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  • 网络philosophical poem;Philosophical Poetry
  1. 中国古典哲理诗的寓意表达及翻译

    Philosophical Poetry and Its Implied Message in Translation

  2. 诗歌,尤其是中国古典哲理诗常因寓意深刻而翻译困难。

    Philosophical poetry in ancient China is well-known for fewer words but more implied message .

  3. 中国古典哲理诗及其翻译

    Chinese Classical Philosophy Poetry and Its Translation

  4. 第二章分析了邵雍诗歌的题材类型。主要有五类,即咏史诗、游历诗、酬唱诗、安乐诗和哲理诗。

    Chapter Two is a typographical classification of the poetic themes of Shao 's poems .

  5. 中国当代哲理诗两首

    Two contemporary Chinese philosophic Poems

  6. 早期的智慧文学既有对古巴比伦宗教哲理诗的借鉴,也有对古埃及教谕文学的吸收;

    In the later wisdom literatures , the conception of wisdom was turned from phenomenalism to ontology , from epistemology to ethics .

  7. 作为议论文学的源头,先秦格言和谚语直接影响形成箴铭、哲理诗、寓言等文学体裁,并且对先秦议论文学基本特征的形成产生了重要作用。

    As the origin of commentary literature , the maxims and proverbs prior to Qin Dynasty directly formed the literary styles of admonition , philosophic poems , fables etc.

  8. 老作家延续着新文化运动时的海洋诗传统,继续着海洋哲理诗的创作;新作家开始汲取西方诗歌方法,开辟了一条海洋诗歌创作的新途径。

    Old poets continued the philosophical sea poetry creating , and new writers began to learn the western poetry methods , opening up a new way of Marine poetry creating .

  9. 在文中,笔者对前人几乎没有涉及过的江湖诗派的哲理诗和理学说教诗加以研究分析,力求让本研究具有一定的创新特色。

    In this thesis , the author makes a study and analysis of Jiang hu-Poets ' philosophical poems and Neo-Confucian didactic poems of which the predecessors studied and analyzed little for the intention of making this study distinctive .

  10. 山水哲理诗是智慧的结晶,表现了诗人对宇宙与人生的理性思考,对理想与真理的执著追求,对社会与生活的满腔热情。

    Poems showing philosophic theories by describing nature are a crystallization of wisdom . They show their rational thinking about the universe and life , their firm pursuit of ideals and truth and their strong enthusiasm for society and life .

  11. 老子《道德经》洋洋五千言,把社会人生等问题置于宇宙发展演变的历史长河中对照思考,历来被人们称为哲理诗。

    Lao Ti zu'Tao Te Ching , which consists of five thousand words comparing and probing into the problems concerned with society and human life from a deeper view of points long in history , is called " the poem of philosophy " constantly .

  12. 本文从其诗作中的哲理小诗与都市诗入手,着重论述了其诗的文化价值与意义:自觉的人文精神。

    Through the research on his philosophic poems and urban poems , his poetry 's cultural value and significance were expounded : conscious humanity spirit .

  13. 佛教哲理和王维山水诗的构境艺术

    Buddhistic Philosophic Theory and the Conception Art of Wang Wei 's Landscape Poems

  14. 《老子》在中国文学史上最早充分显示了以哲理为灵魂的诗的风采,其句法结构融合了南北诗歌风格、形式的传统和特点。

    Its syntax has mixed the style and form of both northern and southern traditional poems .

  15. 而那些深含哲理的议论之诗,字里行间充满着对历史、人生的深刻思考。

    His poems full of philosophical arguments abound in profound reflections on the history and life of mankind .