
  • 网络the service-profit chain;the service profit chain
  1. 然后对赫斯克特(James.L.Heskett)等学者提出的服务利润链概念模型和Parasuranman等学者提出的服务质量差距模型(GAP模型)进行了概述,为实证分析提供了充足的理论依据。

    Then this thesis has get out of carry on the summary of the theory of service profit chain and the service quality gap model ( GAP model );

  2. 论建立以服务利润链为核心的平衡计分卡体系

    Establishing a Balanced Scorecard System Based on " Service Profit Chain "

  3. 基于服务利润链的汽车服务营销分析

    Service Marketing of the Automobile based on Service Profit Chain

  4. 基于服务利润链的服务补救及策略研究

    Research on Service Recovery and Its Strategies Based on Service Profit Chain

  5. T快递公司服务利润链分析及改善措施研究

    The Analyse and Study of the Service Profit Chain of T Express Company

  6. 现代企业的服务利润链管理

    The Service Profit Chain Management in Modern Enterprises

  7. 企业服务利润链中的顾客满意度提升策略

    A Study of Strategies of Enhancing Customer Satisfaction in Enterprises ' Service Profit Chain

  8. 基于服务利润链的证券经纪业务客户开发与维系研究

    The Study on Securities Brokerage Clients Developing and Maintenance Based on Service Profit Chain

  9. 珠三角农村信用社服务利润链管理研究

    Research on the Rural Credit Cooperatives of the Pearl River Delta Service Profit Chain Management

  10. 所谓服务利润链是一种表明企业利润、顾客、员工和公司四者关系的链,这个理论为新世纪企业的经营活动指明了一条捷径。

    The theory points out a shortcut for the management of enterprises in new century .

  11. 顾客导向的服务利润链创新与实施研究

    Research on the Innovation and Implementation of the Service Profit Chain Theory Based on the Customer-Orientation

  12. 第二部分着重介绍服务利润链理论的来源及主要观点。

    The second part emphasizes the theoretical source and the mainstandpoints of the service profit chain .

  13. 第五部分提出该模型对所有餐饮企业的服务利润链管理的指导意义。

    The fifth part puts forward that the model mentioned above is significant to guide the management .

  14. 借鉴服务利润链模型,结合我国卫生事业的公益性质,提出医院服务效益链。

    Based on the service-chain model , the paper proposes a new model of the hospital service-benefit chain .

  15. 可以用服务利润链表示为:员工满意→顾客满意→利润回报→业主满意。

    Service Profit Chain can be expressed as : Employee Satisfaction → customer satisfaction → profit → owner satisfaction .

  16. 所有这些方式不一定相互矛盾,但它们也都不适合服务利润链。

    None of these approaches is necessarily contradictory . But none of them fits the service profit chain either .

  17. 服务利润链理论认为,组织的内部服务质量决定其外部服务质量。

    According to the theory of service profit chain , the organization 's internal service quality predetermines its external quality .

  18. 通过引入价值和价值交换的概念,深入探讨了服务利润链运作的内在机理及影响因素。

    By introducing the concepts of value and value exchange , the internal mechanism of service-profit chain and its impact factors are examined .

  19. 服务利润链(Service-ProfitChain)提供了一个如何从员工和顾客两方面着手来提高服务机构业绩的基本模型。

    The Service-Profit Chain provides a basic model regarding how to improve the performance of service firms from the prospective of employee and customer .

  20. 第二章论述网点转型的理论支持,主要阐述网点转型理论,服务利润链模型等理论。

    The second chapter discusses the theoretical support network transformation , mainly on the branch transformation theory , theories of service profit chain model .

  21. 本文的创新之处在于建立了高等教育服务利润链模型;建立了感知教育服务质量模型;

    The main results of the article are established the model of service profit chain and establish the model of apperception education service quality .

  22. 依据服务利润链模型,员工是饭店最重要的无形资产,忠诚的顾客由员工创造。

    According to the model of service-profit chain , employees are the most important intangible assets in hotel , and they create the loyalty customers .

  23. 本文可能的创新之处是将服务利润链理论和内部营销理论应用到医疗服务营销管理中。

    The originality of this thesis lies in the fact that the author applies the theory of service profit chain management and the theory of inner marketing to MSMM .

  24. 因此,必须在企业经营战略中贯彻以服务利润链理论为中心的服务营销。

    So service marketing in the center of the service profit chain has to be carried out in the enterprise 's management stratagem in order to increase more profit .

  25. 服务利润链思想表明,要改善服务质量,提高员工满意度和顾客满意度是两个关键环节。

    The Service Profit Chain theory tells that if the securities companies want to heighten the service quality , it is two key links to improve staff 's satisfaction and customer satisfaction .

  26. 然后从市场经济、软管理、服务利润链等理论出发研究南京物业管理市场发展专业化管理模式的必然性;

    After that , the paper discussed the inevitability of the development of Property Management mode on specialization in Nanjing by the theory of Market economy , Soft management and Service Profit Chain , etc.

  27. 最后,本文运用服务利润链理论建立了服务补救过程模型,阐明了酒店服务补救是对顾客价值的恢复和服务质量缺口的消除,应系统地进行内部和外部补救。

    In the end , with service profit chain theory , a model for service recovery is set up to illustrate that hotel service recovery helps restore customer 's value and eliminate service quality gaps and should be applied systematically .

  28. 第三部分结合餐饮行业的特点和实际,分析餐饮企业中影响其服务利润链构成的因素,建立餐饮企业服务利润链关系模型,并对已建立的服务利润链模型进行了详细解析。

    The third part combines the characteristics of the service industry with the actual practice , analyses the main factors that influences the service profit chain , establishes the service profit chain model , and explains the models that has already existed in detailed information .

  29. 本文中,作者首先阐述了服务利润链原理在现代服务企业的内容表现,它强调企业的利润源于顾客忠诚,而顾客忠诚根本上是由员工的满意程度与服务质量带来的。

    This research firstly illustrated how the ' service profit chain ' theory plays roles in the modern service enterprises . It emphasizes that the profits of enterprise were based on customers ' faithfulness , which derives from the satisfactory of employees and the service quality .

  30. 服务利润链理论认为,在员工满意、忠诚、能力和服务效率,顾客价值、顾客满意、顾客忠诚,以及企业利润、成长能力之间存在着直接、牢固的相关关系。

    According to the theory of the service profit chain , there are certain direct and substantial relations among the stuff 's satisfaction , loyalty , ability , efficiency , the customers ' value , satisfaction , loyalty and the company 's profit , capability of growing .