
hūn yīn hé tonɡ
  • contract of marriage;marital agreement;marriage articles
  1. 有终止婚姻合同权限的法庭。

    A court having jurisdiction over the termination of marriage contracts .

  2. 不过,大家早就应该对这一婚姻合同中的剥削内容进行重审了。

    However , a review of the exploitative elements in this marital contract is long overdue .

  3. 同时,在司法实务中需要强调对此类婚姻合同的审查。

    At the same time , this kind of marriage contract should be reviewed in legal practice .

  4. 而协议中的这一条款适用于所有家庭合同,包括婚姻合同,同居协议,抚养协议等,而不仅仅限于分居协议。

    This section applies to all domestic contracts , including marriage contracts , cohabitation agreements , paternity agreements and not just to separation agreements .

  5. 视婚姻为合同的思想由来已久且很有价值,但这一价值迄今未得到充分的重视和发挥。

    The thought of regarding marriage as contract has a long history and an important value .

  6. 随着两岸民商事活动日趋频繁,涉及婚姻、继承、合同、侵权、以及投资方面的纠纷也将逐年增加。

    With the rapid increase of the civil and commercial activities on both sides of the Taiwan Strait , disputes concerning marriage 、 heritage 、 contract 、 infringement and investment are booming year after year .