
  • 网络Gotham;gotham city
  1. 后来,哥谭市政府颁布了一项名叫“Sprangact”的法令,该法令禁止在哥谭市内搭建大型广告牌。

    Afterward , Gotham passed the " Sprang Act " which forbade gigantic prop advertisements within the city .

  2. 最明显的证据是1990年DC漫画提供了一幅美国的卫星地图,地图清楚地标记了哥谭市在新泽西州。

    The most definitive " evidence " of this comes from a 1990 DC Comics role-playing book that provided a map of that universe 's America , and this map very clearly placed Gotham City in New Jersey .

  3. 在《黑暗骑士》(DarkKnight)三部曲中探索过哥谭市最险恶的深渊,又在《盗梦空间》(Inception)中跨越意识的多重层次之后,导演克里斯托弗·诺兰(ChristopherNolan)接下来能去的地方似乎只有外层空间了。

    After he plumbed the direst depths of Gotham City in his " Dark Knight " trilogy and traversed multiple levels of consciousness in " Inception , " it seems the only place the filmmaker Christopher Nolan could go next was outer space .

  4. 蝙蝠侠哥谭市从今后再也没有义务警员了

    Batman , there are no more vigilantes allowed in Gotham City

  5. 但是哥谭市依然是全世界犯罪率最高的城市

    Gotham City is still the most crimeridden city in the world

  6. 哥谭市连续90年来最抢手的黄金单身汉

    Gotham 's most eligible bachelor like 90 years in a row

  7. 你们的城市已经遭受攻击就是哥谭市的超级坏蛋们干的

    Your city is under attack by Gotham 's greatest criminal minds

  8. 我们为你而来哥谭市

    We 're coming for you , Gotham City !

  9. 现在主动权掌握在小丑手里我们必须立刻交出哥谭市

    The Joker has the upper hand . We have to surrender Gotham City

  10. 哥谭市需要我

    Ha ! The city needs me . Bang , bang , bang !

  11. 把他们留在那儿等哥谭市的攻击完全结束

    And then keep them there until this whole attack on Gotham City blows over

  12. 今天就是哥谭市的末日

    This is the end of Gotham City !

  13. 如今她带着她的新理念和警棍来到了我们哥谭市

    And now she 's bringing her new ideas and her nunchucks to Gotham City

  14. 哥谭市还需要我们动手才能炸掉

    Gotham City 's not gonna blow itself up

  15. 爸爸您为保护哥谭市做出了杰出的贡献

    Nice Dad , you 've always done a great job protecting Gotham City Flip !

  16. 所以你拯救了哥谭市就等于拯救了我们两个人

    So , if you help me save Gotham , you 'll help me save us

  17. 这些怪物想毁灭哥谭市

    These monsters want to destroy Gotham City

  18. 等我拿下了哥谭市

    And when I take over Gotham City

  19. 她是哥谭市的新任警长

    The new commissioner of Gotham City !

  20. 艾伦·史考特最初居住在哥谭市,并且在哥谭市广播公司工作。

    Alan Scott originally lived in Gotham City and worked for the Gotham City Broadcasting company .

  21. 他们曾经彻底抛弃了哥谭市,对它不管不问。

    They had literally abandoned Gotham City , making the city itself outside of their jurisdiction .

  22. 把疾驰者带到哥谭市和布鲁德海文市交界处的卷饼摊

    Take the Scuttler to the taco stand on the border of Gotham City and Bl ü dhaven

  23. 依靠统计学和满满的爱心把哥谭市的邻近友城布鲁德海文治理得井井有条

    She cleaned up the streets of Gotham 's nearby sister city Bludhaven , using statistics and compassion

  24. 哥谭市的市民和漫画读者都想知道:为什么哥谭市如此糟糕?

    Why , both Gotham 's citizens and Batman readers may wonder , is Gotham so messed up ?

  25. 他投入了大量资金,从头开始重建哥谭市。

    He spent oodles of his seemingly endless money in order to rebuild the city from the ground up .

  26. 那么,问题来了:(没有了蝙蝠侠)谁又能打击犯罪、惩处腐败、在哥谭市伸张正义?

    So here comes the question : Who can fight against criminals and corruption and keep justice alive in the city ?

  27. 我相信只要全世界最伟大的侦探和哥谭市最精锐的警队携手并进必能遏制犯罪

    And I know that together , the world 's greatest detective and Gotham 's finest could clean up these crimeridden streets

  28. 我给你们五分钟的时间让市长乖乖地投降否则我要毁掉整个哥谭市

    If the mayor isn 't here in five minutes to negotiate the city 's surrender , then I shall destroy Gotham City

  29. 尽管因为时间久远,有着70多年历史的哥谭市的一些真相可能鲜为人知,下面就为大家揭露10个关于哥谭市你不知道的真相。

    However , with over seven decades of history , there are many facts about Gotham City that even die-hard Bat-maniacs may have missed .

  30. 所以,莱克斯重建了哥谭市,而总统也迫于公共压力使哥谭重新回到了美国。

    So , Lex rebuilt the city , and the president gave in to public pressure and brought Gotham City back into the United States .