
shānɡ pǐn qīnɡ xiāo
  • dumping
  1. 深入分析了东北地区在日本帝国主义的商品倾销和原料供给两方面所起到的作用。

    It makes a further analysis on the role of the Northeast of China region in the commodity dumping and raw material supply of imperialistic Japan .

  2. 研究结果表明,列强对东北的经济侵略是以鸦片为突破口,以商品倾销为手段,以掠夺资源为最终目的。

    Research results show that opium was the breach of the economic aggression of big powers against Northeast China , Moreover , these big powers also took merchandise dumping as means and plundering resource as final purpose .

  3. 现在的问题是,当欧盟进行对中国进口商品反倾销调查时,会如何计算反倾销率。

    is how the EU calculates anti-dumping rates when it launches investigations into Chinese imports .

  4. 中国出口商品反倾销形势的实证分析&基于中国出口反倾销案件数目和同期出口金额的分析

    Empirical analysis of anti-dumping situation of China 's exported goods & Based on analysis of anti-dumping case number and export sum of money of China 's export

  5. 本文将结合国际反倾销的形势及发展,针对外国商品对华倾销,深入地探讨和研究中国的反倾销状况,由此提出具有可操作性的反倾销建议和对策以供参考。

    In consideration of international situation and developments as well as foreign merchandise dumping to Chinese , this paper analyses China 's present antidumping situation and puts forward maneuverability suggestions and countermeasures about it .

  6. 中国已于2001年12月11日正式成为WTO的缔约国。随着中国的入世,外国商品在华倾销将会越来越频繁,给我国经济发展带来的负面影响也必然会随之越发严重。

    China has joined WTO on December 11, 2001.After China 's accession to WTO , more foreign products will be dumped into China .

  7. 德国总理安格拉默克尔(angelamerkel)上周在访华期间表示,围绕太阳能电池板的一宗贸易纠纷,最好通过谈判来处理,而不是对从中国进口的低价商品开征反倾销税。

    Visiting China last week , Angela Merkel , the German Chancellor , said that a trade dispute over solar panels would be better dealt with by negotiation than by imposing antidumping duties on low-priced imports from China .

  8. 中国商品应对反倾销的策略研究

    Study on the Strategy of Chinese Goods Answering Anti-dumping Investigation

  9. 中国出口商品频遭反倾销的几点思考

    On Chinese Export Merchandise Suffering from Frequent Anti-Dumping

  10. 从我国商品遭遇反倾销的特点、遭遇反倾销的原因分析,提出了我国如何应对反倾销危机的策略,以及保护我国出口商的合法利益等问题。

    The author , from analysis to these features and reasons , has put forward how to face this problem and protect the export merchandise .

  11. 在中国屡遭反倾销过程中,国外商品在华倾销行为也经常发生并扰乱了正常的贸易秩序,阻碍了中国国内产业结构的调整,给生产者造成破产压力。

    In the course of being anti - dumped , China suffers dumping from other countries quite often that disturbs normal trade order , obstructs the adjustment of Chinese local industrial structure and imposes the pressure of bankrupt on local business enterprises .

  12. 我国出口商品频受反倾销的威胁,而在WTO框架下,解决国际贸易争端的主体只能是非官方的行业协会。

    In recent years , our export goods are frequently under threat of antidumping , meanwhile , in the frame of WTO , the main body of solving the international trade dispute only to be the unofficial guild .

  13. 欧盟于今年1月对年度价值约5.75亿欧元(合8.12亿美元)的商品征收了反倾销税。它表示,这些关税符合WTO规则,旨在保护欧洲企业免受定价不公平的中国商品的冲击。

    The European Commission said the duties , imposed in January on goods worth some 575m ( $ 812m ) a year , complied with WTO rules and served to protect European businesses from unfairly priced Chinese goods .

  14. 确保自己出口的商品不会受到反倾销和其它贸易方面的限制,这是中国和其它国家的利益所在。

    China and other countries have an interest in ensuring that their exports are not subject to anti-dumping and trade restrictions .

  15. 随着中国对外出口的增加,特别是中国加入世贸组织后,中国商品遭受的反倾销案件越来越多。

    With the increasing of China ' exporting to the outside , especially after China joined WTO , there are more and more anti-dumping cases that the Chinese goods suffer .

  16. 除了提议在被认为定价不公平的进口商品中采取反倾销的措施,北京还在审视反倾销税,用于抵制那些政府补贴的商品。

    Besides proposing " anti-dumping " measures on imports deemed to be priced unfairly low , Beijing is looking at " countervailing duties ", used against goods that receive government subsidies .

  17. 一旦启动调查进口商品是否正被倾销、获得非法补贴,或只是大举涌入的速度对本国产业构成威胁,各国政府一般会在12至18个月后对进口产品实施全面限制。

    After starting an investigation into whether imports are being dumped , illicitly subsidised or are simply flooding in at a rate that threatens domestic industry , governments typically impose full restrictions on imports 12-18 months later .