
  • 网络product internationalization
  1. 由于市场竞争的不断加剧、产品国际化程度提高、消费者需求日趋复杂,企业竞争越来越反映到对于产品竞争。

    Due to the increased market competition , product internationalization and complexity of consumer demand , the competition of new product will be more and more reflected on the enterprises .

  2. 目的:探讨中外合作机制与我国中药产品国际化的关系。

    OBJECTIVE : To discuss the relation between sino-foreign cooperation mechanism and the internationalization of Chinese medicine products .

  3. 盛亚国际使盛亚公司先进的技术与产品国际化,并能提供工程的支持和项目的现场指导。

    Centria International provides worldwide access to centria 's advanced technologies and products , plus construction support and project supervision .

  4. 方法:从理论和实践结合的角度,分析中外合作机制与中药产品国际化之间的必然联系。

    METHODS : We discussed the positive correlation between sino-foreign cooperation mechanism and the internationalization of Chinese medicine products in theory and practice .

  5. 杨亚伦:我们首先考虑到产品国际化的问题,我们考虑到中国是个很重要的市场。

    Jeroen B.Jacobs : We consider the question of the internationalization of the products at first , we consider China is a very important market .

  6. 结果与结论:按照世界贸易组织规则的要求建立我国中药领域的中外合作机制,可以加快我国中药产品国际化的进程。

    RESULTS & CONCLUSION : The internationalization of Chinese medicine products can be achieved by setting up sino-foreign cooperation mechanism in Chinese medicine industry according to WTO regulations .

  7. 大都市社区旅游不仅是都市旅游空间组织和发展的重要模式,也是旅游产品国际化的重要表现形式。

    Metropolis community tourism is not only a main pattern of metropolis tourism spatial organization and development , but also an important manifestation of the internationalization of the tourism products .

  8. 实施名牌战略,推进畜产品市场国际化;

    Implementing famous trademark strategy will promote internationalization of animal product market .

  9. 我国民族特色产品品牌国际化

    Research on Global Branding of Chinese National Culture Products

  10. 随着农产品的国际化不断加深,棉花产业面临的竞争也越来越激烈。

    Since agricultural products have been broadly internationalized , the cotton industry is also facing increasingly fierce competition .

  11. 出口动漫游戏产品,通过国际化的市场运作来分摊成本收回投资实现盈利。

    Export animation games , through international market to spread the cost recovery of investment profits .

  12. 随着产品市场的国际化,制造企业的竞争日趋激烈。

    With the product market becomes internationalization , manufacture enterprises ' competition becomes more and more drastic .

  13. 实现我国动画产品的贸易国际化,是弘扬民族精神、振兴民族经济的有力保证。

    Trade internationalization of our cartoon products can provide a solid foundation for rejuvenating national spirits and economy .

  14. 讨论了蒂森克虏伯钢铁公司的现状及发展战略,包括工厂建设、产品开发及国际化。

    The industrial concept of Thyssen Krupp Stahl AG and the future strategy with regard to plant engineering , product development and internationalization are discussed .

  15. 中国未来家具工业的产品体系由国际化产品、手工艺产品、劳动输出型产品和价格特色产品构成。

    The furniture products system in China will be consisted of products with several characteristics , such as globalization , handicraft , reasonable labor and low price .

  16. 长三角地区依赖其有利的区位优势商品经济发达、农副产品丰富,国际化地位得到强化。

    There are developed commodity economy , rich subsidiary agricultural products and strengthened international status in The Yangtze River Delta , which rely on its favorable location advantages .

  17. 比如,注意在文化产品中赋予国际化要素和本民族特色,为汉语国际推广起到好工具、好媒介的作用,要注意充分利用现代新媒体和新技术,多种形式推广汉语等。

    For example , apply international and national factors ; provide better tools and media for the international promotion of Chinese , take advantage of modern media and technology and so on .

  18. 随着数据仓库技术在实践中的广泛应用,如何实现不同数据仓库系统之间数据的协同处理和交换,已经成为数据仓库产品供应商和国际化组织研究的主要课题。

    While data warehouse technology has been widely used in practice , it has been one of the main research topics that how to implement co-operation and data exchange between different data warehouse systems .

  19. 打造西安国际化大都市将对西安的整体发展,尤其是房地产业的发展产生深刻的影响,将深刻影响西安房地产市场的需求量、产品结构与国际化水平。

    The creating the Xi ' an international metropolis will have a profound impact on overall development of Xi ' an , especially on real estate development including the demand for real estate market , product structure and international level .

  20. 中国加入WTO和世界经济全球化促使中国产品及其商标必须国际化。

    China 's entry into the WTO and the globalization of world economy have made it necessary that Chinese products and their trademarks be internationalized .

  21. 而导致跨国公司RD国际化战略的动因在于巨大的市场需求、产品的本土化、国际化市场和供应链管理全球、RD战略导向、政府推动以及信息技术的发展。

    The motives of R & D globalization of MNCs are great market demand , products localization , market internationalization and globalizing supply chain management , etc.

  22. 凭借高品质的技术产品,配合我们国际化的高效服务,在对国内市场的推广中树立了公司自身的专业形象和口碑。

    With the good quality technical product , and high efficiency service , our company 's image and reputation also have been built up in domestic market .

  23. 经济全球化使跨国公司走向全球经营,其全球化的产品开发分为国际化和本地化两个流程,翻译是本地化流程的一个环节。

    Economic globalization makes companies going global . There are two steps to go to develop globalized products : internationalization and localization . Translation is an integrated step in the localization process .

  24. 在不断改进和提高原有产品质量的同时,积极开发新产品,使产品多元化,国际化。

    Follow with the step of continuously improving the quality ; we actively develop new products for the internationalization .