
  • 网络I-Works;innovation work
  1. 微软曾起诉李开复,以便阻止他加盟谷歌。2009年,李开复离开谷歌,成立了风投基金创新工场(InnovationWorks)。

    Microsoft sued him in an effort to keep him from moving to Google , which he left in 2009 to launch venture-capital fund Innovation Works .

  2. 创新工场(InnovationWorks)首席执行长李开复今年4月在一个会议上说,年轻创业者很难找到投资。

    It is difficult for young entrepreneurs to find investment , said Li Kaifu , chief executive of Innovation Works , at a conference in April .

  3. 但创新工场CEO李开复认为:即便再简单的工作也会是一段有意义的经验。

    But Li Kaifu , CEO of Innovation Works , believes that even working on easy tasks is a beneficial experience .

  4. 创新工场正设法填补这一空白。

    Information Works is trying to close that gap .

  5. 我在考虑您的创新工场!

    I 'm thinking about your innovation workshops !

  6. “创新工场”老板李开复称,“人们会预先考虑到政府因素”。

    " People take the government as a given ," says Mr Lee of Innovation Works .

  7. 投资者有腾讯产业共赢基金、今日资本、创新工场和启明创投。

    The investors included Tencent Industry Win-Win Fund , Capital Today , Sinovation Ventures and Qiming Venture Partners .

  8. 不久前,他离开谷歌创建“创新工场”,这一决策再度让他成为新闻焦点人物。

    His recent decision to leave Google and start Innovation Works Incubator just put him in the news again .

  9. 李开复:谷歌中国区前任总裁,2009年9月宣布离职并创办孵化计划投资公司创新工场任董事长兼首席执行官。

    Kai-Fu Lee is the former head of Google China and the founder of Innovation Works , a Chinese incubator and investment firm .

  10. 节目播出后,创新工场董事长兼首席执行官李开复在新浪微博上发起请愿活动,号召公众联合抵制《非你莫属》。

    Later , Kai-fu Lee , chairman and CEO of Innovation Works , launched a petition on Sina Weibo , calling on the public to boycott the TV program .

  11. 也许他在创新工场中最大的财富是他的个人魅力和他和正在成长的企业家的沟通能力:下一个和谢尔盖在一起的拉里和埃里克,或者是比尔盖茨和史蒂夫鲍尔默。

    Perhaps his strongest asset at Innovation Works will be his personal charisma and ability to connect budding entrepreneurs : the next Larry and Sergei with Eric , or Bill Gates with Steve Ballmer .

  12. 李开复现在正运营着一个名为创新工场的公司,致力于初创企业投资。他此前曾经在苹果公司、微软公司工作过,并且在2005年至2009年期间担任谷歌公司大中华区副总裁。

    Lee is currently running his own company called Sinovation Ventures that invests in startups and he previously held jobs at Apple Inc and Microsoft Corp , and served as Google Inc 's Greater China vice president from 2005 to 2009 .

  13. 李开复表示,公司建立的创新工场发展基金会是希望为各项目提供大量资金,使其变得更加成熟和独立。在这个阶段后,其他创投公司将会逐步加入并起到领军作用。

    The venture also established the Innovation Works Development Fund ( IWDF ) to provide larger funding to projects that have grown more mature and independent . After this stage , other venture capitals ( VCs ) will participate in and take the lead , Lee said .