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  1. 他开始啰啰唆唆地讲述自己的工作经历。

    He launched into a lengthy account of his career .

  2. 他哩哩啰啰说了半天,没有一句要紧的话。

    He gibbered away for a long time , but said nothing of importance .

  3. 友人,如果你们听到了这些啰啰唆唆的话,请告诉我,这个周末的火炉旁,暖意融融,能饮一杯无?

    My friends , if you have heard these garrulous words , beg you to tell me : Could we have a drink again by a warm stove at the weekend ?

  4. 看着他只花5分钟,凭一刀一枪就衣冠楚楚的横扫几百号小啰啰,我觉得自己一秒回到9岁,第一次看《终结者2》的那种赶脚。

    Watching him spend five minutes waffling through hundreds of bad guys with one gun and a knife , I felt like I was a 9-year-old again , watching Terminator 2 for the first time .

  5. 肺出血早期临床表现为在原发疾病基础上突然出现呼吸困难加重,肺部出现湿啰音或湿啰音明显增加;

    The early clinical performances of NPH were the suddenly aggravation of dyspnea and the increasing of moist sounds .

  6. 总是可以找到沙斯塔的错的,因为沙斯塔得干许许多多的活儿:修网洗网啰,做晚饭啰,打扫他们俩合住的房屋啰。

    There was always something to find fault with for Shasta had plenty of work to do , mending and washing the nets , cooking the supper , and cleaning the cottage in which they both lived .