
mín shānɡ hé yī
  • combination of civil and commercial codes
  1. 在商主体的立法模式分析中,我国可以在民商合一模式下以商主体为依托进行商事立法。

    China can conduct commercial legislation relying on commercial subject under the combination of civil and commercial codes .

  2. 在我国究竟采取民商合一还是民商分立体例的争论中,商主体的独立价值无疑是一个无法回避的关键问题。

    The independent value of commercial subject is the key problem which can not be evaded during our arguments of whether to adopt the style of combination of civil and commercial codes or separation of civil and commercial codes .

  3. 论我国商事立法的民商合一民商分立与民商合一观点的起源和发展

    On the Origin and Evolvement of the Views concerning the Integration or Separation of Civil and Commercial Laws

  4. 各国的仓储立法例分为三种,我国属于民商合一的立法体例,将仓储合同作为一类独立的有名合同专章规定于《合同法》中。

    There are there kinds of legislative forms and our country belongs to the one that put civil law and commercial law together .

  5. 我国现行立法在这方面存有明显的漏洞,其原因在于没有坚持民商合一的立法传统。

    In China 's legislature , obvious loopholes exist in this field , because there is no legislative tradition which combines civil partnership with commercial partnership .

  6. 民商合一在立法实践和理论上已成为世界各国的立法趋势,商法是民法的特别法,将商主体独立于民事主体之外已无必要。

    Civil-commercial combination in theory and practice has become a legislative tendency for many countries in the world . The commercial Law is s speical one under civil law .

  7. 笔者以为,考虑到我国历来坚持民商合一的立法立场,反对民商分立,所以不宜采用大陆法系国家的分类方法。

    Consider the consistent unanimous principle of civil and business legislation , the classification of legal genealogy of civil law on Partnership is not the suitable one in China .

  8. 为完善我国代理立法,应确立和贯彻两大法系兼收并蓄的原则,民商合一的原则,立法者强制干预与尊重当事人意思自治相兼顾等原则。

    In order to consummate the agency law , the principles mentioned below should be established and implemented . Chapter two studies a tendency about the legislation of international agency law .

  9. 不论民商分立,还是民商合一,商法都具有独立的价值。

    Commercial law has unattached value , whether it in civil and commercial legal system separating or of unification .

  10. 考察大陆法系各国的民商立法体制,除了民商分立和民商合一外,还有中国式的分合折衷体制。

    There are separation of civil and commercial codes 、 combination of civil and commercial codes and China 's characteristic eclecticism legislative system by means of exploring the civil and commercial legislative system in civil law countries .

  11. 民商分立不仅仅是一个历史问题,民商合一也并非当今世界立法之最新潮流。

    Separation of civil and commercial code is not only a historical question , but also is combination of civil and commercial codes the newest legislative trend in present world .

  12. 《俄罗斯联邦民法典》是世界上最新的一部民法典,也是融民商分立国家的民法规范和商法规范于一体的民商合一法典。

    The Civil Code of the Russian Federation is the newest civil code in the world , and it combined the civil law and commercial law which separated in some states .