
  • 网络logo;Reproduction of the trademark
  1. 一份申请注册的足够清晰的商标图样;

    A sufficiently clear reproduction of the mark whose registration is sought ;

  2. 包含马德里国际注册号、申请人信息、商标图样、指定的商品或服务描述等细节信息;

    Including Madrid International Registration Number , applicants information , trademark signs , goods or services information and so on ;

  3. 商业财务经营情况表商标、注册图样这些事情。

    Statement of mercantile financial operation trade marks and registered designs .

  4. 有利可图的商业冒险商标、注册图样这些事情。

    A rewarding Business venture . trade marks and registered designs .

  5. 商标、注册图样这些事情。

    Trade marks and registered designs .

  6. 从商标史的角度,通过论述品牌商标创立过程中图样文字设计、质量保证、广告宣传、文化内涵等要素的重要作用,以增进确立品牌商标的技巧,提高全社会的商标意识。

    The important function of picture and words design , quality assurance , advertisement , and cultural meaning in the course of the establishment of trademark was discussed . The purpose was to help to the technique of trademark establishment and increase the trademark consciousness of whole society .