
  1. 这些发生在婚礼的前一天晚上吗?

    So , these take place the night before the wedding ?

  2. 将单身聚会安排在婚礼的前一天晚上通常是错误的。

    Scheduling a party the night before the wedding is usually a mistake .

  3. 我只是想知道在我婚礼的前一天,你在这里干什么?

    I just want to know what you are doing here the day before my wedding .

  4. 8月2日,我们在举办婚礼的前一天见了面,并在他们入住的酒店里开会讨论婚礼当天的进程。

    We meet on2nd August , the day before the wedding in their hotel to discuss the wedding day procedure .

  5. 其中一个新郎方需要准备的部分包括在婚礼的前一天安置新床。

    Preparation on the part of the groom involved the installation of the bridal bed on the day before the wedding .