
shào qiǎ
  • frontier/strategic sentry post
哨卡 [shào qiǎ]
  • [sentry post] 在边境或交通要道上设置的哨所,用以执行特定任务

  1. 通过障碍、哨卡、检查站等

    Pass a barrier , sentry , checkpoint , etc

  2. 巴基斯坦方面声称,阿富汗只部署了大约100个类似的安全哨卡。

    It says in Afghanistan , there are about 100 such security posts .

  3. 哨卡将打开,岗楼将撤空,长期分隔两地的亲人终将团聚。

    And checkpoints will open and watchtowers will stand empty , and families long separated will finally be reunited .

  4. 巴基斯坦军方说,巴基斯坦方面有大约6万人的安全部队部署在沿阿富汗2千6百公里的边境沿线的一千个哨卡。

    Pakistan 's army says it has around 60000 security forces manning 1000 posts along the 2600-kilometer Afghan border .

  5. 但这封信没有寄出,因为信件无法通过以军的哨卡送往拉姆安拉的邮局。

    But his letter was never mailed because he could not make it past Israeli checkpoints to reach the post office in Ramallah .

  6. 阿富汗官员说,塔利班反叛分子在南部的赫尔曼德省袭击一处安全哨卡时,打死8名阿富汗警卫。

    Officials in Afghanistan say eight Afghan security guards were killed when Taliban insurgents attacked a security post in the southern province of Helmand .

  7. 在一个被红色可口可乐旗子装饰的停车处,一名美国训狗人员对正在被阿富汗安全哨卡人员搜身的记者们咆哮地指挥着。

    In a parking lot festooned with red Coke flags , an American dog handler barks commands at journalists being frisked by Afghan security agents .

  8. 阿巴斯少将说,北约部队表示希望在边境地区建立更多的安全哨卡,他说,巴基斯坦方面对这个建议表示欢迎。

    General Abbas says NATO forces have indicated they want to create more security posts along the border - a move he said the Pakistani military would welcome .

  9. 军队指挥官说,他们在阿富汗东部重新训练所有阿富汗边防警察,并且沿着被称为杜兰线的一带建立165个新的哨卡。杜兰线是阿富汗的实际边界。

    Commanders say they are re-training all Afghan border police in eastern Afghanistan and building 165 new posts along the so-called Durand Line that serves as a de-facto border .

  10. 该系统既可以应用在城市道路建设中,也可应用在沙漠、山区、边防哨卡、海岛、灯塔等照明供电困难的地区。

    This system can not only be used in the construct of city roads , but also in difficult areas with power-supply lighting such as desert , mountainous region , frontier sentry , island and lighthouse .