
shānɡ biāo zhuān yònɡ quán
  • Trademark exclusive rights;right to the exclusive use of a trademark;trademark privileges
  1. 随着商标数量的急剧增加和市场竞争的日益激烈,商标在行政管理上出现了难题,而商标专用权也迫切需要一种更为权威的形式加以固定,商标注册应运而生。

    With the dramatic increase in the number of trademarks and the increasingly fierce competition in market , administrative management on the trademark became a problem , and the right to the exclusive use of a trademark also needed a more authoritative form to be fixed .

  2. 企业、事业单位和个体工商业者,对其提供的服务项目,需要取得商标专用权的,应当向商标局申请服务商标注册。

    Any enterprise , institution , or individual producer or trader , intending to acquire the exclusive right to use a service mark for the services provided by it or him , shall file an application for the registration of the service mark with the Trademark Office .

  3. 第四条企业、事业单位和个体工商业者,对其生产、制造、加工、拣选或者经销的商品,需要取得商标专用权的,应当向商标局申请商品商标注册。

    Article 4 . Any enterprise , institution , or individual producer or trader , intending to acquire the exclusive right to use a trademark for the goods produced , manufactured , processed , selected or marketed by it or him , shall file an application for the registration of the goods trademark with the Trademark Office .

  4. 谈我国商标专用权的保护范围

    The Protective Range of the Exclusive Use of Trademark in China

  5. 乡镇企业注册商标专用权的国际保护

    International Protection to Registered Trademark for Town and Township EnterPrises

  6. 注册商标专用权的保护

    Protection of the Exclusive Rights to Use Registered Trademarks

  7. 商标专用权与企业名称权冲突之法律分析

    The Analysis of the Exclusive Right of Trademarks and the Name Right of Enterprises

  8. 那当然。如果发现有人侵犯商标专用权怎么办?

    Naturally . Now , what do you do if you find somebody infringing your trademark ?

  9. 销售侵犯注册商标专用权的商品的;

    Selling the commodities that infringe upon the right to exclusive use of a registered trademark ;

  10. 同时,欧盟在知识产权立法以及保护商标专用权的很多措施,都值得我们学习。

    Simultaneously , the legislation of intellectual property and protecting ownership of trademark in EU bear studying .

  11. 一审法院判决“蒙牛酒业”侵犯商标专用权并构成不正当竞争行为,其法理依据仍是传统的混淆理论。

    There has always been controversy over the traditional trademark confusion theory and the modern trademark weakening theory .

  12. 其次,有法律保护的商标专用权,将有力遏制不法竞争者对本企业产品市场的侵蚀。

    Second , owner of a legally protected trademark can defend himself against doubtful players in the market .

  13. 自撤销或者注销公告之日起,其商标专用权丧失。

    The right to exclusive use of that trademark is lost from the day the revocation or cancellation is published .

  14. 中国商标专用权保护政策的目标与绩效分析

    Analysis to the Objectives and Performance of the Policy of Protecting the Exclusive Right to Use a Trademark in China

  15. 在国际公约中对它的特殊保护已突破商标专用权的地域原则和注册原则;

    In the international conventions , its special protection has gone beyond the region principle of exclusive right of trademark and registration principle .

  16. 第九十六条法人、个体工商户、个人合伙依法取得的商标专用权受法律保护。

    Article 96 The rights to exclusive use of trademarks obtained by legal persons , individual businesses and individual partnerships shall be protected by law .

  17. 近年来,中国的司法和行政部门在其各自的职责范围内加强了保护商标专用权的努力。

    In recent years , China 's judicial and administrative bodies had stepped up their efforts to protect trademark exclusive rights within their respective authority .

  18. 原告认为,浙江尼康侵犯了其商标专用权和企业名称权,构成不正当竞争。

    The plaintiff believed that Zhejiang Nikon has violated the right to the exclusive use of its trademark and its right to enterprise name , which has constituted unfair competition .

  19. 完善取得商标专用权制度、明确认定商标抢注行为属于不正当竞争行为和建立严格的商标注册审查制度是解决问题的关键。

    The key to resolve this problems is improv - ing the system of trademark monopoly rights and determining unfair competition to rush registration and founding strict review system for trademark registration .

  20. 显然销售商的主观过错对其侵权责任的承担并不影响,只要其从事了销售侵犯注册商标专用权的商品,即构成侵犯商标专用权的行为。

    Obviously , the subjective fault of the seller does not affect that the seller take the law liability , as long as they sell the goods which have infringed ownership of trademark .

  21. 商标专用权作为企业重要的知识产权,已不仅仅只是起表示商品或服务来源的作用,而是企业核心竞争力的集中体现。

    As important intellectual property rights , trademark rights , has not just starting , said the sources of goods or services , but a concentrated expression of the core competitiveness of enterprises .

  22. 这种保护商标专用权的双轨制可以及时有效地防止商标侵权,保护这些专用权的合法权益。

    This " double-track system " for the protection of exclusive rights in trademarks could prevent trademark infringements in a timely and effective manner and protect the legitimate rights and interests of these exclusive rights .

  23. 对于侵犯商标专用权,未构成犯罪的,工商行政管理部门可以处以罚款。

    If the act of infringement on the right to exclusive use of a registered trademark does not constitute a crime , the administrative department for industry and commerce may still impose a fine on the infringe .

  24. 第56条第3款之规定,销售不知道是侵犯注册商标专用权的商品,能证明该商品是自己合法取得的并说明提供者的,不承担赔偿责任。

    According to Article 56 paragraph 3 , provisions , sales do not know infringement of registered trademark goods , to prove that the goods are legally acquired and that their provider is not liable for damages .

  25. 而《美国法典》等相关法律也规定美国海关可以对商标专用权、著作权、商号名称、专利权及集成电路布图等实施边境保护。

    Relevant laws such as United States Code also stipulate that US customs can carry out border protection on the right to exclusive use of trademarks , copyrights , business name , patent rights , integrated circuit layout , etc.

  26. 工商行政管理部门对同一侵犯注册商标专用权行为已经给予行政处罚的,人民法院不再予以民事制裁。

    For the same infringement upon the exclusive right to a registered trademark to which the administrative punishments have been given by the competent administrative department for Industry and commerce , the people 's court shall impose no further civil sanction .

  27. 保护商标专用权,查处商标侵权行为,是维护社会主义市场经济正常秩序的重要手段,而如何认定商标侵权行为则是保护商标专用权首要解决的问题。

    Investigating and prosecuting acts of infringement of trademark is an important way to maintain the normal order of Socialist market economy of China , whereas how to determine acts of trademark infringement is the precondition for the protection of exclusive right to use trademarks .

  28. 自然人、法人或者其他组织对其提供的服务项目,需要取得商标专用权的,应当向商标局申请服务商标注册。

    Any natural person , legal person or other organization , intending to acquire the exclusive right to use a service mark for the service provided by him or it , shall file an application for the registration of the service mark with the trademark office .

  29. 如,对商标注册专用权的保护,促使中外厂商在中国注册的商标数量迅速增加。

    For instance , the protection of the right to the exclusive use of registered trademarks has resulted in the rapid growth of the number of trademarks registered by Chinese and foreign businessmen in china .

  30. 注册商标的专用权,以核准注册的商标和核定使用的商品为限。

    The exclusive right to use a registered trademark is limited to the trademark which has been approved for registration and to the goods in respect of which the use of the trademark has been approved .