
qīnɡ xiāo jià ɡé
  • dumping price
  1. 最大的担心是低价格倾销价格会扼杀本土行业。

    The big fear is the low prices – dumping prices – could kill the local industry .

  2. 要及时制止经营者低价倾销、价格串通等违法行为。

    In a timely manner to put an end to dumping low-cost operators , such as illegal price collusion .

  3. 并从行为主体、适用范围、认定标准等方面将掠夺性定价与倾销、价格歧视等行为进行了区分。

    And from behavior corpus , scope and standards on aspects of predatory pricing and dumping , price discrimination distinguish between such behaviors .

  4. 反倾销中的价格竞争及被诉企业策略研究

    Study on Price Competition and Effected Company 's Strategy in Antidumping

  5. 反倾销税和价格承诺的期限和复审

    Duration and Review of Anti-Dumping Duties and Price Undertakings

  6. 第15条确定补贴和倾销时的价格可比性

    15 . Price Comparability in Determining Subsidies and Dumping

  7. 美国反倾销法反对价格歧视和低于成本销售这两种不公平贸易行为,从而反对外国政府行为或不同经济制度造成的市场扭曲。

    Targeting at two " unfair " trade practices : price discriminations and below-cost sells , the Antidumping Law is promulgated by the United States to offset other governments ' interventions and market distortions caused by flawed economic structures .

  8. 为反倾销预警的出口价格风险控制设计了切实可行的控制方案,为反倾销工作者提供了有益的参考。

    For the export anti-dumping early warning , design a practical control program and provide a useful reference for anti-dumping workers .

  9. 本文运用反事实的研究方法,构建了反倾销行为对产业价格指数变化影响的研究框架。

    This paper puts forward a research frame of the effects of anti-dumping behaviors on the price index of industry involved , by using contrafactual analysis .

  10. 如倾销幅度按出口价格的百分比表示小于2%,则该幅度应被视为属微量。

    The margin of dumping shall be considered to be de minimis if this margin is less than 2 per cent , expressed as a percentage of the export price .

  11. 反倾销日落复审的范围包含反倾销税令和价格承诺。

    On generally , the range of antidumping sunset review includes antidumping duty and price undertaking .

  12. 中国目前是世界主要的反倾销目标国家,针对外国进口产品的反倾销案例也在增加,应在反倾销中有效利用价格承诺措施。

    Because China is the top antidumping target country in the world and antidumping actions in imports are on the rise , it is meaningful to employ price undertakings effectively .

  13. 再次谈到了倾销和损害的因果关系,最后还介绍了WTO许可的三种反倾销措施:临时反倾销措施、最终征收反倾销税和出口价格承诺。

    Next it introduces the causation of dumping and injury . Finally , it points out the three anti-dumping measures admitted by WTO : temporary anti-dumping measure , final levy of anti-dumping tax and export price undertaking .