
  • 网络PiPeraquine
  1. 云南南部恶性疟原虫对氯喹、咯萘啶、青蒿琥酯、哌喹敏感性的体外测定

    Sensitivity in vitro of Plasmodium falciparum to chloroquine , pyronaridine , artesunate and piperaquine in South Yunnan

  2. 目的:研究双氢青蒿素哌喹对约氏疟原虫感染小鼠红细胞感染率变化的影响。

    Objective : To study the effects and changes of protozoan applying Dihydroartemisinin piperaquine in treating the mice infected with Plasmodium yoelii .

  3. HPLC同时测定复方双氢青蒿素片中磷酸哌喹与甲氧苄啶的含量

    Determination of piperaquine phosphate and trimethoprim in Compound Dihydroartemisinin tablets by HPLC

  4. 羟基哌喹治疗尘肺163例临床观察

    Clinical observation on the treatment of 163 pneumoconiosis patients with hydroxypiperaquine

  5. 三哌喹逆转人白血病多药耐药细胞系耐药性的研究

    Study on the reversing effect of tripiperaquine on human multidrug

  6. 双氢青蒿素哌喹片治疗无并发症恶性疟的临床随机对照试验

    Randomized controlled trial of dihydroartemisinin piperaquine phosphate tablet in treatment of uncomplicated falciparum malaria

  7. 国产双氢青蒿素哌喹片治疗非洲恶性疟疾疗效观察

    Efficacy of dihydroartemisinin-piperaquine tablets made in China in treatment of falciparum malaria in Africa

  8. 目的观察国产双氢青蒿素哌喹片治疗恶性疟疾的临床效果。

    Observation on the therapeutic effect of Quinimax on Plasmodium falciparum malaria in Africa ;

  9. 世卫组织现已将双氢青蒿素加上哌喹作为第五个青蒿素为基础的联合疗法,添加到以往建议的药品清单中。

    WHO has now added a fifth ACT-dihydroartemisinin plus piperaquine-to the previous list of recommended medicines .

  10. 羟基哌喹的急性毒性

    Acute toxicity of hydroxypiperaquine

  11. 汉防己甲素和羟基磷酸哌喹联合用药治疗矽肺225例临床疗效评价研究

    Evaluation of Clinical Effectiveness of Tetrandrine Combined with Quinolyl Piperazine Hydroxyl Phosphate in the Treatment of 225 Cases of Silicosis

  12. 二氢青蒿素加哌喹是治疗间日疟的最有效治疗组合,比传统的疟疾治疗法更具成本效益。

    DHA + PQ was the most effective regimen against P.vivax malaria and was more cost-effective than CQ + S + P.

  13. 结论所用方法准确、快速、简便,适用于复方制剂中磷酸哌喹与甲氧苄啶的同时测定,可作为同类产品的质量控制方法。

    CONCLUSION The method is accurate , simple , and suitable for the determination of piperaquine phosphate and trimethoprim in compound tablets .

  14. 口服青蒿素哌喹片在中国健康人体的耐受性青蒿素类抗疟药与磷酸哌喹、本芴醇体外代谢相互作用研究

    Tolerance of oral artemisinin-piperaquine tablets in Chinese healthy volunteers Study on Metabolic Interaction Among Artemisinin Derivatives , Piperaquine Phosphate and Benflumetol in Vitro

  15. 结论:云南和海南两省恶性疟原虫对氯喹、氨酚喹和哌喹有高度抗性,但停用氯喹后,恶性疟原虫对氯喹敏感性有所恢复。

    CONCLUSION : Among the antimalarials tested in Hainan and Yunnan , high resistance of P.falciparum to chloroquine , amodiaquine and piperaquine was found .

  16. 目的:探讨双氢青蒿素哌喹片在柬埔寨马德望省治疗无并发症恶性疟的有效性和安全性。

    AIM : To explore the effect and safety of dihydroartemisinin piperaquine ( DP ) phosphate tablet in treatment of uncomplicated falciparum malaria in battambang of Combodia .

  17. 结果:测定21例恶性疟患者对氯喹、哌喹、咯萘啶和青蒿琥酯的抗性率分别为85.7%、66.7%、38.1%和5.0%。

    RESULTS : The resistance rates of the malaria parasite to chloroquine , piperaquine pyronaridine and artesunate were 85 7 % , 66 7 % , 38 1 % and 5 0 % , respectively .

  18. 结果:甲氟喹和奎宁分别测定36例和33例,未发现抗性病例。氯喹、氨酚喹和哌喹抗性率分别为84.6%、86.1%和38.0%。

    RESULTS : Except for the absence of resistance to mefloquine and quinine , the resistance rate of the parasite to chloroquine , amodiaquine and piperaquine was 84 6 % , 86 1 % and 38 0 % respectively .

  19. 应用体外微量法测定海南岛恶性疟原虫对氯喹、喹哌、氨酚喹、甲氟喹及奎宁的敏感性

    Susceptibility of Plasmodium falciparum to chloroquine , piperaquine , amodiaquine , mefloquine and quinine with in vitro microtechnique in Hainan Island
