
Gē lǎo huì
  • late-Qing secret society
哥老会 [gē lǎo huì]
  • [Gelao brotherhood society] 清末帮会的一种,成员多是城乡游民,在长江流域活动。起初有反清意识,后分化,常被反动势力利用

  1. 试论近代陕甘回族与哥老会

    On Gelao Society and Modern Hui Nationality in Shaanxi and Gansu

  2. 1912年喀什地区的革命运动与喀什哥老会

    The 1912 Revolutionary Movement of Kashgar and the Gelao Society

  3. 哥老会在长江中下游的崛起

    The Growth of Ko-Lao Hui in the Middle and Lower Reaches of the Yangtze River

  4. 哥老会与光绪十七年长江教案

    The Society of Brothers and the " Yangtze River Missionary Case " in 1891 The Story of Year

  5. 贺龙的‘辈份’最高,因此据说曾经不止一次把一个地方的哥老会全部兄弟收编进红军。

    Ho Lung had the highest ' degrees'and was said to have more than once enlisted an entire Ke Lao Hui branch in the Red Army .

  6. 19世纪70-90年代,哥老会在长江中下游迅速崛起。

    From the 70 's to 90 's of the 19th century , Ko-Lao Hui ( Elder Brothers Society ) witnessed a rapid growth in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River .

  7. 青帮在1853年之后活动地区由水码头转为旱码头,红帮在太平天国运动中迅速发展,以哥老会的迅速发展为代表。

    Green gang after the 1853 event by water port into a dry dock , Hong band in the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom Movement is developing rapidly , represented by the rapid development of the Gelao society .

  8. 与以往教案不同,在长江教案中,哥老会不仅把斗争矛头指向外国教会,而且也准备对清王朝进行武器的批判,从而把反对外国教会的斗争提升到了一个前所未有的新高度。

    Different from former missionary cases ," the Yangtze River Missionary Case " was meant not only to aim at the foreign churches but also to implement " an armed charge " upon the Qing Dynasty , thus promoting the struggles against the foreign churches to an unprecedented altitude .