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zhōnɡ liè
  • martyr
  • loyal till death
忠烈 [zhōng liè]
  • (1) [to die for one's country]∶指对国家或人民无限忠诚而牺牲生命

  • 忠烈之臣

  • (2) [national hero]∶指有这种行为的人

  • 缅怀忠烈

  1. 清明节的时候,我们去为忠烈扫墓。

    In early April , we went to sweep the martyrs'graves .

  2. 南岳忠烈祠绿化规划构思与景观效果

    The Planning Design of Greening & Landscape Result at Nanyue Martyr Temple

  3. 明代辽东忠烈祠的修建与边疆文化特色

    The Building of Liaodong Martyrs ' Shrines of Ming Dynasty and the Features of Frontier Culture

  4. 后人评他的字时,以为同他的人格一样,正直忠烈,刚胜于柔。

    His calligraphy works reflected his personal character , which was direct , loyal and decisive .

  5. 捻军被清政府平息后,政府通过采取奖叙出力官员和褒奖地方忠烈,重整地方政权机构,完善社会保障等措施,以期恢复地方正常社会秩序。

    After suppressed the Nien , the Qing government rewarded officials and martyrs , reformed of local government institutions , improved social security measures with a view to restore normal social order .

  6. 表明某人信仰或忠贞于。战后两年在马江之畔建立一座昭忠祠作为对忠烈将士永远之纪念。

    Confess one 's faith in , or allegiance to . Two years postwar , a temple cherishing the loyal souls of the martyrs named Zhao Zhong was built by the Ma-Jiang riverside with a monument in it .

  7. 《忠烈杨家将》:导演于仁泰的这部史诗大片将时代背景设置在宋朝,根据杨家将一门忠烈七子救父的故事改编。

    Saving General Yang : Director Ronny Yu 's epic set in the Song Dynasty is based on a legend of seven warrior brothers who set out to rescue their father , General Yang , during war . '