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  1. 本文主要从隐喻的认知特征和语义特征探讨婚联隐喻的语篇功能。

    The thesis discusses the discourse function of metaphor from its cognitive and semantic features .

  2. 认知语言学家认为隐喻无处不在,在婚联中也同样存在大量的隐喻现象。

    According to the cognitive linguists , metaphor exists everywhere , therefore there are also a mass of metaphors in wedding couplets .

  3. 婚联的隐喻衔接链有一定的形式和结构,是隐喻组织语篇的有形网络。

    The cohesive chains have certain forms and structures in wedding couplets , which is the visible network for the discourse construction .

  4. 从隐喻的语义特征来看,婚联隐喻的衔接链是语篇连贯的表层表现形式。

    Discussed from semantic perspective , the cohesive chains of metaphor are the expressive forms of the coherence of wedding couplets in the surface structure .

  5. 隐喻的延伸性使得婚联围绕中心隐喻展开,整个语篇的前后词语产生线性联系,形成衔接链。

    The extension of metaphor makes the wedding couplet develop around the central metaphor and the words or phrases in the discourse produce the linear contacts to form cohesive chains .

  6. 这种映射有一定的方向性和局部性,主要分为内容映射和结构映射,它构成了婚联的深层语义联系,是隐喻组织语篇的无形网络。

    The mapping has the characteristics of direction and locality , and can be divided into content mapping and structure mapping , which constitutes the semantic relations of the deep structure of wedding couplets to form the invisible network for the discourse construction .