
  1. 为了改变大学非英语专业学生“哑巴英语”的现状,我们制定了《BASE方案》。

    One of the reasons why " BASE Program "( an oral English instruction program ) profoundly influences college students improvement in oral English is that it has abundant theoretical basis .

  2. 这就是长期困扰我国英语教学的哑巴英语,聋子英语。

    This is a main reason long plagued for English teaching in China .

  3. 大多数学生学的英语是哑巴英语。

    The English that most Chinese have learned is ' mute English ' .

  4. 对于外贸售货员,哑巴英语是最大的悲剧之一。

    For a foreign trade salesgirl , dumb English is one of the biggest tragedies .

  5. 传统文化与哑巴英语现象

    Relationship between traditional culture and mute English

  6. 哑巴英语的原因及对策

    Causes on Silent English and Its Countermeasures

  7. 参考李阳成功的发音训练。朗读非常重要,我们切勿学成哑巴英语。

    It is important that we read aloud , or we can never speak out .

  8. 在中国哑巴英语这一现象已存在多年。

    There has existed in China the phenomenon of ' Dumb English ' for many years .

  9. 英语教学在不断改进,哑巴英语的现象仍然存在。

    English teaching is constantly improving . The phenomenon of " Dumb English " still exists .

  10. 其效果是有目共睹的,哑巴英语不乏其人。

    The learning effect is obvious to all , and there 's no lack of dummy English learners .

  11. 长期以来,我国英语教学中存在的费时低效、哑巴英语、应试英语等问题一直引起各界的批评和关注。

    For years , the problems in current English language teaching practice in China cause special concern from many directions .

  12. 我国目前外语教学中普遍存在“费时低效、哑巴英语”的问题。

    At present our country commonly exists the problems of time-consuming , poor efficiency and dummy English in Foreign language teaching .

  13. 第四章就第三章的研究结果提出提高学生英语口语能力,减少哑巴英语的建议。

    Chapter 4 makes a response to the three hypotheses and describes suggestions tearing off the label of ' Dumb English ' .

  14. “家有老外”让你摆脱哑巴英语,从此不再恐惧开口说外语!

    " Foreigner in the house ," so you can dispose of Chinglish , and no longer fear to speak out in English !

  15. 本文列举了哑巴英语的种种现象,分析了造成哑巴英语的原因,并从理论和实践上提出了解决哑巴英语的办法。

    This article gives several vivid examples to show silent English and has a macro-analysis about the causes that lead to silent English .

  16. 因为中国大学生中普遍存在“哑巴英语”,主要是听力课程没有受到重视。

    Because in the Chinese university students has " the mute English " generally , mainly is the hearing curriculum has not received takes .

  17. 雅思考试要考听、说、读、写四个部分,特别是开口讲英语对于许多习惯了哑巴英语的中国人来说,并非易事。

    That is to say , our teachers wish we could improve English . Hence , we studied listening , speaking , reading and writing .

  18. 申钢表示,学是一回事,说又是另外一回事,通常中国学生学的都是哑巴英语。

    Learning it is one thing , speaking it has been another , with Chinese students typically learning ` ` mute English ` ` , Mr Shen said .

  19. 得到老师的鼓励,尽管我还会在表达时犯错误,但我终于克服了哑巴英语的困难。

    They encourage me when I don 't know how to express in English . I dare to speak English at the moment even if I make some mistakes .

  20. 应用交际策略指导口语教学,可以有效地改变学生实际应用语言能力低下及哑巴英语的状况。

    By using it to direct English spoken teaching the actual ability of students to apply English can be effectively improved and their English spoken level can be greatly enhanced .

  21. 学习语言的目的在于运用于交际之中,既能输入语言又要能输出语言,避免哑巴英语的出现。

    The main goal of learning a language is to use it in communication , that is , to output language and input language , avoiding " dumb English " .

  22. 依据现代语言学教学理论,立足高职高专英语教学中学生英语口语方面存在的问题,就哑巴英语现象及造成这一现象的原因进行了调查、分析。

    Based on contemporary language teaching theories , focusing on the problems of oral English learning , the paper investigates and then analyzes the causes of dumb English in college students .

  23. 我县中学英语教学尤其在口语教学方面存在以下问题:1哑巴英语和交际效力低已成为一个不争的事实。

    However , there are some problems in oral English class in my home county today , for example : 1 " dumb-boring English " and " low communicative efficiency " .

  24. 在高中英语课堂教学中,由于教师忽视对学生听说能力的培养,外语教学方法多局限于传统的语法翻译法等等,形成了严重的哑巴英语现象。

    Teachers usually neglect the training of listening and speaking abilities in English teaching for senior high school students in class . The teaching method is limited to the traditional Grammar Translation .

  25. 刘:我认为,“哑巴英语”是人们知道怎样去说,但就是不能用英语表达自己。

    Liu : In my mind , dumb English is that they know how to say it , but they just can 't bring themselves to the point where they can express themselves in English .

  26. 然而,在中山推广小学英语教学的十几年来,老师很少会小学英语课堂教学中花时间去指导学生进行朗读训练,因此,很多小学生虽然经过六年英语学习,但很多依然存在哑巴英语的现象。

    English teaching in primary schools in Zhongshan has been carried out for over ten years , however , the teachers rarely spend time on reading training for the students in primary school English teaching .

  27. 虽然英语教育者已经意识到语言与文化之间的关系,但教师还在普遍使用传统的教学方法,导致了中学生的哑巴英语及交际能力的下降,从而忽略文化的学习,丧失跨文化意识。

    English educators have been aware of the relation between language and culture , but the traditional approach is still greatly being used , which results in the students ' dumb English and poor communicative skills .

  28. 本文从英语学习中哑巴英语和费时低效现象去分析学生不能表达和表达难以令人满意的情形并探悉这些现象的缘由。

    In this thesis the author analyzes the fact that college students are poor in spoken English and tries to seek out the reasons under the phenomena of " dumb English " and " low-efficiency " .

  29. 近几年随着新课程的改革的深入发展,教学者能够逐步重视起了口语的教学,并有效地改变了学习者哑巴英语的状态。

    With the further development of the curriculum reform in recent years , English teachers have paid more attention to the oral English teaching , which has changed the status of ' dumb English ' in an effective way .

  30. 申钢表示,学是一回事,说又是另外一回事,通常中国学生学的都是“哑巴英语”。如今他们正大胆地开口说英文,重要的是他们要坚持下去。

    Learning it is one thing , speaking it has been another , with Chinese students typically learning " mute English , " Mr Shen said . Now they are speaking up and it is vital they continue to do so , he said .