
sī rén suǒ yǒu quán
  • private ownership
  1. 这种私人所有权会将缺失的财富效应还给数百万家庭。

    This private ownership would return the missing wealth effect to millions of families .

  2. 社会转型期俄罗斯的公共所有权制度&兼论公共所有权与私人所有权的制度关系

    Public Ownership System in Transition Period of Russia : Also Concerning the Relationships Between Public Ownership and Private Ownership

  3. ip不仅仅是私人所有权。

    IP was not just private property rights .

  4. 资本的根本属性是私有性、排他性,资本的本质特征是凭借对生产资料排他性的私人所有权来占有他人剩余劳动所创造的剩余价值,资本所体现的是以雇佣劳动为基础的生产关系。

    Capital has the nature of exclusiveness and capital is private .

  5. 简言之,这项法律确认了私人所有权和公共所有权的同等法律地位。

    Put simply , the law confirms the equal legal status of private and public ownership .

  6. 本文认为,所有权的基本类型可以分为两种:一是私人所有权,包括公民所有权和法人所有权,二是公共所有权,包括国家所有权和集体所有权。

    This article declares the basic type of ownership can be divided into two kinds including private ownership and public ownership .

  7. 公司所有权的核心是股东收益权,分为私人所有权和共同所有权;

    The core of ownership of corporate is residual rights of income , which realizes thought private ownership and public ownership .

  8. 从理论上,国家所有权在内涵、主体、客体及取得方式上,均不同于一般意义的私人所有权,具有公共性。

    State ownership , owing to its characteristic of public interest , distinguishes itself from private ownership in connotation , subject , object and acquisition .

  9. 但随着国有经济改革的深入,人们日益认识到国家所有权是与私人所有权存在本质区别的公共所有权。

    As the reform of state-own economy goes into fully scale , people recognize increasingly that the substantial difference between state ownership and private ownership is public ownership .

  10. 对于废除观点、思想和文化的私人所有权,有一种反对意见认为,这将使所有的创造性工作将会由于缺乏“激励”而停息,我们将会被普遍懒惰所打倒。

    It has been objected that upon the abolition of private property in ideas and culture all creative work will cease , for lack of'incentive , 'and universal laziness will overtake us .

  11. 未来的国家所有权在立法上应满足的基本要求是首先,立法理念上应树立国家所有权的存在目的是为了服务于私人所有权的观念。

    The state ownership in future should satisfy the basic needs on the legislation as follows : first , we should establish the ideal that the state ownership exists to serve the right of private property ;

  12. 在这一过程中,为隔绝行政权之介入,改革者认为国家所有权的行使与私人所有权之间并无实质差异,作为平等的市场主体,其法律调整,应当纳入《公司法》等民商私法的调整范畴。

    In order to avoid administrative interference , the exercising of state ownership was considered virtually the same as private ownership . As equally competent market players , the adjustment of relationships should be within the scope of private laws such as corporation law .

  13. 出售我们全部国有化的公司变成私人的所有权是一项非常倒退的阶段。

    Selling off all our nationalized companies to private ownership is a very retrograde step .

  14. 对私人财产所有权予以法律保护,是市场经济发展的必然要求。

    Legal protection for ownership of personal property is necessary for the development of market economy .

  15. 当然,并非所有高管都喜欢私人股本所有权。

    Of course , private equity ownership is not going to be to every executive 's liking .

  16. 中国还需要深化以农民土地所有权、国有企业所有权和私人财产所有权为重点的产权改革,印度则需要改革其限制社会流动、压抑经济活力和削弱人力资本投资的种姓制度。

    Moreover , China should deep its property reform while India needs to abolish its backward caste system .

  17. 房屋拆迁是以国家权力为后盾对私人房屋所有权进行干涉的行为。

    House demolition is a kind of act which is backed by administrative power and intervenes private house property .

  18. 财产权制度、尤其是私人财产所有权制度,开辟了公民私人自治领域,勘定了政府公权力的范围。

    The property right has opened up the territory of citizens ' private governance and restricted the public power of government .

  19. 土地征收是指国家基于公共利益的需要而强制取得私人土地所有权并给予相应补偿的法律制度。

    The land expropriation refers to the legal system that the country based on public interests need forcefully to obtain the personal landownership and give corresponding compensation .

  20. 房屋拆迁其实质是国家公权力对私人房屋所有权的干预,这种干预必须要有其合法性依据,公共利益便是这种干预的唯一合法性实体依据,应该贯穿房屋拆迁过程始终。

    The essence of house demolition is a national public power intervention in property rights , and the public interest is the only legal basis , should always run through the house demolition .

  21. 这也使中国有机会掌握了一部分美国国债和一些私人资产的所有权。

    It is also enabling China to accumulate ownership of American government securities and private-sector assets .

  22. 在亚述帝国,土地名义上归国王所有,私人的土地所有权也得到充分的尊重。

    In the Assyrian Empire , the king was the nominal owner of all the land within the empire , although private land ownership was fully valued .

  23. 当时间的车轮进入19世纪,基于社会经济、政治的需要,个人本位让位于社会本位,意思自治原则受到越来越多的限制,私人的财产所有权也从绝对走向相对。

    After 19 ~ th century , with the development of social economy and politics , social standard replace individual standard and the rule autonomy of the will is restricted .

  24. 为了犒赏有功的近臣与军官,晚期的国王授予他们私人地产的所有权,免除了他们的大地产及其仆从的赋役。

    To reward the meritorious persons attending to the royal family and military officials , the later kings granted them the ownership of their estates , and exempted their estates and the people attached to these estates from taxes and duties .

  25. 论私人对天体的所有权&基于人类共同继承遗产原则的思考

    Identify the Private Ownership of Celestial Bodies on the Basis of the " Common Heritage of Mankind " Principle

  26. 我看到在逻辑上推到尽,这合约是准许私人使用资产但没有私人所有权。

    I saw that in the ( logical ) limit , this would amount to a contract granting the private use of resources without private title .