
  • 网络commodity purchasing
  1. 近红外技术(NIR)在小麦商品粮收购中的应用研究

    Application of NIR technology for commodity wheat grain trading

  2. 对进口货物征收关税。出口商品外贸收购价格

    Customs duties are paid on imported goods . purchasing price of products for export

  3. 出口商品外贸收购价格

    Purchasing price of products for export

  4. 四川省内商品肉猪收购方式主要有三种:按生猪活体重计价,按活体重或胴体重计价和按生猪屠宰后的胴体重计价。

    There were three Commercial Pig Purchasing models : according to the live weight , the carcass weight and the live weight or the carcass weight .

  5. 经营者销售进口商品、收购出口商品,应当遵守本章的有关规定,维护国内市场秩序。

    In a bid to keep the domestic market order , business operators must observe related provisions of this chapter in selling imported merchandises or purchasing export merchandises .

  6. 她说:2009年第一季度过后你会发现,随着现金充裕的中国企业寻求在大宗商品周期底部收购资产,资源领域的境外并购活动将会复苏。

    After the first quarter of 2009 , you will see a resurgence of outbound M & A activity in the resources sector as cash-rich , Chinese companies look to buy assets at the bottom of the commodity cycle , she said .

  7. 菲华数量、分布、职业结构发生根本变化,大批菲华的谋生领域由农业、批发和零售业转为国际商行的中介商,经营进口商品的营销和出口商品的收购。

    The number , distribution and professional structure of Philippine Chinese changed fundamentally . Living-making field of Philippine Chinese has transferred from agriculture , wholesale and retail trade to intermediary of international commercial agency operating the marketing of import commodities and the purchase of export commodities .