
  • 网络property right incentive
  1. 基于EVA的经营者人力资本产权激励研究

    Studies on Property Right Incentive of Executives on the Basis of EVA

  2. 技术创新的溢出效应与产权激励功能探讨

    A Probe into the Spillage Effect of Technique Innovation and the Function of Property Right Incentive

  3. 本文以委托一代理理论、企业家人力资本要素理论、产权激励理论为基础,从中引出MBO的经济学动因,即企业家为实现其人力资本价值,对剩余索取权的追求促使产权革命。

    This thesis is based on these theories including entrusts-act theory , human capital theory and ownership theory , and bring up the motive and reason of MBO .

  4. 论我国自主创新型科技人才的产权激励

    The Incentive Ways for Chinese Independently Innovative Scientific and Technical Personnel

  5. 人力资本与现代企业产权激励制度创新研究

    Human Capital and Innovations of Modern Enterprise Property Right Stimulating System

  6. 自主性技术创新中的知识产权激励

    The Encouragement of Intellectual Property Right in the Independent Technological Innovation

  7. 对高校和研究机构实施产权激励政策;

    Implement the property right stimulation policy in universities and research institutions .

  8. 西部生态环境治理中的产权激励问题探析

    An Analysis of Property Rights Incentives in Eco-environment Governance in Western China

  9. 国防科技创新的产权激励制度研究

    The Research on the Property Rights Incentive Institutions of Defense Technology Innovation

  10. 企业技术创新的产权激励模式

    A Model on Applying Motivation of Property Rights to Enterprise Technological Innovation

  11. 基于管理层收购的人力资本产权激励研究

    A Study on the Encouragement of Human Capital Property Rights Based on MBO

  12. 高新技术企业产权激励机制分析

    An Analysis of Incentive Mechanism of Property Rights in the High Technology Enterprise

  13. 建立知识产权激励机制。

    The intellectual property motivation system shall be constituted .

  14. 国有企业经营者的超产权激励分析

    Analysis of Beyond Property-Right Motivation for the Managers in State-owned Firms in China

  15. 国有企业高管产权激励的法律规制

    On the legal regulation of the state-owned enterprises managers ' incentive mechanism of ownership

  16. 第三部分包括2章,第五章农村居民点整理产权激励机制和第六章农村居民点整理收益分配激励机制。

    The fifth chapter is property rights incentive mechanism design of rural residential land consolidation .

  17. 工程项目管理的两大主题&官僚制和产权激励机制

    Two Subjects of the Engineering Project Management & Bureaucracy and the Incentive of Property Rights

  18. 田面权具有很强的产权激励效用,同时也存在某些不足。

    For some deficiency , the surface field right has a strong incentive validity on property-right .

  19. 刍议商业银行操作风险管理中的人力产权激励

    The Incentive System of Property Rights of Human Capital in Operational Risk Management of Commercial Banks

  20. 该企业战略创新激励机制由产权激励机制、市场激励机制和内部激励机制构成。

    The mechanism is consists of property rights incentive system , market incentive system and internal incentive system .

  21. 人力资本产权激励的目标是实现对员工的短期激励和长期激励并重。

    The objective of stock ownership incentive is to achieve the inspirit in short term and long term .

  22. 基于法人治理的国有医院产权激励与约束研究

    Study on Incentive and Disciplinary Mechanism of the Property Rights Based upon the Corporate Governance in the State-owned Hospitals

  23. 本文主张用价值链会计的方法解决与人力资本产权激励相关的会计问题。

    The essay aims to solve the financial and accounting issues related to incentive on human capital equity by value chain accounting .

  24. 第二,阐述了人力资本产权激励理论的特点,以及人力资本产权激励在中小企业中的适用性。

    Second , introduce characteristics of human capital property right incentive , and applicability analysis of human capital property right incentive in SMEs .

  25. 制约我国高新技术企业发展的根本原因之一是产权激励机制的短缺。

    One of the basic reasons which restrict the high-tech enterprise development in our country is the incentive mechanism shortage of property rights .

  26. 其中,制度软约束是一种产权激励,中央政府集权是一种产权约束,而外向型经济发展模式则提供了充足的市场需求。

    Institutional soft constraints are property rights incentives , government centralization is property rights constraints , and export-oriented development mode provides adequate market demand .

  27. 人力资本参与剩余索取的前提就是要准确计量人力资本价值并且建立相应的产权激励模型。

    The premise of human capital asking the residual is to calculate the value of human capital and establish the model of income allocation precisely .

  28. 核心技术员工产权激励的实施方法主要是员工持股计划,主要介绍现股激励。

    Core technical staff incentive the implementation of property rights is the main method of Employee Stock Ownership Plan , the main stock incentives are introduced .

  29. 其次,进行人力资本分享企业收益的权变分析和经营者人力资本产权激励的公司治理效应研究,建立了人力资本收益分配的谈判力权变模型。

    Secondly , the negotiations strength model with non-human capital is set up . And also , the corporate governance effect of human capital rights is analyzed .

  30. 一般来说,对技术创新的激励主要有产权激励、政府激励、市场激励和企业激励四种。

    Generally speaking , the encouragement of technology innovation has four kinds , that is , property rights encouragement , government encouragement , market encouragement and enterprise encouragement .