
xiān shēn qǐnɡ yuán zé
  • first-to-file principle;priority of application
  1. 驰名商标具有超越地域性的独占权、超越先申请原则的注册权,以及严格限制的转让权和许可权等专属垄断权特征;

    Wellknown trademarks are characteristics of exclusive monopoly right beyond territories , registration right beyond primary application doctrines , transfer right with strict limitations and permission right .

  2. 2008年的专利法对科技发展产生较大影响的修订内容主要有强化了对遗传资源的保护,修改了先申请原则,实行绝对新颖性标准等。

    The Patent Law 2008 strengthens the protection of genetic resources , amends the principle of first application and practices the absolute novelty standard , which have greater impact on technological development .

  3. 根据先申请先注册原则,原告根据相关的合法程序是有权申请注册此域名的。

    According to the first application , first registered principle , the plaintiff is entitled to apply for registration according to the relevant legal procedures of this domain .

  4. 浅议专利审查先申请与先发明原则之比较

    Prior Knowledge Comparison between " Application Priority " and " Invention Priority " for patent Examination