
  • 网络Standardization;product standardization;standardized product
  1. 全球化对产品标准化起着巨大的推动作用。

    Globalization is a giant impetus of product standardization .

  2. 陕西省农产品标准化问题研究

    Study on Agricultural Product Standardization in Shaanxi Province

  3. 加入WTO对中国汽车工业的影响标准化与贸易技术壁垒&入世后车辆产品标准化面临的新课题

    Standardization and Trade , Technology Barriers & The New Subjects of Standardization of Car Products after Entry into the World Trade Organization

  4. 相反,结果我从事了产品标准化和监控的工作—当然我的MBA学习也有所帮助。

    Instead , I 've ended up working in product standardisation and monitoring -- which , of course , my MBA studies helped with , too .

  5. 第四章对鄱阳湖生态经济区进行随机抽样调查获取相关数据,分析农户对农产品标准化生产认知与采纳意愿,采用Logistic计量模型探讨影响农户对农产品标准化生产认知与采纳意愿的影响因素。

    Chapter four random sample survey of Poyang Lake Eco-Economic Region access to relevant data , analysis of farmers ' agricultural products standardization implementation and promotion of awareness and adoption will , using logistic econometric model to investigate the impact of factors .

  6. 建议政府应积极与日方交涉,促进中日两国FTA的建立,完善贸易壁垒预警机制,同时大力推进农产品标准化战略,发展绿色产业,实现农业的低碳经济。

    Recommendations that our government should actively negotiate with the Japanese side to promote the establishment of an FTA between China and Japan and early warning mechanism of the barriers , vigorously promote standardization agricultural strategy , the developments of green industries as well as agriculture in low-carbon economy .

  7. 集控室电气舾装产品标准化不容忽视

    About implementation of standardization of electrical outfitting in centralized control room

  8. 我国农产品标准化现状和存在的问题及对策

    The Situation Problem and Strategy of Agricultural Products Standard in China

  9. 首先,这有利于产品标准化工作的转型。

    First , the system is good for the transformation of product standard .

  10. 科教仪器新产品标准化

    Standardization of New Products of Science & Teaching Instrument

  11. 东盟钢铁产品标准化问题委员会

    ASEAN Technical Committee on Iron and Steel Products Standardization

  12. 农产品标准化是农产品品牌发展的技术基础;

    Standradization is the technical basis of brand developing .

  13. 松针系列化学加工产品标准化现状及解决对策

    Standardized situation and solution countermeasure of series products from pine needles by chemical processing

  14. 面向创新开发的产品标准化信息挖掘及其网络化平台研究

    Standard parts modelling platform for networked products development

  15. 组织工程医疗产品标准化研究的进展

    Develop on Standardization for Tissue Engineered Medical Products

  16. 产品标准化与规范化技术的研究

    Study on Standardization and Regularization Technology of Products

  17. 产品标准化设计网络服务系统的设计与开发

    The Design and Development of the Product 's Standardization Design and Networking Service System

  18. 标准生产体系包括生产标准化、产品标准化和生产流程标准化三个方面。

    Standard production system including production standardization , standardization of products and production process standards .

  19. 针对当前我国农产品标准化和农产品品牌发展的具体化情况,提出了加强农产品标准化建设促进农产品品牌建设的基本思路。

    The basic thinking that enhancing standardization construction promotes the brands ' development has been raised .

  20. 企业产品标准化工作探讨

    Discussion on Standardization of Enterprise Product

  21. 我国农产品标准化的贸易效应&基于引力模型的实证分析

    Trade Effects of Standardization of Agricultural Products in China : Emprical Analysis Based on Gravity Model

  22. 草药产品标准化的现代化工具

    Modern tools for standardising herbal products

  23. 开发了原型系统平台来管理产品标准化知识并进一步支持产品创新开发。

    Besides , a platform was constructed to management the standard project and faced with products development .

  24. 企业产品标准化事关企业的生存与发展。

    The product standardization of an enterprise has much to do with the enterprise 's existing and development .

  25. 跨国公司;出口导向型企业;产品标准化战略;内外部因素。

    Multinational Corporations ( MNCs ); Exporter-Orientated Enterprise ; Strategy of Product Standardization ; Internal and External Factors .

  26. 论述了试验机产品标准化的功能和作用;展望了我国试验机产品标准化的发展趋势。

    The functions and role of standardization of testing machines is also discussed and his development trend is predicted .

  27. 第三章研究分析了鄱阳湖生态经济区农产品标准化实施与推广的发展现状,并总结出鄱阳湖生态经济区农产品标准化实施与推广中存在的问题。

    Chapter three analyzed the development and problems of standardized agricultural implementation and promotion of Poyang Lake Eco-Economic Region .

  28. 论述了引进产品标准化、标准的转化、产品国产化及国际标准的采用问题。

    This paper describes standardization and localization of imported product , conversion of standard and application of international standard .

  29. 产品标准化战略作为跨国公司全球营销战略重要的经营模式,一直以来,在理论和实践方面都受到跨国公司的普遍关注,在全球营销战略领域表现出极强的实践性。

    As a major component of global marketing strategy , product standardization has been widely paid attention to for a long time .

  30. 农产品标准化从20世纪初出现以来,已经历经近百年的发展历程。

    Standardization of agricultural products emerged from the early of the 20th century , it has been nearly 100 years after the development process .