
  • 网络Risk currency;risk money
  1. 如果周三FOMC(联邦公开市场委员会)没有意外政策公布,很可能造成新一轮美元兑非日风险货币的强势上涨。

    Short of another shock - & - awe policy announcement this Wednesday , the FOMC decision is likely to generate fresh dollar strength against risk currencies ( non-JPY ) .

  2. 随着高风险货币的走势出现分化,新年的开端已预示着外汇市场将要出现一轮重大变化。

    The start of the year has heralded a substantial shift in foreign exchange markets , with riskier currencies no longer trading as one .

  3. 蚂蚁金服为支付宝增添了一系列互联网金融服务,如低风险货币市场基金和一款钱包应用。该应用使中国各地的用户能够通过智能手机轻松付款。

    Ant Financial has added to Alipay a whole range of Internet financial services , like low-risk money market funds and a wallet app that enables easy payment from smartphones around China .

  4. 汇率风险下货币资产的优化组合及其算法

    Optimal Structure and Algorithm of Monetary Assets Under Exchange Rate Risk

  5. 其它地区面临的风险是货币持续升值。

    Elsewhere the risk is that currencies continue to appreciate .

  6. 新兴市场2014年的主要风险是货币汇率走势,以及它们如何对宏观环境作出反应。

    The big risk in 2014 in emerging markets is currencies and how they react to the macro environment .

  7. 首先介绍资本账户开放和金融安全的概念,并对资本账户开放进程中的风险、货币危机与金融安全这一专题的文献进行梳理和综述。

    In the process of capital account liberalization , the financial security is a realistic question which is unable to avoid .

  8. 一旦欧元汇率跌到一定程度,它将继续与其它“风险”货币保持一致走势。

    Once it has lost some of its value , it could continue to move in line with other " risk on " currencies .

  9. 美国20世纪30年代的经济大萧条所引发的金融风险和货币危机,促使美国在强化政府银行监管职能的同时,建立了存款保险制度。

    Because economy stagnancy induced financial risk and monetary-crisis in 20th century , USA government had strengthened supervising to bank , and establishing deposit insurance system .

  10. 苏格兰身份的改变可能导致三类市场风险:货币风险,政府信用风险,与金融机构有关的信用风险。

    A constitutional change would raise the possibility of three types of market risk : currency risk , government credit risk and the credit risk associated with financial institutions .

  11. 这些货币的成分原则上是黄金和其他贵金属,但由于始终存在切割的风险,货币交易员们需要动很多脑筋。

    These currencies in principle consisted of gold or other precious metals , but with the ever-present danger of clipping there was much on which currency traders could exercise their wits .

  12. 未来现金流量的现值,由期望的现金流量、期望现金流量的风险以及货币的时间价值三个因素决定;

    The present value of future cash flow is determined by such three factors as expected cash flow , the risk of expected cash flow , and the time value of money .

  13. 多种金融创新工具以不同方式减少国际投资的汇率、利率风险和货币障碍,提高了资产和债务的流动性,使国际筹资变得更加方便和具有吸引力。

    A variety of financial innovation tools in different ways to reduce international investment exchange rate , interest rate risk and currency barriers , and they increase the mobility of assets and liabilities so that the international financing becomes more convenient and attractive .

  14. 无为的风险有趣的货币

    If you do nothing , the risk will come Funny Money

  15. 金融风险约束与货币政策传导

    Restriction on Financing risks and Conduction of Monetary Polices

  16. 双向违约风险下的货币互换定价模型

    Pricing Model of Currency Swap under Two-side Default Risk

  17. 拖延实施全面的政策响应,将进一步增加各种风险,包括货币内爆、破坏性资本外逃,以及不断蔓延的进口商品短缺。

    Delays in putting in place comprehensive policy responses will aggravate the risks of further currency implosions , disruptive capital flight , and spreading import shortages .

  18. 证明了投资投票市场风险大于投资货币市场风险。

    It was showed that investment in stock market is more risky than in the monetary market , consisting with our observation of the real world .

  19. 利率期限结构是金融研究中最为重要的课题之一,在固定收益证券定价、利率风险管理及货币政策制定等领域有着重要的应用。

    Interest rate term structure is one of the important topics in finance research , and widely used in fixed-income securities pricing , interest rate risk management and conducting monetary policy .

  20. 他们表示,挥之不去的通缩风险可能导致货币政策比预期更加宽松,从而刺激股市进一步走高,并令债券收益率保持在相对较低水平。

    The lingering threat of deflation , they said , could result in monetary policy being looser than expected , fueling continued rallies in stocks and keeping bond yields relatively low .

  21. 全球经济前景明显倾向于下滑风险,国际货币基金组织表示。该组织还补充道,2007年,经济增长率有六分之一的几率降至3.25%以下。

    Risk to the global outlook are clearly tilted to the downside , the IMF said , adding , there is a one-in-six chance of growth falling below 3.25 percent in 2007 .

  22. 耶伦表示,除了极端的金融风险以外,货币政策过于笨重,不适合用来应对金融风险,因为它将造成高失业率和通胀低于目标的代价。

    Monetary policy was too blunt a tool to tackle all but the most extreme financial risks , she said , because there would be a cost in terms of high unemployment and below target inflation .

  23. 在大多数国家,银行是所有存款人和借款人的中介,是评估风险、执行货币政策和提供支付清算服务最重要的金融机构。

    In most countries , banking performs as financial intermediation between depositors and borrowers . It is the most important financial institution that evaluates risks , carries out monetary policy and provides service of payment and settlement .

  24. 她说:宏观经济表现下降的潜在代价很可能太过沉重,使金融稳定风险不宜成为货币政策决策的核心考虑因素,至少在大部分情况下是如此。

    The potential cost , in terms of diminished macroeconomic performance , is likely to be too great to give financial stability risks a central role in monetary policy decisions , at least most of the time , she said .

  25. 随着债券回购以及短期国债现货市场的快速发展,债券交割风险逐渐成为货币市场乃至整个金融市场系统性风险的重要组成部分。

    With the rapid development of the repo market and spot market of government securities , the risk of clearing and settlement in this markets have gradually become a crucial part of the system risk of money market and even that of the whole financial market .

  26. IMF还警告说,如果发达国家投资者突然将套息交易资金撤出亚洲新兴市场,大跌的风险可能波及亚洲货币市场。

    IMF also warned that contagion could also occur through Asian currency markets , as long and carry-trade positions are unwound .

  27. 为了平衡经济预期的风险,伯南克在货币政策方面采取了风险管理的方式。

    Mr Bernanke has a risk-management approach to monetary policy as a balance of risks around an economic forecast .

  28. 本文通过实证分析具体验证了货币错配风险对我国货币政策产出效应和价格效应的影响并得出检验结果。

    In this paper , we conduct econometric analysis and prove there exists effect of currency mismatch to the product and price of monetary policy .

  29. 要为全球提供无风险资产,国际货币体系的核心国家就不得不出现经常账户赤字。

    To supply the world 's risk-free asset , the country at the heart of the international monetary system has to run a current account deficit .

  30. 把低收益的美元用作购买风险资产的融资货币,是债市与股市持久反弹背后的又一因素。

    The use of the low-yielding dollar as the global funding currency for buying risky assets is another factor behind the enduring rally in bonds and equities .