
yǎ zhōnɡ duān
  • dumb terminal
  1. 现在,X终端已经取代了哑终端,但是Shell模式的约定和范例仍然保留了下来。

    Today , the X terminal has replaced the dumb terminal , but the convention and paradigm of shell modes remain .

  2. 在UNIX的早期(二十多年以前),用户通常通过一个哑终端来访问UNIX计算机。

    In UNIX days of yore ( a scant two decades ago ), you typically accessed a UNIX machine through a dumb terminal .

  3. 现在出现了所谓摆脱PC束缚的用户,他们通过自己的哑终端(注5)网到大型电脑主机。

    The birth of the PC liberated users from their dumb terminals linked to giant mainframe computers .

  4. 他们把NC描绘成删减了的PC机,为什么?他们说,人们要回到哑终端和主机时代的历史。

    They describe NCs as " stripped-down PCs " . Why ? They say that people want to go back to history referring to the ages of dumb terminals and mainframes .

  5. 用户将继续使用原始应用程序方法调用遗留IT系统,通常通过用户界面(如大型机哑终端或已打包应用程序的UI)。

    Users continue to invoke the legacy IT systems using the original application means , typically through a user interface ( such as a mainframe dumb terminal or a packaged application 's UI ) .

  6. 个人计算机经常被用作模仿哑终端。

    Personal computers are often used to emulate dumb terminals .

  7. 不再使用哑终端,不再存在非常瘦的客户机。

    Terminals are no longer dumb , and clients are no longer very thin .

  8. 网络计算机以再访哑终端的形式,把我们带到未来。

    The network computer takes us back to the future in the form of the dumb terminal revisited .

  9. 在大型计算机时代,网络不过是把哑终端连到地下室里的大盒子上的电线而已。

    In the days of mainframe computers , networks were simply the wires that connected the dumb terminals to the big box in the basement .

  10. 主要的处理和存储资源已逐渐原理终端设备,从这种意义上讲技术已兜了一圈之后又回到了原位,与大型机和哑终端盛行的时期很相像。

    Technology has come full circle in the sense that the majority of processing and storage resources have been pushed away from the end device , much like the days when mainframes and dumb terminals were prevalent .

  11. 本文针对银行原来的多路复用器终端接入方式不能满足银行业务发展的需要而提出了一种新的终端接入方式即路由器哑终端接入方式。

    The paper focuses on the old bank system using multiplexer to link terminals into network that can not meet the need of the banks and advances a new terminal accessing method which is called router 's dumb terminal accessing technology .

  12. 通过综合功能有限的客户机,云计算在很大程度上类似于借助LAN的客户机-服务器计算,使用了哑(dumb)终端或曾经十分流行的瘦客户机。

    Combined with clients of limited capability , cloud computing becomes broadly similar to client-server computing over a LAN using dumb terminals or once-vogue thin clients .