
sī yínɡ qǐ yè
  • private enterprise
  1. 对于私营企业来说,如果没有政府的某种协调努力“大推进”(bigpush),那么这一鸿沟可能无法跨越。

    The gap may be too wide for private enterprise to bridge without some sort of co-ordinating effort from government a " big push " .

  2. 与中国相比,私营企业在印度经济中扮演着一个更为重要的角色。中国的国内生产总值(GDP)较印度高出约3倍,其出口额高出印度8倍。

    Private enterprise plays a greater role in India 's economy than China 's. China 's GDP is about three time 's larger than India 's , and its exports are eight times larger .

  3. 私营企业的开支急剧增长造成经济发展过热。

    The private sector is increasing its spending so sharply that the economy is overheating

  4. 波兰大多数私营企业都未注册在案。

    Much of Poland 's private industry goes unrecorded

  5. 长期以来,大型的上市公司和私营企业一直在为保守党捐助资金。

    Large public and private companies have long been contributors to Tory party coffers .

  6. 政府仍然认为应该给予交通领域的私营企业以经营自由。

    The government continued to believe it should give free rein to the private sector in transport .

  7. 我们先研究了让私营企业投资铁路等大型项目的方式。

    We started out by looking at ways in which big projects such as railways could be financed by the private sector

  8. 他是那个会为了一笔数目可观的酬金而将策略性建议透露给私营企业的人。

    He is the one who would , for a hefty fee , purvey strategic advice to private corporations .

  9. 随迁配偶多出现于军队、外交、政府机构以及私营企业等会定期轮换委派员工到不同地区的单位。

    The term is often associated with people involved in an expatriate assignment but is also used on domestic assignments . The phenomena where the employer regularly re-assigns their employees to new locations .

  10. 论我国私营企业以集团化迎接WTO挑战

    On the Integration of Private Enterprises in Our Country Meeting the Challenge of the WTO Entry

  11. 应从企业自身和生存环境两个方面入手,使私营企业能够适应加入WTO后的新环境,以健康地发展。

    In order to adapt the private-run enterprises to the new environment after China 's access to the WTO and to develop healthfully , the enterprises themselves and their survival environment must be improved .

  12. 安迪,始创于1990年,是一家专业生产浸胶手套的私营企业,主要产品为丁腈,天然乳胶,氯丁胶和PU手套。

    Andi founded in1990 , is a privated enterprise of manufacturing working gloves , major products are Nitrile , Nature Latex , Neoprene and PU coated gloves etc.

  13. 华为声称,自己与通用公司(GE)或者IBM公司一样,只是一家普通的跨国公司而已。它的产品遭到黑客入侵的风险并不比其他私营企业的产品更高。

    Huawei argues that it 's a multinational just like GE ( GE ) or IBM ( IBM ), and is only as vulnerable to intrusion as any other private corporation .

  14. 他们两人,再加上一个英国籍的首席运营官史蒂夫威廉斯(SteveWilliams),共同投资二十万美元的自有资金,创办了这家私营企业。

    Together the two men , and a British chief operating officer , Steve Williams , invested a couple of hundred thousand dollars of their own money to found the company , which is privately held .

  15. 他举了国有控股银行巴西银行(BancodoBrasil)的例子:这家银行的盈利水平与私营企业相当,但根据政府最近的指令降低了贷款息差。

    He cites the example of Banco do Brasil , a state-controlled bank that enjoys private-sector levels of profitability , but that on recent government orders cut lending spreads .

  16. 要应对政府资助实体(GSEs)制造的灾难性泥潭,最简单的方法便是退出。这种实体拥有默认的(随后还有实际的)政府支持以及廉价的资金,却作为增长导向型私营企业运营。

    The simplest response to the disastrous muddle created by the government-sponsored entities , which had tacit ( and then actual ) government support and cheap funding , yet operated as growth-oriented private sector enterprises , would be to withdraw .

  17. 上月,私营企业数据公司CBInsights进行了一项非正式调查。4040名受访者——大多是有孩子的初创公司创始人——中63%的人表示,他们经常或一直难以平衡自己的创业公司和为人父母的责任。只有10%的人说自己从不担心。

    In an informal poll last month by CB Insights , a private company data firm , 63 percent of the 4040 respondents - mostly start-up founders who are also parents - said they struggled with balancing their start-up and parental duties daily or all the time . Only 10 percent said they never did .

  18. 从某种意义上说,私营企业航天绝非新事。

    In one sense , private space flight is nothing new .

  19. 私营企业竞争实力不断增强。

    The competitiveness of private enterprises has been strengthened a lot .

  20. 私营企业员工激励机制的几点讨论

    Several Discussions on the Incentive Mechanisms of Staff in Private Enterprises

  21. 关于私营企业主入党问题的分析

    Analyses of Private Enterprises Owners ' Being Admitted to the Party

  22. 私营企业实行八小时工作制。

    The private enterprise shall institute an eight-hour working day system .

  23. 管理人员工作压力源及其影响&国有企业与私营企业的比较

    Sources of Working Pressure of Administrative Staff and Their Effects

  24. 二年私营企业经营经验。

    Two years experience in private-owned enterprise of business operation .

  25. 私营企业和政府之间的关系依然很成问题。

    The relationship between private business and government remains problematical .

  26. 私营企业的劳动关系属于同志式的平等合作关系,其发展不会构成尖锐的阶级对立。

    Labor relation in privately run enterprises is the relation of equality .

  27. 私营企业常常比国营企业效率更高。

    Privately-owned businesses are often more efficient than state-owned ones .

  28. 我误解了一个公立和私营企业的区别。

    I 've mistaken the difference between a public & private corporation .

  29. 重庆市私营企业产业升级的实证分析

    Empirical Analysis on the Industrial Upgrading of the Private Enterprises in Chongqing

  30. 对私营企业主道德现状及其建构的思考

    Thought on Moral Staus of Private Entrepreneur and lts Construction