
  1. 生产方法方式及创新构思使用的有机肥料使用的另类杀虫剂

    Production Practice Innovations and Methods Organic Fertilisers Used Alternative Pesticides Used

  2. 新型胀缩式堵头创新构思及设计

    Creative conception and design of a new styled expansion contraction plug

  3. 民法本位研究创新构思

    New Thoughts about Studies of Civil Law Standard

  4. 舞台升降机的创新构思及实践

    Creative Design of the Stage-lifter

  5. 技术创新构思是技术创新设计中最能体现创新性的阶段,体现为不同种类知识的融合。

    The idea of technological innovation can be good embodied in innovative design stage , and reflects the integration of different types of knowledge .

  6. 结合人行桥的具体实例,阐述了桥梁设计中如何实现创新构思与结构设计的合理结合。

    With the study cases of pedestrian bridges , this thesis has expatiated how to achieve reasonable combination of innovation and structural design in bridge design .

  7. 企业技术创新构思的产生和发展是个人凭借其认知模式对外来刺激经过同化、顺应和忽略机制对认知模式进行补充、调整和改变的结果。

    The innovative idea is produced and developed by individual cognitive model with stimulates which complement and adjust individual cognitive model though assimilation , accommodation and ignore .

  8. 设计人员要进行创新构思,就要有强烈的创造意识,坚实的创造性知识基础,灵活的思维方法及对创造性机理的认识和理解。

    The designers who are to make innovations must have a strong sense of innovation , a solid basis of creative knowledge and a clear comprehension of the innovative mechanism .

  9. 结果表明:根据竞技武术单独动作的分类,可将递进加难创新构思为单一动作、复合动作、变形动作,变器械部位等类型的加难创新理论。

    The result showed that based on classification of single movement of competitive Wushu , the difficult degree increment can be regarded as single movement , combining movement , transforming movement and instrument changing .

  10. 大跨径斜拉拱桥创新技术构思与研究

    Considerations and Study of Innovative Techniques for Long-Span Cable-Stayed Arch Bridge

  11. 基于产品信息分析的创新设计构思研究

    Study on Product-Information-Based Conceiving Methods to Innovation Design

  12. 第二节,我们以流动收益期权票据这种特殊的可转换债券为例,来了解西方金融工程师对金融产品创新进行构思、包装、定价及上市等一系列过程,从而更好地认识可转换债券。

    The second section takes the liquidity yield option note ( LYON ) as an example to understand the properties of the convertible bond and the entire process of the financial instrument innovation in the western financial market .

  13. 在导论这一章;本文阐述了为什么要研究房地产行业以及研究这一问题的意义;主要的研究方法和研究思路;研究创新以及研究构思和研究框架。

    The introduction to this chapter , explains why the author decide to study the real estate industry and research significance . It also contains the main research methods and innovation as well as the research idea and research framework .

  14. 编导是知识类影视创作的主脑,创新思维是编导构思的核心。

    Director is the head of the television program creation , and the innovation thinking is the core of director 's concept .

  15. 资产证券化作为30多年来最重要的一种金融创新,因其构思精妙、功能独特而在金融市场中显示出巨大的发展优势。

    As the most important financial innovation in the past 30 years , asset securitization is showing great advantage in development because of its ingenious idea and unique function .

  16. 产品创新是贯穿产品构思、设计、试制、营销全过程的以市场为导向的系统工程,它是功能创新、形式创新、服务创新多维交织的组合创新。

    Product innovation is a market-oriented system which runs through the whole process of product conception , design , trial-produce and marketing , it is a multi-dimension innovation combined by function innovation , formal innovation and service innovation .