
guāng mǐn diàn zǔ
  • photoresistor;photosensitive resistance;photoresistance;light dependent resistors
光敏电阻[guāng mǐn diàn zǔ]
  1. 系统核心放大器A1C,包括光敏电阻RPR,代表决定部分增益的反馈元件。

    The heart of the system , op amp A1C , includes photoresistor RPR , which represents the feedback element that determines the gain of the stage .

  2. 控制系统采用紫外线传感器和光敏电阻组成对太阳光线的探测器,实现了太阳电池组件对太阳的跟踪。

    In its control system , the ultraviolet radiation sensor and photoresistor are used to form a detector to track the sun with solar energy modules .

  3. 提高CDs光敏电阻最高工作电压的一种方法

    A Method to Enhancing the Maximum Working Voltage of Cds Photoresistance

  4. 基于AVR单片机的光敏电阻测试装置的设计

    Design of Photosensitive Resistance Measurement Device Based on AVR MCU

  5. 光敏电阻的SPICE瞬态分析子电路模型

    SPICE transient analysis photoresistor - sub-circuit model

  6. 本文报导了由于光照在CdS光敏电阻中引起的噪声的测量结果,并对噪声产生机理做了分析。

    In this paper , noise in CdS photoresistance causing by photo-induced is represented . Mechanism of the noise is analysed theoretically .

  7. 将CCD(电荷耦合器件)单元等效成一个变阻RC积分电路,使图像中的光照效应分解为对光电势的影响和对光敏电阻的影响。

    The CCD cell is equalized as a variable resistance RC integral circuit , the lighting effect on the image is decomposed into pair impact of photoelectric potential and photosensitive resistance .

  8. 应用多项式逼近光敏电阻随发光强度变化曲线,将其转换为光敏电阻随时间变化曲线,结合受控电压源,产生SPICE程序描述的光敏电阻子电路模型。

    Intensity , transforming this curve into time-dependent curve , utilizing voltage-controlled voltage source , a SPICE program that describes photoresistor sub-circuit model is yielded .

  9. 介绍了测量CdS光敏电阻的伏安特性和光照特性的实验方法,并给出了相应的实验结果。

    The experimental methods for measuring the two basic characteristics of CdS photoresistance are introduced , i.e. , the current-voltage characteristics and the current-irradiance characteristics , and the experimental results are given .

  10. 用电桥研究光敏电阻的光电特性

    Studying the photoelectric characteristics of photoresistance using electric bridges

  11. 巧用声光控开关演示光敏电阻特性

    Demonstrating characteristic of photoresistance using acoustooptic controlled switch

  12. 光敏电阻响应时间的研究实验

    Exploring experiment on the response time of photoresistance

  13. 光敏电阻在火灾报警器中的应用

    Applications of Photosensitive Resistance in Fire Autoalarm

  14. 光敏电阻半自动测试仪的设计

    Design of Semiautomatic Instrumentation of Photosensitive Resistor

  15. 光敏电阻是最基本的传感器。

    Photoresistors are the most basic .

  16. 光敏电阻特性的研究

    Study of photosensitive resistance quality

  17. 本文介绍了一种用光敏电阻测量微弱机械振动的方法,该方法适合测量功率、振幅都很小的振动。

    In this paper , the authors suggest a method of using photoresistance to measure slight mechanical vibration .

  18. 方法光敏电阻光强比较与精确数据处理相结合。

    MethodsThe principle of the comparison of the photic intensities that the two photoresistors incept is adopted , and is combined with precise data processing .

  19. 本文设计了光电器件(光敏电阻、光电池、光电二极管等)的光电特性和光谱特性的检测系统。

    This article is designed optoelectronic devices ( light-sensitive resistors , photovoltaic cells , photodiodes , etc. ) electro-optical properties and spectral characteristics of the detection system .

  20. 把光敏电阻传感器对准地面,扫清地面上的障碍&你的机器人会避开在行进路线上的物体投影。

    Aim the photoresistors on the ground and you have instant obstacle avoidance-your robot will avoid the shadows cast on the ground by objects in the way .

  21. 通过由发光二极管和光敏电阻组成的光电传感器实现对废水的浑浊程度的检测,并将检测结果以不同电压的形式输出。

    Through piezoelectric sensors which were made up of light-emitting diodes and photosensitive resistors to detect the turbidity level of the wastewater and test results was outputted in the form of a different voltage .

  22. 论文的最后总结了系统设计和调试过程中的注意事项,展望了自动化光敏电阻生产的未来。

    In the end of the paper , the important points in the courses of the system design and debugging are summarized , and the future of automatic production of photosensitive resistance is looked forward to .

  23. 有机光电探测器包括有机光敏二极管、有机光敏场效应晶体管、有机光敏电阻等。

    Organic photodetectors include organic photodiodes ( OPD ), photoresponsive organic field-effect transistors , organic photo-resistance and so on .

  24. 本文采用太阳能硅片电池作为光照强度检测的光敏元件,太阳方位角传感器光敏器件选用光敏电阻,两对相同的光敏电阻放置在电池板的四个方向。

    In this paper , solar silicon cells as a photosensitive element is used to detect light intensity , the sun azimuth sensor use photoresistor as photosensitive devices , the same photosensitive resistor is placed in the four directions of the two panels .