
  • 网络Private;Private Enterprise
  1. 日本民间企业职工年薪连续第四年下降

    Annual wages in Japanese private sector decreased for the fourth consecutive year

  2. 部分服务设施,如食堂,将委托民间企业承办。

    Part of the service facilities , such as canteen , will be trusted to private enterprises .

  3. 促进民间企业投资的税收对策

    Countermeasure of Promoting Investment of Folk Enterprise

  4. 整合学生之热情与专业,以及民间企业、非营利组织之资源。

    Third , combine students'enthusiasm and speciality , and the resources of non-governmental enterprises , nonprofit organization .

  5. 可是政府官员说,希望能藉著机会,带动民间企业调薪。

    The government said this is a good opportunity to encourage private enterprises to do the same .

  6. 此外,一些学校也与民间企业合作,通过互惠互利的方式筹取持续性的发展基金。

    Meanwhile , some Chinese schools also cooperation with the business community , through a mutually beneficial way to secure the financial problem for sustainable development .

  7. 成立主旨透过与国内外学术机构暨民间企业团体之交流活动,推展本国工商业企业管理与文艺及其相关活动。

    Purpose to promote and develop the nation 's business management , culture , and the arts through exchange activities with foreign and domestic academic institutions and private enterprise groups .

  8. 韩国政府对数字家庭大力支持,不仅制订开放的服务政策,为企业提供强大的资金支持,还联合民间企业,为新产业投入巨资。

    Korea is the representative . Korea government provide powerful support to develop digital home industry . Not only making open service policy , but also provide capital . Third , allied government .

  9. 论多维声誉为基础的民间中小企业信用互助担保体之建设

    On Construction of Mutual Credit Guarantee Body of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises based on Multi-dimensional Reputation

  10. 民间初创企业没有什么机会为解决技术难题进行创新。另外,从中国的法律制度来看,个人投资者对这种项目的投资不能保证能收回成本。

    And given China 's legal system , there are no guarantees that an individual investor in such projects would get his money back .

  11. 在这个体系中,包括了职前与职后的职业技术教育,教育系统内的学校职业技术教育与教育系统外的职业训练,各级政府、民间和企业创办的职业技术学校和职业训练设施。

    This system includes pre-career and post-career vocational education , vocational education inside and outside education system , vocational schools and career training establishments founded by governments , enterprises and other civilian institutions .

  12. 如果利率太高,民间中小企业不得不借高利贷解决融资问题,即便政府很快采取措施扶助中小企业,但也不能解决最根本的问题。

    If the interest rate is too high , private SMEs had a loan shark to solve financing problems , even if the government will soon take measures to assist small and medium-sized enterprises , but does not resolve the most fundamental issues .

  13. 借助美国学者路易斯·拉斯(LouiseRaths)等人提出的价值澄清理论,不仅在学校和家庭,也要通过政府、社区、民间机构、企业和大众媒体发挥作用,对中小学生开展切实有效的消费教育。

    Drawing support from the theory of value clarification advanced by American scholar Louise Raths , the article considers the governments , the communities , people 's organizations , enterprises and the press must play their roles and give practical and effective consumption education in addition to schools and families .

  14. 北洋军阀统治时期工业的发展与北洋政府的政策倾向有关,其具体内容有:一、解除了对民间兴办工业企业的限制;

    The industrial development during the period of the Northern Warlords was related to the policy trend of the Northern Government .

  15. 办理接待国外有关组织、民间机构及企业来华访问、考察等业务;

    To serve as host for foreign organizations , civil institutions and enterprises visiting China and assist them in exploring business opportunities ;

  16. 我国民间投资包括企业法人投资、机构法人投资和自然人投资等。

    The private investments in our country are the enterprise corporation 's investment , organization corporation 's investment and natural personal investment , etc.

  17. 实际利率和宏观税负是民间资本投资企业实际生产经营中必须考虑的资本成本,实际利率和宏观税负越高,对民间资本投资的抑制越强。

    Real interest rates and macro tax burden must be considered in the actual production and operation of private capital investment , capital costs , higher real interest rates and macro tax burden , the stronger the suppression of private capital investment .

  18. 民间资本为中小企业融资护航

    Folk Capitals Escort for the Assets of Middle and Small Enterprises

  19. 民间资本是中小企业融资的主要来源

    Civilian Capital is Main Source of Medium Small-Size Enterprises Financing

  20. 民间借贷成为中小企业发展过程中的必然选择。

    Private lending to become an inevitable choice for the SME development process .

  21. 积极启动民间资本拓宽中小企业融资

    Starting the Folk Capital Actively and Widening the Financing of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises

  22. 民间金融与中小企业发展:对温州的实证分析

    Private Finance and Small & Medium-Sized Enterprises Development : Empirical Evidence from Wenzhou Region

  23. 民间金融在中小企业融资中的作用及其规范发展研究

    The Study on the Folk Finance 's Role in Small and Medium-Sized Business Financing

  24. 第四部分是解读民间教育培训机构企业文化的危机。

    The forth part is to analyze the contemporary situation of the folk education and training organizations .

  25. 民间金融是中小企业非常有效的融资渠道,尤其对于那些规模小,处于创业初期的中小企业。

    Non-Government Finance is very effective channels for SMEs financing , especially for those small SMEs in the early days .

  26. 外交功能也都在发生变化,从传统的政治外交、安全外交正在向经济外交、文化外交、民间外交,包括企业外交总体外交方向发展。

    Traditional political diplomacy and security diplomacy are developing in the comprehensive direction which including economic diplomacy , cultural diplomacy , folk diplomacy and enterprise diplomacy .

  27. 其中一些改革(如金融改革、推动民间资本进入国有企业垄断领域)都会对国有企业构成打击。

    Many of the proposed reforms ( such as financial reform and promotion of private investment in sectors currently dominated by SOEs ) will hurt powerful SOEs .

  28. 从某种程度上来说,民间融资是中小企业的自主选择,而不仅仅是正规金融约束下的无奈之举。

    In other words , to some extent , private financing is the free choice of SMEs , not just the helplessness of the formal financial constraints . 3 .

  29. 外界的民间活动能够帮助企业锁定已经深入参与某一特定事务的人,并与他们建立联系,通过其他渠道通常难以识别和接触到这些人。

    Grassroots efforts can help a company find and connect with people who are already deeply involved in the topic and are often difficult to identify and reach by other means .

  30. 几年前的孙大午案件,引发了各界的关注,许多法学家认为此案件有将非法吸收公众存款罪扩大化的倾向,不利于民间金融和中小企业的发展。

    Many jurists believe that the case has expanded the crime of illegally absorbing deposits in public , it is not conducive to private finance and the development of small and medium enterprises .