
  • 网络encoder;Optical Encoder;encode
  1. 随着机械性能的高端化与高速化的发展,光电编码器在各行业中的应用更加广泛,产量迅猛增加,技术水平也在不断地提高。

    With the high-end and high-speed development of the mechanical properties , encoder grating has a widespread application in various professions , the yield rapidly increases and the technical level constantly improves .

  2. 基于光电编码器和PLC的角度监控系统

    An Angle Monitored Control System Based on Photoelectric Encoder and PLC

  3. 基于光电编码器和PLC的车轮转角检测显示系统

    A Wheel Angle Measuring and Displaying System Based on Photoelectric Encoder and PLC

  4. 基于FPGA的光电编码器信号采集与处理

    Signal Collection and Processing for Photoelectric Encoder Based on FPGA

  5. FPGA在光电编码器数据采集系统中的应用

    The Data Acquisition System for Photoelectrical Encoders Based on FPGA

  6. 基于FPGA技术消除光电编码器抖动干扰的设计

    The Design of Eliminating Jitter Disturbance in Photoelectricity Encoder Based on FPGA

  7. 基于CPLD的光电编码器测量系统

    Photoelectrical encoder system based on CPLD

  8. 探讨了PC的串行接口用于光电编码器的脉冲计数和伺服电机控制两种非通信功能的应用。

    The COM of IBM-PC applications for the counter of Opt-encoder pulse and the controller of AC - Servo are study in this paper .

  9. 采用光电编码器、高速计数模板、PLC程序控制方案实现钢板的定位剪切,提高了中板成材率。

    By using encoder , high speed counter module and PLC sequencing control in steel plate positioning shearing , medium plate yield have been increased .

  10. 完成了TTL转RS232的电路连接及DSP与光电编码器的连接,并绘制了电路图。

    We have completed the circuit connection of TTL-to-RS232 and DSP to the photo electricity encoder .

  11. 另外,本文设计了光电编码器和磁航向传感器测量电路,建立激光雷达和上位PC通讯过程,满足了结构化环境中机器人自定位/导航的硬件要求。

    In addition , this paper designed photo electricity encoder sensor and magnetism course sensor measure circuit , and set up the laser measure system to communicate with the PC.

  12. 该系统采用光电编码器作为速度检测传感器,将传统的PID数字控制理论用于CDC(computerdigitalcontrol)控制之中,并由单片机完成CDC的控制。

    This system uses photoelectric coder as speed detecting sensor , applies traditional PID digital controlling theories to CDC ( Compter Digital Control ) and implement CDC by monolithic computer .

  13. 基于TPU实现的光电编码器信号处理

    Realizing Signal Processing for Photoelectric Encoder Based on TPU

  14. 论述了采用单片机、接口、LED显示器、光电编码器等硬件及软件组成一个测量机械转速的数字显示系统,较详细地介绍该系统硬、软件的组成和设计方法,说明了其特点和应用范围。

    The paper describes the digital display system of measuring mechanical rotational speed which consists of software and hardware such as single chip processor , interface , LED display and Encoder , etc.

  15. 使用光电编码器作为反馈元件构成位置闭环控制,并在位置控制和速度控制中采用了PID控制器。

    Photoelectric encoders are used as the feedback elements to compose the closed-loop control system . PID controllers were applied in the position control and speed control of the simulator control system .

  16. 通过对伺服电机控制信号、反馈信号的研究实现了基于FPGA的伺服电机控制所需要的脉冲发生IP核和光电编码器读取IP核。

    Paper realizes the pulse generation IP core and photoelectricity coding reader IP core which are needed by servo motor control based FPGA by means of researching of servo motor control signals and feedback signals .

  17. 文章对现场可编程门阵列(FPGA)在万能试验机控制器中的应用方面作了一些探索,主要包括A/D、D/A、串口通信、光电编码器等信号的处理。

    This paper introduces the application of field programmable gate array ( FPGA ) to universal testing machines , including A / D signal input , D / A output , and communication with computer .

  18. 本文针对减少光电编码器计数误差的问题,提出了利用FPGA技术可以有效地消除抖动和干扰的方法。

    The machining and position precision of lathe are affected . Aiming at reduce count error in photoelectric encoder , this paper presents the method that can eliminate jitter and disturbance efficiently used FPGA technology .

  19. 给出了采用PC总线的工业控制计算机作为剃齿刀磨齿机的数控系统,细分步进电机系统及光电编码器作为执行及检测元件的系统构成方法。

    This paper presents a practical method of the CNC system of industrial personal computer with PC BUS for shaving cutter grinding machine , with the micro_stepping_motor system as performing unit and the optoelectronic coder as measuring unit .

  20. 采用光电编码器作为速度检测传感器,PI数字控制,通过PWM输出对电机进行调速,给出了系统的硬件及软件设计。

    Photoelectric coder serves as the velocity-detecting sensor and PI digital controlling , PWD signal as control output to regulate velocity . It also offers the design for the hardware and software of the system .

  21. 介绍了钢板掸簧剪切生产线的工艺流程,提出了利用PLC为控制核心,用光电编码器和高速计数器组成测长装置,构成能实现高精度定长剪切功能的自动生产线。

    The technics flow of auto-cutter product line of armor plate spring is introduced . The product line is make up of control core by PLC and equipment of determine length by optical rotary encoder and high speed counter .

  22. 提出了将可编程控制器PLC应用于蒸汽发生器设备的水力冲洗系统中,着重描述PLC与交流伺服驱动模块及光电编码器模块如何组成一个高精度运动的完整控制方案。

    The paper puts forward an application of PLC used in the sludge lance of the steam generator . The focus is based on the control system which is constituted of PLC , AC servo motor and photoelectric encoder .

  23. 该移动传感器本体采用履带式动力机构实现自身的运动行为,使用嵌入式技术构架双层硬件体系结构,运用电子罗盘、加速度、GPS、光电编码器等多种传感器实现室内外环境的定位。

    The mobile sensor body adopts the tracked movement mechanism for the implementation of the action , utilizes two-layer hardware architecture with embedded system technology , and uses varied sensors for the implementation of the localization in indoor and outdoor environment .

  24. 本文采用控制系统的数字仿真技术,在STD工业控制机上实现了对微机控制纤维缠绕机控制系统的稳速精度、跟踪性能和光电编码器的性能的监测。

    By numerical simulation monitoring technology of control system , STD industrial controller is achieved to microcomputer control filament winding . its steady speed precision , tracking property and photoelectric coder property are monitored .

  25. BiSS接口的光电编码器数据读出研究

    Research on the Read of Optical Encoder with BiSS Interface

  26. 倾角传感器测量载体的X、Y轴摇摆角度为位置环,光电编码器作速度环,转台搜索、跟踪由Z轴实现。

    Obliquity sensor measured vibrational angle of X and Y axes of carrier was used as positional loop of the system , photoelectric encoder was used as the speed loop . The search and tracking of turntable was realized by Z axis .

  27. 测量机构主要使用激光三角测量技术和光电编码器控制旋转角度技术,基准轴线定心机构主要使用激光准直测量技术和PSD定心校准技术。

    Measuring organ mainly uses the laser triangulation measuring technology and photoelectric coder controlling rotation angle technology . The benchmark axis centring organ mainly uses the laser collimation measurement technology and PSD centring calibrated technology .

  28. 介绍了基于ARM单片机和CPLD的电动装置转速和转矩测试仪的设计方法,给出了光电编码器输出脉冲信号的四倍频鉴向相电路的CPLD实现方法。

    A method of designing rotating-speed and torsion detecting system of electric device performance based on ARM and CPLD is presented , and also the method of implementing four frequency multiplication measuring and orientation inspecting circuit using CPLD is introduced .

  29. 在硬件上采用PCI卡和PC机作为控制核心,并对外围输入、输出驱动电路进行了设计,通过使用双轴传感器和光电编码器实现熨平板的实时监测功能,完成了自动调平控制系统的设计。

    Based on it , we used PCI and PC as control core and designed peripheral input and output drive circuit , using two-axle sensor and optoelectronic encoder to realize real-time monitor task of the ironing plat in the hardware .

  30. 激光测距和光电编码器的原理介绍引出了极坐标下的封头二维轮廓扫描,通过机械转动平台的设计完成极坐标扫描的硬件条件,通过VB工具开发软件实现软件对硬件的测控。

    Laser ranging is used in conjunction with photoelectric encoder to obtain the two-dimensional outline drawing of vessel head . The mechanical rotation system is valuable to realize the hardware of scan . The software was designed in Visual Basic environment .