
shào suǒ
  • post;sentry post;watchhouse
哨所 [shào suǒ]
  • [sentry post] 警戒分队或哨兵执行任务的固定处所

  • 边防哨所

哨所[shào suǒ]
  1. 想要进入赞比亚应该经由奇龙杜边防哨所。

    The point of entry into Zambia would be the Chirundu border post

  2. 巴基斯坦士兵今早8点5分在我们W哨所无缘无故开火。印度边防安保部队准军事部队发言人说。

    " Pakistani soldiers opened unprovoked firing on our Umra Wali post at8.05 ( local time ) this morning ," said the spokesman for the paramilitary Indian Border Security Force .

  3. 报道称,叛军袭击了西部山区Dehiba的一个哨所,导致数十名士兵逃往突尼斯。

    Reports say the rebels attacked a post at Dehiba in the western mountains , prompting dozens of soldiers to flee into Tunisia .

  4. 我在走近哨所时被查问身份。

    I was met with a challenge when approaching the post .

  5. 各哨所警戒,人类禁止通行。

    Warn the outposts . don 't let the humans pass .

  6. 一家旅馆和一个边防哨所被人放火。

    A hotel and a border post were set on fire .

  7. 直到1850年,美加边境甚至没有一个边防哨所。

    There wasn 't even a border post until around 1850 .

  8. 这个哨所在5月曾经受到袭击。

    The same outpost was the target of another attack in May .

  9. 巴勃罗就是用这种手榴弹干掉在奥特罗的哨所的。

    It was with those grenades Pablo slew the post at otero .

  10. 甚至不是一个边防哨所,直到1850年左右。

    There wasn 't even aborder post until around 1850 .

  11. 我们要建立三个新的指挥哨所。

    We 'll set up three new command posts .

  12. 当时,三辆敌人卡车进入了我们观察哨所的视野。

    At that moment three enemy trucks came within view of our observation post .

  13. 这个星期,暴乱分子又连续3天对维和部队哨所发动袭击。

    This week , insurgents attacked the peacekeepers ' positions on three consecutive days .

  14. 该网络是不可见,从空中,或从地面水平观察哨所。

    The network was not visible from the air , or from ground-level observation posts .

  15. C~3I系统中的哨所通讯网

    Post communication network in c ~ 3i.system

  16. 在路边饭馆或是在遥远的军事哨所

    at diners and on distant military outposts

  17. 这帮人头一天就在汉堡与不来梅港之间英军的一个哨所上被挡住了。

    The party was stopped the first day at a British control point between Hamburg and Bremerhaven .

  18. 部队不愿意再花其有限的资源来防御边防哨所。

    The army was reluctant to expend any more of its limited resources on defending the border posts .

  19. 随着叙利亚反对派控制边防哨所,曾经逃离家乡的伊拉克难民正在回归祖国。

    As Syrian rebels seize border posts , Iraqi refugees who once fled from their homeland are returning .

  20. 去年8月,罗兴亚武装分子对警察哨所发动袭击,导致约67万人逃离家园涌入孟加拉国。

    Some 670000 of them arrived following deadly attacks by Rohingya militants on security posts in August last year .

  21. 黎巴嫩安全官员说,政府军星期五与袭击叙利亚边界附近军事哨所的武装分子发生冲突。

    Lebanese security officials say the military is clashing with gunmen who attacked an army outpost near the Syrian border .

  22. 出境入境的机场、港口、火车站和其他边境口岸,边防海防哨所。

    Airports , harbours and railway stations of entry or exit and other frontier ports , frontier stations and coastal defence stations .

  23. 有关官员说,游击队星期四拂晓前向这个地处偏远地区的警察哨所开枪、掷汽油弹和手榴弹。

    Officials say the guerrillas fired guns and hurled gasoline bombs and hand grenades at the remote police post before dawn Thursday .

  24. 我懂得你的需要,我知道在你执行任务的时候必须拔掉哨所,掩护桥头。

    I understand your needs and I know the posts must be exterminated and the bridge covered while you do your work .

  25. 端掉了哨所,你得回过头来向桥靠拢,从上面和我的左翼用火力封锁公路。

    After the destruction of the post you fall back onto the bridge and cover the road from above and my left flank .

  26. 埃及萨鲁姆哨所的目击者看到大量利比亚人,包括妇女和小孩,进入埃及境内。

    Witnesses at the Egyptian border post of Salloum saw scores of Libyans , including women and children , who had entered Egypt .

  27. 而如今,由世界银行帮助建立的一站式边境哨所使递交时间减少两个小时或更多。

    Today , a one-stop border post that the World Bank helped establish has cut down the transfer time to two hours or less .

  28. 我现在得好好地赶快把信送到,然后十万火急地回去赶上袭击哨所。

    I must deliver this message now quickly and well and then make all haste to return in time for the assault on the posts .

  29. 土耳其军方发表声明说,一个靠近伊拉克边界的土耳其军事哨所受到袭击,15名军人丧生。

    A statement by the Turkish armed forces says 15 of its soldiers were killed in an attack on a military outpost near the Iraqi border .

  30. 他向圣马尔索郊区走去,向最先遇到的一家铺子探听什么地方有警察的哨所。

    He directed his course towards the faubourg Saint-Marceau and asked at the first shop he came to where he could find a commissary of police .