
  • 网络SUSTAINABLE DESIGN;design for sustainability
  1. EPC承包模式下可持续设计管理

    Sustainable Design Management based on EPC Construction Mode

  2. 设计的变革与成长&试论企业可持续设计战略

    The Changing and Growth of Design : Study on Sustainable Design Strategy

  3. 该建筑获得了LEED白金等级认证,加上其他可持续设计元素,共同创造了一个“多孔微气候自由景观”,其上是“盘旋的建筑”。

    The building , with a LEED platinum rating , incorporates these and other sustainable elements to create a " porous micro-climate of freed landscape " with the " hovering architecture " above .

  4. 工业设计中可持续设计思想的初步思考

    Applying the idea of sustainable design to the industrial design

  5. 基于生命周期评估的儿童家具可持续设计

    Sustainable Design of Children Furniture Based on Whole Life Cycle

  6. 人居环境可持续设计本土化研究

    Study on Localizing " Sustainable Design " for Human Settlement

  7. 我国可持续设计及其实践的探讨

    Approach on Sustainable Design and Its Practice in China

  8. 西北地区城市住宅中的生态与可持续设计初探

    Probe into the Eco-sustainable design of the urban dwelling in the Northwestern Region

  9. 城市居住区的可持续设计及其管理系统

    Sustainable Design and Management System on Urban Residential Quarter

  10. 生态旅游项目的可持续设计

    Sustainable development and designing of eco-tourism projects in China

  11. 综合医院门诊部建筑空间可持续设计研究

    The Research on the Sustainable Design of Out-Patient Department Space in General Hospital

  12. 可持续设计理念在户外公共设施中的应用

    The Application of Outdoor Public Facilities in Sustainable Design

  13. 景观文化及其可持续设计初探

    Primary Research on Landscape Culture and Its Sustainability

  14. 救援储备灾后临时住房模块化可持续设计探讨

    Exploration of modularization and sustainable design of temporary housing for disaster succor and repertory

  15. 可持续设计:从概念到实施

    Sustainable Design : From Concept to Practice

  16. 这些工程都展示了可持续设计与建筑的多样性和创新方法。

    Collectively , these projects demonstrate diverse and innovative approaches to sustainable design and construction .

  17. 第四章:中国传统人居可持续设计;

    Chapter 4 is the " sustainable design " of the Chinese traditional human settlement .

  18. 论共享产品设计中的可持续设计理念

    Sustainable Strategies of Sharable Product Design

  19. 浅析企业绿色化支持系统可持续设计

    On green supporting systems in Enterprises

  20. 传统建筑屋顶的现代诠释&浅析现代住宅坡屋顶的可持续设计

    The Modern Annotation of Traditional Building Roof & The Analysis of Sustainable Design on Modern Residence Pitched Roof

  21. 可持续设计必须考虑到在整个产品生命周期中环境、经济和社会等因素的影响。

    Sustainable design takes into account of environmental , economic and social impacts enacted throughout the product lifecycle .

  22. 进而针对这些规律研究办公建筑形体生成中进行可持续设计的策略。

    The sustainable strategies in the form generation of office buildings were made out through these laws at last .

  23. 分析了“生态适应设计”与“可持续设计”的同异。

    Based on ecology , this paper claims that the conception of ecological adaptation design should combine designing with ecology .

  24. 可持续设计的特点也包括适当的场地定位,自然通风,被动式太阳能设计,采光。

    Sustainable design features will also include proper site orientation , natural ventilation , passive solar design , and daylighting .

  25. 可持续设计是迅速成为主流文化的一部分,与环境,节约能源,和工人生产率的最大问题相关联。

    Sustainable design is fast becoming part of mainstream culture with environment , energy conservation , and worker productivity the biggest issues .

  26. 可持续设计超越了传统设计和生态设计,要求平衡经济、环境、社会3方面的发展需要。

    Sustainable design ( SD ) is a design management practice which aims to balance the environmental , economic and social needs .

  27. 公司结合客户的要求均可持续设计元素,而市场必须支持这些创新。

    Progressive companies are requiring , and tenants are now asking for , sustainable design elements , and the market must support these innovations .

  28. 研究成果为设计师进行户外公共设施设计时提供可以参考的可持续设计原则,有助于设计师采取更有效的设计决策,最终实现可持续设计甚至可持续发展的目标。

    It can help designers take more effective decisions in the sustainable design process or even on the way of achieving sustainable development goals .

  29. 但怎样把人居环境可持续设计概念融入中国本土设计及文化去加以利用,这不是一件简单的事情。

    But it 's not easy to use and melt the " sustainable design " of human settlement into the regional design culture of China .

  30. 论文围绕居住区园林可持续设计进行了研究,主要内容和观点如下:(1)园林可持续设计方法是风景园林可持续发展的重要方法。

    Main content and presentation are as follows : ( 1 ) Landscape Architecture Sustainable Design is an important method for sustainable development in Landscape Architecture field .