
  • 网络private equity firm;private equity company
  1. 仪征化纤上市后不久,他就离开了这家公司,加入了位于香港的私人股本公司第一东方投资(FirstEasternInvestment)。

    Shortly after the IPO , he left Yizheng Chemical to join First Eastern Investment , a Hong Kong-based private equity firm .

  2. 本文作者管理着私人股本公司RiskCapitalPartners,并担任StartUpBritain主席

    The writer runs Risk Capital Partners , a private equity firm , and is chairman of StartUp Britain

  3. 本文作者管理着私人股本公司RiskCapitalPartners,并担任StartUpBritain主席。

    The writer runs Risk Capital Partners , a private equity firm , and is chairman of StartUp Britain .

  4. 本文作者管理着私人股本公司RiskCapitalPartners,并担任英国皇家艺术学会(RoyalSocietyofArts)主席。译者:薛磊

    The writer runs Risk Capital Partners , a private equity firm , and is chairman of the Royal Society of Arts

  5. 私人股本公司的招聘也受到MBA的欢迎。

    Recruitment in private equity firms is also popular with MBAs .

  6. 两个私人股本公司财团一直在竞购ClearChannel,预计它们将在本周末的最后期限之前提交强有力的报价。

    Two consortia of private equity buyers have been competing to acquire Clear Channel , and are expected to submit strong bids by this weekend 's deadline .

  7. 维珍的结构颇为独特,由350家风险资本、私人股本公司、virginmedia和一些上市公司组成。

    Virgin is a unique mix of 350 venture capital , private equity , and in virgin media , publicly-quoted companies .

  8. 这种工作室架构源自他在elevationpartners的经历即他离开电子艺界后在红木海岸为之效力的私人股本公司。

    This studio structure stems from his experience with elevation partners , the private equity firm he moved to in Redwood Shores .

  9. 出售方立即把公司转卖给私人股本公司Phoenix的那帮精明的家伙。

    He immediately turned round and sold it to those astute fellows at Phoenix private equity .

  10. 知情人士称,PerformanceEquity已通知数家大型私人股本公司,它将在未来几个月内出售一部分所持基金头寸。

    According to people familiar with the transaction , Performance Equity has notified several big private equity firms that it will be selling some of its fund stakes in the coming months .

  11. 私人股本公司正在提防重复过去的一些错误,比如,争抢着投资于所谓的首次公开发行(IPO)前的机会。

    Private equity firms are wary of repeating mistakes such as rushing to invest in so-called pre-initial public offering opportunities .

  12. 在其它大型私人股本公司中,专注于技术领域的silverlakemanagement的创始人已一再表示,他们无意上市。

    Among other big private equity firms , the founders of Silver Lake Management , which specialises in technology , have said repeatedly that they have no interest in going public .

  13. 他表示,吉利“对汽车行业理解深刻”,在投资回报方面比私人股本公司(pe)更有耐心。

    He said Geely had a " deep understanding of the auto industry " and more patience about return on investment than private equity owners .

  14. 美国司法部(departmentofjustice)已开始一项调查,以弄清私人股本公司是否相互串通,以压低被收购企业的价格。

    The US Department of justice has launched an inquiry into whether private equity firms collude with each other to hold down the prices they pay for companies they acquire .

  15. 消息人士指出,美国私人股本公司贝恩资本(baincapital)上月末给出了报价。

    Sources close to the situation said that Bain Capital , the US private equity company , had made an offer late last month .

  16. 该基金名为CitigroupCapitalPartnersII,将用于与其它私人股本公司一道,在多个行业和地区达成交易。

    The fund , Citigroup Capital Partners II , will be used to strike deals in a variety of industries and regions alongside other private equity firms .

  17. 洛阳钼业的大股东包括国企洛阳矿业集团(LuoyangMiningGroup)和总部位于上海的私人股本公司鸿商产业控股集团(CathayFortuneCorp)。

    China Moly 's largest shareholders are Luoyang Mining Group , a state-owned company , and Cathay Fortune Corp , a Shanghai-based private equity company .

  18. 私人股本公司收回投资的方式,一是将被投资公司出售给其它企业或另一家私人股本公司,二是通过首次公开发行(IPO)。

    Capital is recouped from investee companies by selling them to corporate buyers or to another private equity firm and from initial public offerings .

  19. 买入Skype股份的投资集团由硅谷最著名的科技板块私人股本公司SilverLake牵头,还包括两家风险投资公司。

    The investor group is led by Silver Lake , Silicon Valley 's most prominent technology private equity firm , and includes two venture capital firms .

  20. 当英国私人股本公司3i主动联系小肥羊(littlesheep)时,它发现,自己并不是第一个与这家中国连锁餐厅接洽的潜在投资者。

    When 3I , the UK private equity firm , cold-called little sheep , it discovered it was not the first potential investor to contact the Chinese restaurant chain .

  21. 黑石(Blackstone)等私人股本公司一直在标榜慷慨的产假计划,以吸引更年轻的金融业人士。

    For younger financiers , private equity firms such as Blackstone have been touting generous maternity leave programmes .

  22. 此前的监管条例规定,如果私人股本公司收购一家银行的股权超过24.9%,就必须注册成为银行控股公司。美联储(Fed)在9月份放宽了这项规定。

    In September , the Federal Reserve relaxed rules that required private equity firms to register as bank holding companies if they acquired more than 24.9 per cent of a bank .

  23. 该基金入股美国私人股本公司百仕通(blackstone),并于去年12月购入摩根士丹利(morganstanley)10%的股权。

    The fund bought into US private equity firm Blackstone and in December took a 10 per cent stake in Morgan Stanley .

  24. 他认为公司资产将被售予一些感兴趣的出价人,如零售企业家菲利普•格林爵士(SirPhilipGreen),或诸如AlchemyPartners等私人股本公司。

    He believes the assets will be sold off to interested bidders such as retail entrepreneur Sir Philip Green or a private equity firm such as Alchemy Partners .

  25. 两笔备受瞩目的初始投资投资对象是摩根士丹利(morganstanley)和美国私人股本公司百仕通(blackstone)的缩水,也令其声誉遭受重创。

    Its reputation was also in tatters after its initial high-profile , loss-making investments in Morgan Stanley and US private equity firm Blackstone .

  26. 橡树资本(oaktreecapital)是一家回避pre-ipo投资的私人股本公司,该基金总部位于美国,在亚洲设有业务。

    One private equity firm that eschewed pre-IPO investments was Oaktree capital , a US-based fund with operations in Asia .

  27. 以科威特投资局(kuwaitinvestmentauthority)为例,虽然该机构寻求每10年能让资金翻一番,但私人股本公司会将此视为一个相对谨慎的目标。

    Whereas the Kuwait Investment Authority ( KIA ) , for example , seeks to double its money every 10 years , private equity firms would regard that as a relatively modest target .

  28. 美国私人股本公司华平(WarburgPincus)持有6.8%的股权。

    Warburg Pincus , the US private equity firm , owns 6.8 per cent .

  29. 最近,国家外汇管理局已达成协议,向私人股本公司TPG经营的一只基金投资逾25亿美元。

    It recently agreed to put more than $ 2.5bn into a fund run by private equity firm TPG .

  30. 去年,高盛银行家兼经济学家胡祖六(FredHu)离职,在北京创立了自己的私人股本公司。

    Last year , Fred Hu , who was a banker and economist at Goldman , left to set up his own private equity firm in Beijing .