
Mechanism of the deteriorated processability in boron - fuel - rich HTPB propellants
Results demonstrate that the relationship of critical initiation energy and equivalence ratio shows an " U " shape curve , the cell size is also .
The combustion wave temperature profiles , the flame structure and extinguished surface of boron-based fuel-rich propel-lant are investigated by means of temperature measuring , flame photograph and SEM .
The Study of Fenton Reagent Degradation Organic Waste-water Investigation on measuring gas generation rate for fuel-rich propellant during combustion process
The results of thermal-equilibrium method and homogeneous kinetic indicate that under oxygen-rich conditions , the change of CO2 concentration has no impact on sulfur concentration and composition in smoke .
The product compositions of magnesium-aluminum fuel-rich propellant in primary chamber were calculated by using minimum free energy method . The effects of condensed phase product content including carbon , magnesium and aluminum on combustion residue were analyzed .
The results showed : When the propellants ' formations are the same , coating boron with AP can increase the explosive heat . Condensed-phase releasing heat is increased and gas-phase releasing heat is decreased .
It was concluded that , rich combustion in porous media can also achieve superadiabatic temperature . H2 product is quite rich after combustion , so rich combustion can be used to hydrogen production .
Thermal decomposition characteristics of AP / KP / GAP fuel-rich propellant
Technical Approaches of Enhancing the Energy of Boron Based Fuel-rich Propellant
Meanwhile , the combustion course of the propellant was confirmed preliminary .
The Influence of Agglomerated Boron on Burning Rate of Fuel-rich Solid Propellant
Study on combustion properties of magnesium-aluminized fuel-rich solid propellants under low pressure
Preliminary Optimization Formulation of Fuel - rich Solid Propellant Based on Boron
Influence of Fluorides on Combustion Characteristics of Mg / NaNO_3 Fuel-rich Propellants
Study on burning surface sedimentary deposit of boron-based fuel-rich propellant
Investigation on measuring gas generation rate for fuel-rich propellant during combustion process
Thermal Analysis of Viton A / Mg / NaNO_3 Fuel Rich System
Effect of coated and agglomerated boron on combustion characteristics of boron-based fuel-rich propellants
Theoretical analysis on combustion residue of magnesium - aluminum fuel - rich propellant
Effect of Components of Fuel-rich Boron-based Solid Propellant on the Burning Rate in Low Pressure
The Effects of Boron Particle Surface Coating on the Thermal Decomposition of Fuel rich Propellant
Uniformity and Stability of Combustion Heat and Its Uncertainty Analyses for Mg / Al Fuel-rich Propellant
But in the fuel lean and fuel rich explosive gas , the electrical conductivity increases gradually from bottom to top .
Design and Test Studies on Cold Gas Propulsion System of Five Degrees of Freedom Air-bearing Test-bed Investigation on measuring gas generation rate for fuel-rich propellant during combustion process
The effect of different pulverized coals and chars on NO heterogeneous reduction in the fuel rich stage of reburning was studied in a bench scale flow reactor .
Influences of composition of propellant and ejection device on ejection efficiency of primary combustion of boron-based fuel-rich propellant were studied by measuring the ejection efficiency in a gas generator .
Effects of components of fuel-rich boron-based solid propellant on burning rate in low pressure and explosive heat were investigated by measuring its burning rate with standard burner method and explosive heat with calorie meter of oxygen bomb .
The fuel-rich core in the flame body of fire whirl significantly affects the radial temperature distribution in the continuous flame region , and the flame body can be described by the combination of a cylinder and a cone .
The primary combustion of fuel-rich pasty propellant is under the chemical non-equilibrium condition . This paper presents the theoretical model of thermodynamic calculation under the chemical non-equilibrium condition and equations solving equilibrium compositions and temperature in the different thermodynamic states .