
  • 网络commercial subject
  1. 商主体与商行为是商法的两大基石,而在其中商主体又是作为商行为的承载对象存在。

    Commercial subject and commercial act are cornerstones of commercial law .

  2. 商主体与民事主体法律特征的差异

    The Difference Between the Legal Characteristic of Commercial Subject and Civil Law Subject

  3. 论商法之商主体强化原则

    Research into principle of commercial law of enforcing commercial subjects

  4. 现代商主体有两个基本构成要素与特性:组织体性与营利性。

    There are two characteristics in modern commercial subject : organizational and mercantile .

  5. 论商主体及其立法

    On the Main Body of Commerce and Its Legislation

  6. 商主体登记法律价值的冲突与统一辨析

    Analysis About Conflicts & Unity Of The Legal Value For Commercial Subjects Registration

  7. 论商主体的独立价值

    On the Independent Value of Commercial Subject

  8. 商主体人格范畴论

    On Category of Personality of Commercial subject

  9. 税收不平等对商主体平等权的危害及克服

    On the Harm of Taxation Imparity to Legal Equality of the Commercial Subjects and Overcoming

  10. 商法的营利性原则并不表现为指导人们如何营利,而在于规范商主体的营利行为。

    The non-profit principles for profit , but how is to standardize the dealers profit behavior .

  11. 在商主体的立法模式分析中,我国可以在民商合一模式下以商主体为依托进行商事立法。

    China can conduct commercial legislation relying on commercial subject under the combination of civil and commercial codes .

  12. 在商事法律活动中,商主体制度规范营利主体,而商行为主体则规范营利行为。

    In the commercial law , dealers , and standard system of profit-seeking business behavior standard profit behavior .

  13. 商誉权是商主体对其所创造的商誉所享有的专有权和不受侵害权。

    Right of goodwill is an exclusive right for business subjects to free from injury to their goodwill .

  14. 来源于宪法性权利的商主体平等权可以构成对税收不平等危害的合理阻却。

    Legal equality of the commercial subjects from the constitutional right may reasonably retard the harm of taxation imparity .

  15. 商主体与商行为是构成商法内容体系的两大基础性要素。

    Business subject and business behavior are the two essential elements that make up the content system of business law .

  16. 然而目前学界对商主体的概念、界定以及若干细则问题都存在较大争议。

    However , there still is considerable controversy about the concept , definition and many detailed rules of commercial subject .

  17. 商号是一项重要的商业标记,其所承载的商誉能够为商主体带来巨大的经济利益。

    Trade name is an important business mark and the goodwill including which can bring huge economic benefits to dealers .

  18. 同时这也直接影响到我国商主体制度的构建和完善。

    Meanwhile , it is also directly affects the construction and consummation of the system of commercial subject in our country .

  19. 商主体法定化原则是世界各国商主体法律制度的普遍规则,具有重要的意义。

    As a general principle of commercial law of most countries , the doctrine of statutory commercial subject has its significance .

  20. 商业贿赂行为,是商主体(经营者)借用贿赂手段促成交易或在交易中排挤同行业竞争者,取得竞争优势的违法行为。

    Commercial briberies are delinquent behaviors which are used to conclude the transaction or crowd out competitors in the same industry by business subjects .

  21. 在建设社会主义市场经济的当代中国,侵害商主体商誉权的案件经常发生。意志是第一性的,理性则是由意志派生出来的,理性命定为意志服务。

    In the contemporary China that is developing the socialism market economy , it usually occurs the infringement of the right of good-will of commercial bodies .

  22. 摘要商事登记制度,是国家登记主管机关依据法律对商主体的设立、变更、终止资格进行确认的制度。

    Business registration order is a system at the States governing institutes of registration that legally confirm the establishment , modification and qualifying expiry of dealers .

  23. 企业作为最重要的商主体,其进入市场和退出市场,都应当受到法律的严格规制。

    The enterprise , the most important mainstay of business , should receive the strict regulations under the law whenever it enters or quits the market .

  24. 作为商法上的重要基础概念,它是揭示商主体和商行为含义的重要工具;

    As a basic and important concept of commercial law , it is a principal tool of explaining the meaning of commercial subject and commercial act ;

  25. 严格责任理念作为基本的商法理念,强调的是对商主体义务要求的严格,具体体现在商事立法和审判中。

    The idea of strict liability as the basic in commercial law emphasizes on the requirements of the strict obligations embodied in commercial legislation and trial .

  26. 对于三资企业,我国可将包括三资企业在内的涉外商主体的法律规定融合进我国的基本商主体立法中。

    For three types of foreign-funded enterprises , China may integrate laws and regulations of foreign-related commercial subjects including foreign-funded enterprises into basic legislation of commercial subject .

  27. 但同时应警惕严格责任的泛化,否则,容易导致商主体责任过重,在市场经济的竞争中失去活力。

    We should be wary of the generalization of strict liability , otherwise it will make subject of commercial behaviors lose their vitality in a competitive market economy .

  28. 民商合一在立法实践和理论上已成为世界各国的立法趋势,商法是民法的特别法,将商主体独立于民事主体之外已无必要。

    Civil-commercial combination in theory and practice has become a legislative tendency for many countries in the world . The commercial Law is s speical one under civil law .

  29. 商法制度是信用的基础,商法为商主体建立对他人的稳定预期和外在事实的信赖提供了制度基础;

    It is the basis of credibility , because the business law provides systematic basis for commercial subject to establish stable expectation about others and credibility about external facts ;

  30. 商业信用是商主体在市场经济中不可避免的经济行为。商业信用权的保护因而也应当纳入法律规制的视野。

    Since business credit is the unavoidable behavior of business main body in market economy , the protection of the right of business credit should be brought into legal governance .