
  • 网络Fugger;Fuggers;Fuggle;Jakob Fugger
  1. 据历史学家费尔南布罗代尔(fernandbraudel)称,惊骇的富格尔家族认为这是一种行不通的诡计。

    According to the historian Fernand Braudel , the horrified Fuggers thought this an unworkable sleight of hand .

  2. 于是,热那亚人得以蚕食富格尔家族在西班牙财政部那里的生意。

    So the Genoese were able to erode the Fuggers ' share of business with the Spanish treasury .

  3. 富格尔家族在商业资本向工业资本转移的过程,遇到种种阻力,且商业资本大量地流失到非经济领域,影响了其工商业活动的发展。

    And a great number of commercial capital ran to non-economic field so that affected the development of industrial and commercial activities .