果,儒勒·凡尔纳,马克·吐温,伊恩·弗莱明(IanFleming1908~1964,英国小说家,撰写了007系列小说)。

    I read everything , Rumi , H ã fez , Saadi , Victor Hugo , Jules Verne , Mark Twain , Ian Fleming .

  7. 在“疯狂的心”哈菲兹写一个男人谁爱上帝不错,但不知道上帝是他。

    In " A Mad Heart " Hafiz wrote of a man who loved God well but did not know that God was in him .

  8. 哈菲兹受到苏菲主义的影响,用爱情表达对真主的崇敬,把真主比喻为追求的恋人。

    The style of his lyrics was influenced by Sufism in which he expressed the respect to Allah by using love and treated Allah as his lover to pursuit .

  9. 一名28岁的埃及服务生被宣布死亡后,竟在自己的葬礼上起死回生,丧礼变成了庆祝会。据美联社报道,埃及南部卢克索省纳贾-希曼村村民哈姆迪-哈菲兹-努比工作时突发心脏病,医生随后宣布他死亡。

    The funeral of a 28 year-old waiter in Egypt turned into a celebration when he woke up after being declared dead , AP reported . Hospital officials had pronounced dead Hamdi Hafez al-Nubi , who came from the village of Naga al-Simman in the southern province of Luxor , after he suffered a heart attack while working .